
Coming for what is mine

Aimee POV

I open my eyes but I don't see our room. I see the forest where I first met Ash. I look around but I don't see her. I just see the moon, full and bright, like it's smiling at me. The moon begins to glow and a shimmering light descends from the moon.

It's Selene, she is the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen. Her flowing light blue dress ripples as she moves. "My dear Aimee, it is so good to see you again." she said as she brings me into her embrace. Again? Has she seen me before? "Yes dear child, I have known you since before you were born. You and your mate are my precious creations." she answered me before I could ask. Looking down at me with love and adoration in her eyes, she guided us to sit by a calm river.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I sat next to her.

"I'm here to teach you how to hide yourself. Alester will be able to feel your power and smell your scent." she said. Although I was confused, I sat up straight like a good student waiting for instruction. She continued, "Focus on your wolf, she will show you what your power looks like." Quietly I tap into ash, I feel her and my power connect. I look down at my hands, not expecting to see anything. my eyes were wide with amazement, I saw my power like a blue flame licking across my skin. It didn't burn but I felt it radiate all over me.

My eyes raised to find Selene smiling and nodding at me. "Yes, that's it. Now focus on hiding it, not from your sight but from others." she said. I focus on my power, it slowly calmed and I felt a barrier surround me, concealing me. I look back to her with pride, I did it and it felt so easy. "Yes, yes that's perfect. Your wolf will be able to do it as well." she beamed. "Nichole is a loyal friend, she will train you in your known powers. They will be different from Sam's powers. As you have seen tonight, his powers are for protection and fueled by his emotions. Your powers are all encompassing and fueled by your will, you can do everything you can think of. Only one down side, Alester is unaffected by Sam's powers, but your offensive powers will affect him. You must listen to Nichole and your wolf Ash. They will be your guide." she finished and stood. "I must leave you now but, I am always with you." she said. Hugging me one last time, she faded and ascended back to the moon. I sighed contently, fading out of the dream and into another.

Alester POV Day of the Luna Ceremony

After killing Nichole, or what I thought was Nichole, I began my search for her sister Natalia. I know she will help me get what I want. She is as dark a creature as I am and has a hatred of werewolves to match. The last time I saw her was before I fell into my slumber. She lived with me in my castle in a country now known as Canada. I make my way north towards my castle.

I have been traveling for a few hours when I came to the top of a mountain range. Looking down into the large valley, I see my castle. Still standing after a few centuries of my absence. Making my way down to the entrance I notice a figure at the door.

"Master!!!" shrieked Natalia, "I've missed you my lord. I have been preparing for your return in the recent years. Everything is ready for you." she said bowing. All I did was nod at her as I walked into my palace. She followed behind me like a lost puppy. As useful as she is I still hate every bone in her body. Her submission is revolting.

"Master, I have raised feeders for you, kept them pure as you instructed. I also stole several wolf pups and raised them to serve you." she said knelt on one knee with her head bowed.

"Very good Natalia, I'm famished." I hiss feeling the burning need to feed. She nodded and rose to her feet. She swiftly moved to a door and opened it. Coxing a young girl into the room and grabbing my favorite goblet. She mumbled a few words putting the girl into a trance-like state. She cut her wrist with a long sharp claw. Holding my goblet to the girl's wrist collecting the crimson liquid in it.

With a wide grin on her face, she brought the goblet to me. "Master, your meal is ready." she said bowing and holding it towards me.

"Mmmm. It smells delicious." I purred swirling it like a fine wine before drinking it all. "Natalia, have you finished the spell I ordered you to complete upon my awakening?" I asked licking the last drops from my lips.

"Yes master. we can begin as soon as you are ready. The wolves are awaiting your command." she answered.

"Lead the way." I said and followed behind her.

We enter a dark room lit only by candles. There are writings on the walls and floors, I never cared to learn the language of the witches. She went over to a table covered in books and the different ingredients she uses.

"Stand in the middle of the room my lord." she said turning to her table and grabbing a few things. She sprinkled something that smelled awful around me. Chanting and swaying she raised her hands to the sky. Light swirled around me, tightening around my body. It shot into my body, searing pain erupted from my skin. Hair began to sprout and my hands shifted to paws. The pain started to recede, the hair retracted and my hands returned to normal. "Master, you can only shift into a wolf once. When you shift back the spell will fade. While in this form the blue wolf will have power over you." she explained.

"Excellent, I only need one chance to get close to her. Prepare the wolves. We leave at once." I commanded