
Her wolf


Her eyes went wide, as did mine then concern. Her eyes greyed over before she could answer me. Her wolf is finally making contact. I'm fighting the urge to touch her and carry her myself to the planned area. I know I can't touch her right now. I got to get her father here, he will be able to move her. I mind-link her father, my father's beta even though he is an alpha.

"David, I need you here right now. Her wolf is now contacting her. We are still in the café, in the back." I said.

"Yes, Alpha." He said then closing the link. It didn't take long before he was here. He grabbed her up and we both sprinted to my car. He gently placed her down on the back seat. We both hopped into the car and drove to their house. When we got there, we were greeted by her mother Michelle as soon as we pulled up. She directed us through the house to the clearing in the backyard. She had a blanket on the grass for David to lay her on. She also had prepared robes for if any of us had to shift to prove anything.

"Lay her here David." She said and he did. After he laid her down he went over to Michelle and held her tight. Now, all we do is wait. Hopefully, her wolf is kind and explains things to her.

Aimee POV

Where am I? What is going on? I thought looking around at my suddenly new surroundings. I seem to be in a forest, it feels nice here. I jump a little when a see a blue light moving around in the woods. Gracefully striding out of the forest I saw a wolf, glowing blue? Do wolves glow? No way I must be dreaming. The wolf came right up to me nudging my hand with its snout. I raised my hand and placed it on the wolf's head to pet it.

"You are not dreaming Aimee." She said in the sweetest voice. I jumped a little, that was the same voice I heard before I was transported here.

"I am a part of you. Don't be scared but I'm going to tell you some outrageous things. I need you to believe me because I am telling you the truth." She said. I could see that she was truly sincere in what she was saying. I nodded my head preparing to be shocked.

"You were born a werewolf. A very powerful special werewolf. There is a legend about us and your mate."

I interrupted "Mate?" she looked at me and smiles. I didn't know wolves could smile. It made me smile though I hoped she would answer me first, she continued.

"We will get to him later. I need you to know what we are. The moon goddess bestowed upon us and our mate special powers. The are a paired set you have yours and he has his. When combined we are more powerful. Things are going to get very crazy in the following years. You need to trust me, your mate and your parents. They truly wished they could have told you the truth about what you are but they couldn't. I needed to be the one to tell you. Not my plan but I must follow it." she finished

I sat there a little overwhelmed but I truly did trust her. I felt that she was just another me, a part of my soul. I smiled widely at her. "I trust you and believe you. No matter what happens I know you all care and will not leave me to be harmed." I said as I wrapped my arms around her neck, snuggling her close. She started to glow brighter almost disappearing into the light. "Wait! What about mates? Who is he? What does it mean?" I quickly said before she was gone.

She continued to fade, "He is your destined true love. He has been by your side your whole life loving you!" she said as she faded completely. Once she was gone I started to come to.

I slowly opened my eyes, now seeing the darkening sky. The smell of the forest and familiar people covered me. With a content smile on my face, I sat up and turned to the people I hold so dear to me. Looking over my mother and father's faces, I notice they are anxious. Then my gaze falls on to Sam.

My smile widens "Well, hello there, Mate." I said. His eyes widen along with a smile creeping along his lips.

"Hello my love." He said holding his arms out wide inviting me into his embrace. I jumped to my feet and hurled myself towards his open arms. I heard my parents both release a breath they were holding. I gasped as our skin came in contact. The electric feeling where our skin touched was so exhilarating. I looked at him, all he did was smile.

"That's why you stopped holding my hand and hugging me. You couldn't touch me until I knew what I was." I said with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

He looked at me with an apologetic expression and scratching the back of his neck, "I'm so sorry Aims. I always wanted to just spill the beans to you but...." he trailed off.

"I know, I know." I said rubbing his arm to comfort him. "Everything is perfect now. I understand now why I was always drawn to the woods, loved the feel of nature." I said grabbing him into a very tight hug.

He pulled away to look me in the eyes. "Do you want to go on a run?" he asked, looking hopeful which I was confused as to why. "Right now? Its dark and I really think it can wait until morning. I'm..." I didn't get to finish what I was saying because Sam interrupted me. "No it's the perfect time for us to meet your wolf." he said excitedly. He looked as if mentally he was wagging his tail at the idea.

"Ash are you ready?" I asked my wolf.

"Yes, most definitely. Just let me take control. This may hurt the first time. after this it will be nearly painless." she said wagging her tail.

I took a deep breath to prepare myself. I felt as each bone dislocated and repositioned itself. The cracking sound was terrifying I even let out a yelp of pain. Then amazingly it was over.