
Training and a surprise

Aimee POV

It only took a month to get the orphanage and necessities for the pups ready. Sam had contacted every pack in North America and told them that we had built an orphanage to ease the strain orphaned pups can cause in a pack. It was a week afterward that we started receiving orphan pups. We hope the rogues would hear about it and come looking for their lost pups. I visited them every day on my way to training.

Nichole and I have been focusing on defensive powers. I have gotten good enough to freeze not only wolves but others as well. I can push my own shield away from myself and towards another person or group of people. I've been bored with our training lately and have been thinking about asking her about the attack powers so I'm not a sitting duck. I found her in our usual spot in the back garden. It was away from all prying eyes.

"Nichole, can we learn something new today? Maybe an attack?" I asked as soon as I saw her.

"My thoughts exactly." She replied gesturing me to come closer. Once I got close enough she began our lesson. "First we concentrate on the earth. Call to it, bring it up into the air. Picture the trees ahead of us in your mind. Hurl the earth at the trees." She instructed.

With my eyes closed, I was focused entirely on the earth. I felt it lift into the air like I called for it to do. In a split second, it was flying towards the trees. I heard the earth pierce the trees. Suddenly I heard creaking and opened my eyes. The trees were falling over slowly. I had sheered through the trunks of four trees clean through.

"Well that came too natural. Only use nature as a weapon if you have no other choice." She warned.

Just as she had finished speaking we heard a twig snap to our left. My shields went up and encompassed Nichole as well. A lone wolf came slowly crawling on its belly towards us. Without a warning, a voice intruded on my own thoughts.

"Please don't kill me great Luna. I hope my pup is here. Oh my goddess I'm going to get killed." The unknown wolf thought.

I called for Sam to come by himself to where we were and bring a robe. I knelt down to her level and held my hands up to show her I meant no harm. "We won't hurt you. I am Luna Corvine, Alpha Corvine is on his way with a robe. When he gets here please shift back so we can talk." I said calmly. The wolf nodded and whined baring her neck to me indicating he understood and submitted.

Two minutes passed and Sam arrived. Just as she agreed she shifted back to human form. I quickly went to her and wrapped the robe around her before she collapsed to the ground. Nichole was at my side in an instant to take the weight of the wolf before she could strain me.

"Greatest Luna of our kind," she started and bowed. "I have heard of your orphanage and came here with the hopes to find my pups." She finished with sobs.

"It's alright. Let's get you cleaned up and dressed and we will take you to the hospital." I didn't quite get to finish what I was saying when she interrupted me.

"Why!?" She screamed. "Why must I go there. I'm not hurt in anyway."

"For the paternity test. We have catalogued every pups DNA to speed up the process. The computer will tell us if your pup is here or not. It will also inform us of any pups that are slightly related to you." I assured her.

"And what if my pups aren't here?" She asked almost breaking down in tears again.

"You can stay here as a guest until they are found if you so choose." I said.

She nodded and slouched her shoulders. I wrapped my arm around her in a comforting sideways hug. I brought her to the downstairs bathroom with all the amenities she could ask for to bathe. I hung a simple sundress on the hook outside the door. I left her there to clean up while I went to the kitchen to make her some food. Getting blood drawn on an empty stomach can make you pass out or sick.

By the time I was finished making her a light meal she had finished cleaning up. I couldn't tell before but she is a stunning she-wolf. It made me wonder why she went rogue. I wouldn't bother her now with any questions. I will let her open up to me.

"Thank you so much Luna." She said and bowed.

"I made you something to eat. Please have a seat." I said motioning for her to sit at the place I set for her. I had grabbed some fruit to nibble on while she ate so as not to be awkwardly staring at her. We ate in silence.

Sam arrived just as she finished and we followed him to the doctor's lab. The doctor drew her blood and took it to be analyzed. We waited for what felt like hours but in actuality, it was only 20 minutes. She sprang to her feet when she saw the doctor enter.

"We have a female pup here that is a match and a boy pup who is a partial match. He must be a relative of yours." He stated once he got to us.

"My daughter and nephew are here. My son is still out there. Please tell me you will look for him." She said with pleading eyes.

"We hope to find all the missing pups. You can stay in a house here and take care of the pups while the search continues. We now have your DNA profiled so, whenever new pups are found they will be ran against our archive." I told her hoping to ease her mind.

"Thank you, Luna. I wish to stay and become part of your pack. I will submit to any questions you have of my situation." She said bowing and tilting her head to expose her neck to me. "I am forever in your debt and pledge me loyalty and skill to my Luna. My life is yours." she proclaimed. "I was a warrior in my home pack. The conquering pack forced the whole pack to go rogue after they killed our Alpha. if they refused to go rogue they killed them. I was one of few warriors who went willingly. I had children to look after I had no other choice. It was about 4 years ago my daughter and son went missing. My son was five and my daughter was 4. Since that day I have had to fight going feral with the hope of finding them. I fear for those other rogues whose children we snatched away." she told me and relaxed from the weight off her shoulders.

"We will end this madness for everyone. Now, you need rest and time with the pups. Your daughter and nephew were under a spell. They didn't age in the time they were under it. Take your time and come see me when you are comfortable. Follow our Beta he will show you to the orphanage to pick up the kids and show you to your new home." I said before embracing her in a quick hug.

I turned to Sam to find a look of adoration plastered on his face. I just blushed because I knew why it was there. I had handled the situation entirely without him. I let out a chuckle and kissed him on the cheek.

"Let's go love. Its almost time for dinner and our mothers made it." I said as I glided past him towards the house.