

Flashback: Night of Aimee's 18th birthday


I was just sitting at my desk in the packhouse, just staring at the clock. It was almost midnight, I needed to go to bed but I have so much work to do. Since my father passed away and I became the Alpha I haven't been sleeping well. The clock struck midnight, I felt it as soon as the chimes started. I knew what I was feeling was the mate bond pulling me to her.

"Shit, I have to go!" I yelled to my beta.

I raced out the packhouse and to my car. I had to be with her right now. I hope she isn't awake for this. We haven't explained anything to her about what she is. She is a werewolf just like everyone in our town. We had to keep it from her because she is special. A Blue Moon wolf said to unify our world under one alpha. After a few minutes, I was in front of her house. The moment I touched the doorknob the door flew open revealing her father David just past it. Suddenly a blue light filled the house. We all looked at each other wondering what had happened.

I was the first to move, taking long strides up the stairs to her room. I opened the door to Aimee's room slowly. There stood in magnificent blue light, the mother of all our kind, Selene the moon goddess. she was one of the most beautiful beings I had ever seen, second to my Aimee. Her hair was white as snow and she wore the most elegant dress, it swirled around her like it was alive. My eyes flew to Aimee, who was floating in a mass of swirling blue light. Selene raised a finger to her lips,

"Shh, don't worry she is okay. You know why I'm here, it is time for your destinies to come true." Selene finished and turned back to Aimee.

She began whispering and holding her hands up towards Aimee. The light grew brighter as Selene finished her incantation. We all just watched happily as Selene bestowed all the powers of our kind and awakened Aimee's wolf.

I was taught by Nichole that Selene would come on this day for this. I was in awe, it was an honor to see Selene again. I couldn't do anything but smile as she finished and Aimee descended to the bed. Selene turned to us and ushered us downstairs after closing her door.

She motioned for us to sit, and began to speak in the most heavenly voice, "As you all know I have awakened her wolf. She will contact her soon." She paused and looked at me. "She will need your love and protection even more now. You must be by her side everyday when she is not with her parents. You will know when her wolf has contacted her. You CAN NOT touch her until her wolf has explained things. Her scent will become stronger as the time nears. Be with her at her scent's strongest, listen to your wolf he will know when the time comes." She finished and smiled. She opened her arms to us. Wrapping her arms around us she disappeared in the same blue light.

I felt so relieved to know the time had come, we won't have to keep anything from her anymore. Michelle was the first to speak, "We will mind-link her location every day, Alpha." She hugged me and left to go to bed leaving David and me alone in the living room.

"I will try my best to not be found out before the time comes, sir." I said.

He just smiled placing a hand on my shoulder, "I know you will son, and thank you Sam." He said while walking me to the door. We said our goodnights and I got into my car. Driving slower than before back to the packhouse with a smile plastered on my face.

Flash back end back to present

"Alpha," Michelle said to grab my attention through the mind-link.

"Yes Michelle." I answered.

"Aimee has left for the café on her bike." Michelle relayed. Her favorite place to read and people watch, I smiled knowing exactly where she was.

"Thank you for that, how strong was her scent?" I asked.

"We could smell her clearly all the way downstairs and in the kitchen while she was asleep. We think it might happen today." She said I could sense her anxiety in her voice. I know she was trying to control it.

I jumped up from my office chair, "Thank you" I said quickly and closed the link. I ran a full sprint to my car. I need to get there before her. I have a bad feeling if I don't something may happen to her.

When I arrived, I looked around to see if her bike was locked in its usual place. It wasn't so I rolled down my window and waited in my car for her to come down the road. Not long after I rolled down the window I was hit with her honeysuckle and lavender scent. It was coming from the direction of her house. I didn't spot her at first, two blocks away I saw her. Damn her scent is so strong. Her mother was right it might happen today. I watched her ride past my car and go to lock her bike up. But a group of unmated boys that I hadn't noticed until now was in her way. I could hear what they were saying to her.

"I want to kill them right now. How dare they speak to her like that." My wolf Stephen growled in my mind.

"I do too but we can't." I said back to him

Right then I saw them approach her and her recoil. My body moved before I could think to. I was there in a matter of seconds, between these hormonal males and my mate. A growl rumbled through me when I faced them, quickly stopping it before she could hear it. Shit, she can't know yet.

I turned to her holding her bike's handlebars, "Go ahead inside. I'll lock up your bike for you." I said gently to her. She smiled and entered the café. As soon as she was inside I turned back to them. Grabbing the one who spoke to her with that disgusting look in his eyes by the neck, lifting him from the ground. I growled lowly so she wouldn't hear me.

"Mine!" I yelled in my alpha tone. I continued "NEVER, EVER, talk to her like that again. Or I will kill you in the utmost brutal way possible." I spat and threw him down to the ground. The rest kneeled bearing their necks to me. "GO!" I ordered, they sprung to their feet, they grabbed their friend and tucked tail and ran away from the café.

I locked her bike up and tried to calm myself. Walking into the café I was surrounded by her scent which calmed my wolf instantly. I didn't have to look for her because I already knew where she was. I turned the corner and there she was as I expected. Sitting on the couch by the bay window that overlooked the garden. It was her spot ever since we found this place. my heart skipped a beat when she lifted her eyes from her book and her soft features turned into a smile when she spotted me. I smiled back and strode towards her. Moon Goddess thank you for her, I love her so much.