
Blue Lock: Inazuma!

First time around, I was an accountant. Very boring, wouldn't recommend. Second time, a lot more fun, became the key player on a soccer team in a world where people develop super powers to play soccer better, and then I toppled the government three times and saved the world twice, with soccer. Third time around, now I'm annoyed, because I still have my soccer powers in a world where people don't actually have soccer powers, so now I'm trying to figure out how to make other people get powers, all of it so that I can get new challengers. Also, screw the God that damned my second life, I didn't even die before I was brought the third time around, ya dick!

gura_5578 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

You'd Think I knew What I was Doing

My name is Tenma Matsukaze, and I'm the best soccer player in the world, for several reasons.

Firstly, I had somehow become the leader of a soccer-related revolution, against an authoritative presence which controlled soccer from the shadow, and not even that subtly, using soccer.

Second, I have, somehow, saved the entire timeline, by going back and forth through the timestream in an attempt to stop another authoritative presence, this time from erasing soccer from time and space, which not only had it miserably failed because I somehow could maintain my love for soccer even if I had no memories about me ever meeting soccer; Which was explained as some bullshit that shouldn't have happened. But I also had to fight my great grandson or some bullshit because apparently, he and his friends were using soccer to destroy the world.

That's bad, by the way.


I had to fight aliens to save the world using soccer once again, and I think we toppled an empire, which it's impressive, but you know how many times I've toppled empires using soccer? Like, at least three times.

Now though? I'm just straight up, upset, not because I had to fight for the world three times in a row for soccer, freedom and the whole world, but because someone just screwed me over, and now I'm stuck in another world.

Again! This is the third time as well. I already died and reincarnated once, that's how I became Tenma!

But at least I used to be 'Tenma Matsukaze, savior of humanity (via soccer) and a very good looking teenager'. Now I'm 'Tenma Matsukaze, also happens to be a destitute orphan with soccer powers in a world that doesn't have super powers'.

Like, I would've been fine if I at least had soccer, but are you fucking kidding me? A world where the closest thing ever to my level of soccer is like... Captain Tsubasa? Really? No offense, I love that series, but they're not pulling out meteor strikes that can destroy an actual civilization with their shots.

Where's the soccer that I fell in love with? What even was the point of asking to be reborn as Tenma if I'm currently stuck in a world where I'm already the best, but not because of myself, but simply because everyone else sucks in comparison to the standards of my old world?

Why was everyone else so lucky that this world is a giant crossover between several sports anime while I'm stuck at this? Honestly... Bitchin'.

Now I have, somehow, replaced another Tenma Matsukaze, and weirdest thing is that I exist during the same time as the people from the original Inazuma Eleven, hissatsu's aside.

Weird, right? There are Inazuma eleven characters in this world, but they don't have hissatsus, Kenshin, Mix-Max or Souls in play, which severely makes soccer in this world so... boring, especially because I still have all of those things at my beck and call.

But, because I was a forward this time around, I apparently had gotten a card from Ego, and well, I decided that I would indeed, join it, if nothing else, at least it should be able to cure my huge boredom.

My parents, who I had to call through a phone since perpetually off, doing something job related, had granted me the go, because well, it's not like it made a huge difference.

The only issue would be telling my team, which you guessed it, it's Raimon's Inazuma Eleven.

Although to be fair, we don't actually have eleven members, we're still missing people because... plot? I guess.

It's only me, Endou, Handa, Someoka, Kabeyama, Kurimatsu, Shishido and Shourinij, with Aki, who in this timeline is not my aunt, but my cousin, as the manager.

Endou, Handa and Someoka are all second years by now, while Kabeyama, Shishido, Shourinji and myself are all first years.

Even though we have 8 members, we actually manage to scrap by because of Endou's skill and my own, but now they will be seven members.

So with that in mind, I went to school, ready to tell Endou the news.

"Endou," He looked at me from the training regime that I had helped put together.

"Hm? Tenma-kun, what is it?" Endou asked as I gave him the letter.

"I've been scouted, so I won't be able to be here for the next few weeks, at least," I said as he looked super dejected by this news.

"Really? Scouted like, to another school?" Endou asked as I shook my head, and only then he began to read.

"It's more like a organization that's taking a bunch of strikers with potential to see if they can make a team with only strikers," I told him as he looked confused.

