
I found you

Alester POV

I gathered the wolves in the courtyard. "Follow me. We will be attacking the Full Moon pack." I ordered and the wolves howled in response. I began my shift, it was very painful. I felt very odd on four legs. Determined to end this quickly, I strutted to the front of the ranks and howled to signal our advance. I turned, using her power as a compass I began to run south. Hearing the pounding of paws on the earth, I grinned and increased my speed. We should be there in a matter of hours.

I could feel that we were close. Hearing the cheers and howls, I signaled the wolves to stop. My ears perked up when the sweetest voice was heard, my blue wolf was addressing her pack. I purred at the sound, I will have her soon. I could sense she had left the area, I crept a little closer staying hidden in the forest. I suddenly felt her arousal peaking, I had to act fast. She can't complete the mating process or it will become difficult to separate them.

I signal the wolves to attack. We spring forth from the forest causing the party to scramble. I know they will alert the alpha that we are here. I was surprised by how quickly he responded. A barrier went up around us. The wolves I brought with me started pounding on the barrier.

"FREEZE!" My eyes looked at the voice since my head was unable to move. "SHIFT!" he commanded. in an instant we all were in human form again. I had control over my body again but acted as if I didn't, like a good wolf. "Who sent you? SPEAK!" he ordered. I sniffed the air and smelled that honeysuckle and lavender scent, I knew she was there behind him.

"All we want is the Luna." I said to him.

"Not happening. WHO SENT YOU?" he roared. We all kept quiet. "Take them to the dungeon. We will question them there." he ordered his wolves. I smiled internally as to not give anything away.

We were taken to an underground compound and kept in separate cells. Chained to the wall by silver shackles and chains. They burned my wolves but not me. I couldn't feel her anymore, as if she vanished. Not long after being placed in this cell, I felt her, well I felt her power increase in strength. I hung my head, I knew the completed mating. No matter, I just need to be near her and I can fix this mishap.


I awoke panicked. I couldn't sense Aimee despite holding her in my arms. I looked at her confused, I could sense her again. She stirred in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open with a smile on her face.

"Good morning handsome." she said in her cute groggy voice.

"Good morning love. Did you sleep well?" I asked. she nodded then stretched her arms above her head, causing the sheet to fall and revealing her full breasts. I bite my lip and grunt as I harden under the sheets. Her eyes float across my chest, smirking as our eyes meet. Her eyes blackened with lust and biting her own lip. Just as I was reaching for her cheek her belly growled. she giggled

"I guess I'm hungry for food. I would rather devour you." she said crawling towards me.

"We didn't eat much yesterday. We can postpone the devouring till after we eat." I said earning a frown and a nod from Aimee.

We got dressed and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed all the ingredients I needed to make her favorite omelet. She came to help me chop the veggies while I beat the eggs and heated the pan. With her help, we were finished cooking and settled down at the table to eat.

My beta came into the room with a bow. "Alpha, one of the rogues requests an audience with you and the Luna." he said with a concerned expression on his face.

"We will head down there after we eat." I said dismissing him.

"I have to tell you something." she said putting her fork down. I look at her waiting for her to continue. "The Moon Goddess came to me last night in my dream. She taught me how to hide myself, well my power." she said. That's why I couldn't sense her this morning.

"It worked well enough that I woke up panicked. I couldn't sense you while you were asleep." I told her. She hugged me apologizing for scaring me.

We finished eating and cleaned our dishes before heading to the dungeon complex. We walked up to the door, hands twined together. I stopped and turned to her.

"Hide your power and scent. I don't want them to feel you and stay behind me." I said before opening the door. I could feel her shiver as we descended the stairs to the holding cells. She pressed herself flush against my back as we approached the cell. The guard motioned to the cell of the one who wanted us there.

"What do you want rogue?" I asked stepping towards the bars.

"Just your Luna. Where is she?" he stated looking around and sniffing the air.

"That is none of your business, rogue." I sternly said. I heard a hiss come from the rogue and took a step closer. Wolves don't hiss, something isn't right here. I felt Aimee shift a little behind me, I know she is uneasy being down here.

"OH, there you are Luna. Let me see you." he purred at her. I felt her peak around me. I shifted my position to hide her again.

"You will not speak to my Luna, rogue. Only speak to me." I said standing taller.

"Quit calling me rogue, you mutt!" he yelled surging towards the bars swiping at me. I dodged him. Unexpectedly he wasn't actually aiming at me but Aimee. She screamed as he grabbed her arm yanking her to the bars.

"Yes, Luna you are the one I'm after. My blue wolf is my hands." he said with an evil laugh. The hairs on the back of my head raised at his laugh. Aimee snatched her arm away from him causing his claw to scratch her arm. She ran to hide behind the guards as I approached the bars.

"Alester." I growled out as he lifted his finger, licking it clean of her blood. "Get her out of here!" I ordered the guards. Turning back to the disgusting vampire, he grinned evilly at me.

"No matter where you hide her I will find her. She is mine mutt. And now that I have tasted her blood, you won't be able to stop me." he hissed at me and then disappeared in a flash.