


During dinner, my father-in-law and I discussed pack-related issues and Aimee just chatted with her mom and her brother. I don't know why, occasionally she would hide herself making me touch her leg to make sure she wasn't too far away. At some point, I got caught up talking that I didn't notice she had gotten up until I saw her at the top of the stairs. Not saying a word, I stand up and quickly go to the kitchen to rinse my bowl. I quicken my pace as I get to the stairs. Her scent dances in the air when I open the bedroom door. I hear the shower going, so I head to the bathroom while stripping my clothes. I opened the shower door and barely got a foot in before Aimee's little hands were on me.

"Finally, I thought you would be quicker than that." she said pressing herself against me.

"Sorry my love, I had to rinse my bowl first." I said with a smile. "You cheated anyway, hiding your sent like that." I said with a pout and pulled her hips closer to me.

"I'll teach you how, later." she said reaching up to kiss my mark, making me shiver and grow harder. "Wash up, I'll meet you in bed." She said stepping out of my grasp and out of the shower.

Pouting to myself, I quickly washed off and jumped out of the shower. Since last night she has changed, she isn't shy about being intimate. I Dried off and didn't bother to wrap a towel around me. I flung the door open with a lustful grin on my face. She hadn't made it to the bed before I pounced on her. We rolled a few times but she ended up on top. The view was intoxicating, to say the least. Her naked body hovering over mine was driving me crazy.

She giggled to herself. "What?" I asked smiling at her.

"Ash, her mouth if filthy right now." She said. She ducked her head down for a kiss, trying to hide the blush that was bright across her face. She wasn't quick enough causing me to smile into our kiss. If she could hear Stephen right now she would blush.

The kiss quickly deepened, our bodies heating up with passion and desire. My hands roamed her body sending sparks everywhere I touched her. Hearing her moan as I felt her small hand wrap around my rock-hard member and stroke me. Before I could stop her, she took all of me in one swift motion. I moaned at the sudden sensation as did she. She glowed slightly as she adjusted to me again.

Slowly, she raised herself up my shaft and suddenly slammed back down, catching me off guard and dragging another more primal moan from me. Smiling at my reaction and a shimmered before she rose again. Only this time she dipped just my head in and out while watching me. Seeing me squirm she lowers herself slowly this time and moans as she takes me to the hilt. She rocks back and forth slowly. She explored every sensitive spot within her. Her pace quickened, drawing more moans out of me than I thought possible. Although I would love to be in control, I let her do as she wishes. I can feel her walls tighten around me, about to cum all over me.

I swiftly switch our position so I can give her the pleasure she gave me. I slowly, just as she did, pull out till the tip is all that's inside. I dipped in and out watching her squirm beneath me. Then with one swift motion, I slam into her, giving her all of me. I repeat it for a bit before I can't hold back anymore. The way she writhes and moans under me causes me to come undone. I feel her tighten again, I bury myself inside her rubbing her g-spot with the head. Her legs spasm, a primal moan escapes her lips as she cums. Digging her nails into my shoulder, riding the waves of ecstasy, I release my seed into her.

We lay there panting and lovingly staring into each other's eyes. I smile, knowing I am the reason for her pleased expression. We kiss softly before I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom. I start the shower and make sure it's warm. We quickly wash up and get out.

She grabs one of my shirts to wear to bed, while I grab a pair of boxers. I pull back the covers for us and crawl into bed. She immediately crawls over to me and lays her head on my chest.

"Good night my Alpha." She said as she closed her eyes.

"Good night my Luna." I said listening to her heartbeat. Her breathing begins to steady hypnotizing me to my own slumber.

Aimee POV

I wake up to my stomach growling and a deep chuckle coming from the door.

"I have great timing." Sam said as he brought over a tray of my favorite breakfast.

"Mmm yes you do." I said rubbing my eyes and sitting up. I look up at him with half-lidded eyes and a smile. His eyes were black with lust and staring at me. I followed his gaze to find the blanket had exposed my chest. A sly smirk appeared on my face.

I raised my eyebrow, "Oh, would you like to eat before I do?" I said pulling the blanket off of me and spreading wide for him. It was partially Ash but she was helping me express what I truly wanted right now, to indulge in my desires and forget the world outside.

He quickly laid the tray down on the bedside table and knelt before me. He turned me so my legs hung off the side of the bed. he pulled me to the edge of the bed causing me to yelp in excitement.

