
Chapter 8

(A/N: I'm so LAZY! AHH! Sorry. Been going to the gym, spending more time with family and such, I didn't think I wouldn't update for a whole month but here we are. Sorry again but I am gonna try to not be so lazy considering school is starting up again in about a week which will fuck up my schedule heavily.)

Time Before Final Match:

00: 0: 50

Team V vs Team Z



Standing on the field, I looked at the faces of Team Z, my eyes glancing at the four "main characters" on their team as we waited on the countdown, winning or losing wouldn't change the fact that they pass but they all had resolute expressions on their face, they wanted to win against us.

Soon the match started as I immediately charged with the ball, the first to attempt stopping me being Bachira.

"You're charging head on? You must be a real monster."

"I'm more of a monster than anyone you've faced yet."

Dribbling, Bachira followed before I stanced to take a shot, making him cross to steal before I cut in to a chop right, passing him as the next to stop me was Kunigami.

"That's as far as you go."

"Wow." He pressed against me, forcing me to cut off my right shot as I looked at him.

"You know you have real good strength, but if you really want to stop me..."

With the ball trapped with my right, my left foot suddenly shot forward, my high-speed 'Railgun' left shot scoring in the top right of the goal as I lightly smirked at the sudden change in their expressions.

"You need to give up on that shitty hero dream."

Score: 1-0

Everyone turned to me, each player on the field trying to comprehend what I just did as I started to speak.

"The best striker, Noel Noa, what would his best trait be? His physical build? Playmaking? Abilities? I believe it would be his innate trait of ambidexterity, and what do you know, I also happen to have the same trait."

Kunigami seemed the most surprised that I could see since he was still next to me while I looked over at the 'pieces' forming in Isagi's head.

"It doesn't matter how hard you try to stop me, doesn't matter what angle I'm at, as long as the ball is at my feet.."

"I can score."

With those words, the game restarted in Team Z's favor as Bachira showed off his dribbling, before out of the corner of his sight, the biggest monster he had ever seen formed, coming straight at him.


"Try it Meguru."

He showed his skills by using his excellent dribbling to make me move forward which made him prepare to nutmeg, only for me to move back which had him roulette me instead as the ball disappeared from his foot before he knew it, courtesy of me.

I had moved back just enough to knock the ball and force him off balance even if just for a second to take the ball away, my eyes went over to Isagi who was running towards me, Bachira having quickly turned to force me to pick a way either of them could cover but instead I wasn't even looking at the ball under my foot my eyes were looking over the whole field, seeing the singular best spot.

My foot had shot the ball out, a curved shot going to the upper-right corner of the goal before it had actually hit the goalpost, giving a momentary relief to Team Z before the ball had rebounded right in front of Nagi.

His eyes seemed to spin briefly before he launched a powerful right shot into the net that the GK just couldn't keep up with, scoring Team V's next point.

Score: 2-0

A perfect shot that was actually a pass to the second best player on Team V, calculated perfectly to rebound in such a way that luck had no part in it, a perfect pass from Katsu Nanami to Nagi Seishiro.

The game restarted quick as Kunigami this time had charged with the ball, Team Z knew that if they wanted a chance it had to be with one of those four considering how they played last match, even if some like Raichi didn't like it, he had to accept that those four, Chigiri, Kunigami, Bachira, and Isagi, were the reason they won their last match.

While Kunigami passed alongside Bachira I had barely paid them attention, catching Isagi's attention with how I had started rapidly turning my head, looking over absolutely everything.

'Naruhaya's open for a pass but someone is holding back on the mark. No way is Raichi passing that guy. Kunigami wants to shoot, Reo will stop him while that guy stops the pass to Bachira so the only option is… You.'

No one else was in a perfect pass position except for the future "Red Panther". That made my choice obvious as I had stuck out my leg, intercepting a hard pass over to Chigiri before my foot had shot out, hard.


Score: 3-0

As great as it was to use my 'railgun' shot, I was thinking of a way to make it better, at this level none of these players can stop me sure, but there was something I was missing, a key factor to make my shot better, faster, just as fast and possibly even faster than Kaiser's.



Damnit. Damnit. Damnit!

We looked at everything we had on this guy! Katsu Nanami is ambidextrous? Of course the most important thing is something none of us could've known.

Come on Kunigami! Pass it to Chigiri, you know that's the only opti- Wait a second.

Why is he not focusing on the ball?

I followed Katsu's movements as something seemed to click for me. He's looking at everyone on the field, continuously updating the information of where each player is, keeping track of everyone! This is what's letting him destroy us! By using his peripheral vision he can know everything happening on the field!

My heart raced as I thought of the implications of a vision like that. 'Metavision… A 4th dimensional view that keeps up with everything. With vision like that it would practically turn you… into a god.' I thought, my eyes widening as I paid closer attention to his team's third goal and his second.

He stopped Kunigami's pass to Chigiri perfectly because he could keep track of everything. Does he do that for the entire game? Can he keep up with that much information?

No way… Is this the level difference between someone like me and him? Katsu Nanami's fomrula for scoring goals.


'With those skills he can make a shot from anywhere on the field!' I almost stopped dead in my tracks at the implication.

'There's no way for us to beat him! Evolve to the next level? Yeah right! Even if we evolve to the next level what then? We were never close in skill level to someone like him, and those other three on Team V.. It's hopeless, we have no chance of winning.' We will move on anyway, our win against Team W assured that but…

Damnit! To hell with it all! No way am I gonna let this opportunity pass by. I just have to keep it at a level that I can keep up with!

I slowly started to swivel my head, copying the movement of Nanami before as I inputted the data.

"Holy shit…" Is this how he envisions the field? This much data input… everything happening on the field…

Football is so fucking fun!