
He awakens


On the drive home, I just couldn't stop the smile that was plastered on my face. My life is now complete. I'm so happy that she wasn't scared or closed off when she found out. It makes this whole experience a lot more pleasant and easy. When I arrived at the packhouse my mother was standing at the front door waiting for me.

"Mother! Did you feel it?" I asked as I came up the stairs.

"Yes, I did Sam. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Where is Aimee? Did she not come with you?" she asked.

"I… well I think we are just going to start everything tomorrow. I told her there was a lot we needed to talk about." I told her.

She nodded in understanding, "Are you hungry?" she asked.

"No, I ate with Aimee and her family." We sat down on the porch swing and watched the trees sway as if they were celebrating.

"I'm going to head to bed. Tomorrow everything changes." I said giving my mother a kiss on the forehead and heading inside. I climbed the stairs to the fourth floor of the packhouse. The whole floor is for the alpha and his family. After my father died, my mother moved to a smaller room on the other side of the wing. I now occupy their old room. It's a huge suite with a small seating area in front of the floor-to-ceiling bookshelf. The bed was custom made, bigger than a California king, with four posts and a dark blue canopy. The bathroom is huge too. With a tub that could fit three people, only two will ever be in it, and a large shower to one side. I designed the room the way I knew Aimee would love it. Soon I won't be sleeping alone.

After a quick shower, I curl up in bed to try and sleep. My wolf was restless, he wanted Aimee in bed with us. I just ignored him. If it was up to him he would have marked and mated her after that sweet kiss. I wanted her to know what was to happen beforehand. I don't want her to be angry with me. I let my mind wander to my future with Aimee, the sweet thoughts caressed me to sleep.

Aimee POV

The birds woke me up at the crack of dawn. Normally I would be cranky but I slept so well last night. This morning I woke up smiling. I sang in the shower. I moved so smoothly like I was floating while getting ready. I've been on cloud nine since last night. Everything felt so perfect. The man I have loved all my life is my destined one. I finally feel like me, truly me. Even though a lot was kept from me, I'm truly happy.

I make it to the kitchen to find it dark. Did I wake up before everyone? Wow, that never happens. I smile and turn on the light. I open the fridge to see what I'm going to make everyone when I heard a knock on the door. All of a sudden, I feel who is there before I even begin to move towards it. It's Sam just beyond the door. A smirk crept across my face. He just couldn't wait to be by my side, just as I wanted to be by his. It's always been this way, only I can feel it all differently.

I walk slowly over to the door making him wait a little longer. "Hello? Who is it?" I tried my best to imitate my mom's sleepy voice. I stifle a giggle.

I heard him try to stifle a chuckle, "Well it's you darling son in law. I've come to see my future wife." He said in a serious yet playful way.

I crack the door ever so slightly. Peering through at him for a moment before I flung the door open and wrapped my arms around him. "Good morning Love. I was just about to make breakfast. Want to help?" I asked while he set me back on my feet.

"Sure thing." He said.

I let him in and close the door. We make our way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. We were lost in our own little world making breakfast. I smirked when I felt both father and brother waking up to the smell of bacon. I sneak a look at Sam to see the same smirk on his face. Followed by the sweetest look as he caught me staring. My cheeks instantly heat up as I whip my eyes back to the bacon. He chuckled and my cheeks darkened. We quickly finish breakfast and set out food and utensils on the large kitchen table. We finished just in time as my brother and parents were coming down the stairs.

"Good morning dear ones. I hope your hungry." I said as they got to us. My brother said nothing and sat down, my father nodded and my mother was speechless. We sat around the table chatting and eating enjoying this calm before the inevitable storm that would come.

Unknown POV

Deep in the Montana mountains, the last vampire in existence awakes from his slumber, weak and frail needing blood. He knew that the blue moon wolves have united, it would be the only reason he was awake. He crawls out of the hole he was left in and stretches his arms. Creaking and cracking are all he heard as he relaxes. Fully awake now and hungry. "Time to go get a little snack before I find that witch." He hissed. He takes off down the mountain to feed.

He sniffs the air briefly before catching the scent of two deer just on the other side of a few trees. Hunger burned in his throat and with two steps he descends upon both the deer. He delivered a quick strict to paralyze them. He began to feed leisurely, switching between the two swiftly between heartbeats till their hearts stilled. He revels in the fresh kills warmth spreading through him. His strength begins to return.

"I'll have to deal with this subpar dinner," he says stretching his muscles. "Now, Where are you?" he asked. He opened all of his senses and quickly found what he was looking for.