"You know I would my goddess. Let me worship you." he said

A search begins


Just before I could begin to pleasure my mate, a mind-link came through from my beta.

"Alpha, we have a situation. please hurry to the dungeon. I think something is wrong." he said immediately cutting off the link.

"Gotta go?" she asked looking concerned.

"Yeah, it's an emergency." I said with a pout. I just wanted to focus on her. I know she would tell me to go take care of the pack and that she would always be here for me.

"Go on love. The pack needs their Alpha. As much as I know you want to stay with me, you must go. I love you." she said.

"Spoken like a true Luna. I love you too. I will be back for my meal." I said smirking and wiggling my eyebrows at the last bit. that made her blush return to her cheeks. I waved and left the room heading to the dungeon.

Before I got anywhere close to the building I could see light bursting from it. The light was a mixture of colors. I quickened my pace heading straight to my beta.

"Tell me what you know so far." I said when I reached him.

"Alpha, just before this light show we heard Nichole screaming in pain. We obeyed your orders and didn't enter." he said bowing to me.

Just as I was about to speak to him we heard cries coming from deeper in the building. The cries sounded like pups. Had she finished cleansing the evil that filled the building? As if she heard my thought Nichole opened the door.

"The evil is gone." she said before looking at any of us. Her gaze left the floor and met mine. "What is it?" she asked immediately concerned due to the expression on my face. She was badly bruised as if she was fighting off a pack of bears.

"Are you alright? What happened in there?" I asked pointing to her bruised appearance.

"I'm okay. I had to fight my sister, well the evil she used on them that manifested as my sister, to break her hold over the pups." she said looking at herself. She faced me again ready to speak as the pup's cries grew louder cutting her off.

I took off through the door and downstairs. The crying pups became calmer as I entered the rooms. I pushed the button to open all cells, they all ran to me immediately.

"It's okay, we are here to help you." I said softly. I ordered my beta to get some clothes sent to the packhouse and food prepared for the pups before I led them all out of the building.

"Aims are you dressed?" I said through our link.

"Yes. What's the matter?" I could feel her worry.

"Nothing. Nichole lifted the dark magic and the wolves turned into pup and babies. We are bringing them to the pack house." I said.

"Okay I'll be down stairs with blankets and have the maids get baths ready." She said before cutting off the link.

It wasn't long before we reached the back of the packhouse. Aimee immediately came out and started wrapping the pups old enough to walk in blankets and ushered them to go to the maids. They took them to bathe and dress them. When she finished with that she told the others with infants to go to the kitchen and bathe them.

A few hours later we had them all clean, dressed and they were all being fed. I gathered the high-ranking wolves into my office to delegate our response to this new development. I had already informed all of the Alphas in the region what had happened and that I would be sending officers to bring families with missing pups back here.

"All of you have your orders. Do not give them false hope. Do not divulge any information to them about what has happened. The Alphas swore they would be vague when informing them to pack for the journey." I said scanning the group for signs they were listening. "Be quick. We want to reunite them as soon as possible and identify the ones who may still be out there. Your dismissed." I said and watched them bow and leave my office. I let out a long relieving sigh. This is going to be a long month.

Aimee POV

It's 3 am and it's finally quiet around here. The older pups woke up from nightmares and the young pups woke up from hunger frequently. All the maids switched out with the midwives and nannies so they could rest. I asked them to go back to their other job's tomorrow and that the midwives, nannies, and I would handle the pups.

I laid down on my bed maybe 15 minutes ago and Sam is already getting up. He sleepily walked to the bathroom and started the shower. I wanted to join him but I was too tired to move. I lie there listening to the shower as I thought of all the families that will be overjoyed to see their pup alive. I also can help but think of those that may not find them here. I want them all to be home. If we go to war some may never return. My eyes began to burn as the future possibilities ran through my mind. before I knew it, I was bawling so hard I didn't notice the shower had stopped. I jumped at the sudden sparks that ran along my body as Sam curled around me.

"Baby, shhh. Don't think of that now. It's okay I already started working on a plan to keep them from further harm and bring them back safely. Even if he wages war." he held me tight while he spoke to me. I just held him back burying my face in his chest and calmed myself with his scent.

"Stay. Just for a while. I need you here to fall asleep." I said as I relaxed and began to drift off.

"Of course my love. I'll be here till you fall fast asleep and I'll be here when you wake up." he said just before I was asleep.