

Aimee POV

I felt my mom shift under me. I open my eyes, stretch, and yawn. I look at my mom, who also fell asleep, as she was stretching.

"Feel a little better?" she said hugging me.

"A little," I said picking at my fingers. "Mom, I want to know more about what I am. Do you know where I can find more information?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. The packhouse has a library. You can use it since you are the Luna. Do you want to go there right now?" She asked.

"No, I'm going to wait for Sam to come back. He may need to look things up too." I said as I got up from the couch. "I'll just watch TV for now." Grabbing the remote, I plopped back down on the couch and turned the TV on.


Nichole and I walked into the lounge area and headed for the dungeon door. Suddenly the doctor, coroner, and the guards burst through the door panting. "What is going on?" I asked.

Catching his breath, the doctor spoke first, "We had just started to examine them when they started to ooze black smoke. Even with the mask on the smell was unbearable. We tried to continue but, the smoke filled the room. then we ran for it."

I looked over to Nichole, she had the purest rage emanating from her. I took a few steps back. "HOW DARE SHE!!!" she roared. She began to float and looked as if she grew darker. "AHHHH!" she screamed. Shoving her arms into the air a surge of magic exploded from her. My body shivered, my wolf howled, we felt the anger in it. She sighed, returned to the floor and her color came back. "I apologize for that outburst." she said bowing to me.

"It's okay. Was that directed towards anything?" I asked

"To my house. I did a spell that attracts my anger to a particular spot." she said smiling.

I smile back, "What did Natalia do?" I asked.

"She stole baby werewolves and instead of taking the time to actually raise them, she used dark magic to speed it all up. After I clear the evil out of there, we will find babies or toddlers." she said trying not to cry. "My sister is pure evil. She will pay for all she has done." She finished with a dark expression.

"Tell me what you need to clear the evil here." I said. "You are dismissed." I ordered the others. I went over to the couch and sat down. Breathing a heavy sigh, I rubbed my hands over my face.

"It will take me two days to complete, all I need is this place closed off from everyone. I will gather the rest." she said and patted my shoulder.

I stood from the couch and nodded. I sent a mind-link to the entire pack telling them to stay clear of the dungeon. I left her to her work and went to go find Aimee. I didn't have to look long. I found her watching TV.

"Hey. What happened?" she asked as soon as our eyes met.

"Something super crazy. Natalia used dark magic on babies to make the wolves we saw. Nichole has to cleanse the evil from the dungeon right now. After we can retrieve the babies and find their families." I told her.

With a sniffle, she said "Wow. I can't believe she would be that evil as to involve babies. We should do something for the families." The look in her eyes said it all, determination and remorse for being the cause of this.

"It's not your or my fault. We didn't do anything. We will do something for the families." I said trying to reassure her. she nodded and wrapped her arms around me.

"Well, since Nichole is busy I want to know more about our kind and look for any info on this situation." she said with a smile on her face.

"Anything for you love. We can start in the library first thing in the morning." I said earning a giggle and a kiss. I didn't let her give me a quick one, after today all I want to do is to get lost in her. It quickly deepens as she moans against my lips. She ended the kiss a bit too soon and pulled back smiling at my frown.

"You haven't eaten yet and now it's time to make dinner." she said starting to get up and head to the kitchen. I keep her in place and press my face against her mark sending a shiver down her spine.

"I'm not hungry for food. I want to eat you instead." I said breathlessly against her skin sealing it with a trail of kisses. Her body quaked and melted into me. A smirk crept across my face as I went for another kiss but, the look I got meant she knew what I did. "What?" I ask innocently smiling. She slapped my chest and got up.

"You know what. Now come on help me cook dinner." she said motioning me to follow with her finger.

I smiled big and rushed her, picking her up and heading to the kitchen. She laughed and wiggled around to get down. Instead, I maneuvered her in front of me and wrapped her legs around me. I know she can feel me pressing against her middle because she smirked and hung her head back with her eyes closed. The sight of her like that only made me want her more, right on the kitchen counter. As soon as I set her on the counter, she snapped out of it again with a raised eyebrow.

"The sooner we cook dinner the sooner we can do what you want." she said as she hopped down and started gathering ingredients.

"I'm going to hold you to that." I said before following her around the kitchen with my arms around her. Once she had everything we needed I let go. Side by side we made dinner for the family.