
Just a normal day

18 years later

Aimee POV

"Good morning mom and dad." I said as I placed a kiss on both their foreheads.

"Good morning dear one" mom said, dad just nodded at me returning his gaze to the paper in front of him.

I am the only daughter of Michelle and David Smith. I have one sibling, my older brother Dustin. He is 23 years old and in the military. My father is a doctor at our local hospital and my mother is a teacher at our elementary school. We live in a quaint town surrounded by woods. I've always been told not to stray too far into the woods. I have always had this feeling I belong in the woods.

"What do you have planned for today?" mom asked as I sat down at the table to eat breakfast.

"Well, I don't have any classes today. So, I thought I would just head to the café and read a book." I answered returning to my food.

"Are you going to meet up with Sam?" dad finally pipped up.

Samual Corvine is my best friend. He has been by my side all my life. Well until I turned 18. Since then he hasn't been the same, distant even. He used to always hold my hand or give me a huge hug every time he saw me. Now all he does is wave and stand near me. I need to remember to ask him what is going on. He isn't the only one acting weird. My parents have been insistent on knowing where I'll be every day.

"Honey, your dad asked you something." Mom said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I hadn't planned on it. He has been weird lately, he seems to show up whenever he likes. I was going to give him some space." I said as I return to eating my eggs. My parents exchanged a look I couldn't read. Mom just turned to me and smiled.

Dad finished his coffee and rose from the table to bid us goodbye, "See you two sweethearts after work." He said kissing my mother and me on the forehead and then left for work.

My mother was the next to finish her breakfast. She bid me goodbye and left for work. I was alone with my thoughts of Sam and that look they gave each other. Poking my eggs around not feeling like eating anymore. I cleaned up the dishes and grabbed my bag before leaving the house.

After locking the door, I grabbed my bike to head to the café. I have a license and a car but I prefer my bike. I love the feel of nature whipping past me, the wind caressing my face. It was only 2 miles from my house to the café. When I arrived at the café I noticed that a group of boys was standing right in front of the bike rake I always lock my bike up to.

"Look what we have here." The tallest of the boys said licking his lips.

"Come play with us. We are more fun then this café." Another said.

The tallest one stepped closer to me, "Damn you smell delicious."

The others stepped closer as he said that. I stepped back a few steps but before I could say a word Sam came out of nowhere placing himself between them and me. I thought I heard a growl emanating from him.

A split second later he turned to me with the most gorgeous smile, "Go ahead inside, I'll lock up your bike for you." He had a hold on my handlebars, so I just nodded and went inside.

I didn't know what had happened outside after I left but I heard growling again, I thought I heard it. I walked to the counter and place my order. My usual hazelnut coffee and I ordered Sam's favorite dark roast coffee. Once placed and paid, I went over to my spot. Fluffy couch with comfortable pillows right in front of a bay window. It was my favorite spot because it overlooked a garden full of gorgeous flowers and a few fruit trees. I settled in and opened my book, as soon as I found where I left off I felt the urge to look up. When I did I saw Sam, I smile instantly, I patted the spot beside me and he began to walk towards me. He is so gorgeous, god how I wish he was mine. Before he made it to me he saw our order ready, so he brought it with him. As he placed the cups of coffee on the small table in front of the couch I asked, "What happened outside?"

He looked at me with the most breathtaking smile, "Nothing really, I just told them to beat it and leave you alone." he said settling into the couch.

"So," taking a sip of his coffee "What's the plan for today?" he asked. Why is everyone asking me that today? Pushing the thought out of my head.

"No plan really, just going to sip coffee, read my book, then probably go home. Why?" I said.

"Just wondering." he said smiling devilishly. I smiled back and returned to my book.

As I was reading my book I heard a whisper, "Aimee". I looked around and didn't see anyone looking at me. I just ignored it and continued reading. Then I heard it again a little louder this time. "Aimee". I looked again and saw nothing. Maybe Sam is messing with me.

"What is it Sam?" I asked looking over at him.

"What do you mean?" he asked looking at me puzzled.

"You were calling my name just now. Whispering." I said.

"I didn't call your name." he replied now looking concerned.

"Well I heard my name." I said.

"Was it in your ear or in your head?" he asked. I didn't have time to answer.

"Aimee!" I hear it again, making me jump a little at the intensity. This time I knew it was in my head. My eyes went wide, I saw the concerned look on his face as everything went dark.