"Even... even the goalie?" Especially the goalie.

"But hey Endou, to apologize for my future absence, I uh, I actually have a folder with several potential players for the club, I gave Aki since I saw her first," And I don't trust you with a folder, Endou, you're super likely to lose that shit.

"I mean, you didn't have to," "And they also have the stats that I was able to note and which positions they are more likely to excel at," "Thanks!"

I chuckled, no one in our team had the technical knowledge on soccer and managing it, even if Aki and Endou did their best, and it was this moment the others from the soccer club decided to appear.

"Huh? What's this? Blue Lock?" Someoka asked as he had grabbed the paper from Endou's hands and read the whole thing.

"Why wasn't I called?!" He asked.

"...Because you don't really train outside of the few moments where we're preparing for matches, not to mention that I already had a rapport before I came to Raimon," He looked annoyed by my comment, but it was true.

"Ah, Endou, Aki gave me this from Tenma," Handa mentioned as I also left aside a 'technique book', which were just a copy of Endou's grandpa's book with the addition of my notes.

I was hoping that the training regime that I gave them, plus the book I 'hid' inside this place, would ignite their hissatsus.

Meanwhile, I already had decided which Hissatsus I would be using while in Blue Lock, I didn't want to instantly get busted doing something like Fire Tornado, so I went with the ones that looked more 'easily explained' as pure skills.

Those were: Killer Slide; Quick Draw; Super Scan; Perfect Course; Spinning Shoot; Donkojou Bat; Tamanori Pierrot; Shinpuu Dash; Moonsault and Monkey Turn;

Basically, Hissatsus that don't have any kind of 'supernatural' aspect to it.

Even if I dislike the status quo, I will give it some time before I flip over it's head! It will be so much more fun later on than if I do it now. Especially if I'm able to teach other Blue Lock's members a Hissatsu or two. God, I really want to see someone using a Fire Tornado, I don't even care.

But yeah, I walked to the Blue Lock facility... and I might have to say, wow. First of all, this is not 300 students, but I'd rather say there are 500 if not 600 strikers, which is you know, an unbelievable amount, but then I remember that the other schools from other soccer animes. Which is all fun and games, given that even the most bullshit soccer anime is unparalleled to Inazuma Eleven's bullshit, which is the one I'm Godlike at.

I ignored Ego's speech, and to my surprise, I had seen some of the strikers leave on the opposite direction. Including one very known Tsubasa, who had done his own speech about how Ego was wrong and that he and his team would eventually beat whatever came from this place because Teamwork was the key for soccer, not Ego's ideology of egotism.

"Good luck out there Tsubasa, I'm just going to see if I can contradict Ego's ideas from within," I chuckled as I walked out there.

I eventually walked somewhere with people that I mostly didn't recognize, which was wack, I was halfa expecting to be somewhere with Team Z, but hey, this didn't look so bad.

"Hmm, twelve of us, and this place... 16.5 x 40.32 meters exact?" I asked myself, some of the hissatsus that I know such as Perfect Course and Super Scan helps me calculate things on my head.

"The hell does that mean?" Someone asked me.

"The size of this place is the exact same as the penalty area, of course," I said as I was already putting the jumpsuit, I recognized some of them, but the most important here was well, Shidou.

"You're right, this does seem to be the same size as the penalty area, what's your name, donut boy?" Ryusei asked me as I sighed, Donut boy? Really? I really should take a day to style my hair in another day.

"Tenma Matsukaze, I'm a first year, I'm a center forward on my current team, but I'm pretty good as a midfielder, defense and goalie," I told him as he nodded, a wild smile on his face at the predicament.

"Hey, you're the wimp from that Raimon school that I was supposed Raimon whatever that we were supposed to crush," Huh? Someone recognizes me? I turn around to see Jimon from Teikoku...

I didn't even pay attention to Ego's words as the timer began, my number being one of the bigger ones, but apparently Jimon was bigger than mine, and Ryusei of course being the highest of the team.

"Wait, that doesn't make any sense," I told him as he sneered at me.

"What doesn't make any sense? The fact that you're here?" The others didn't say much as they were focused on avoiding the tagged person.

"Well, why you are here, I thought it was the best strikers? I would've pegged Sakuma, hell, even Kidou, you're a big asshole who has a forehead bigger than your personal skills," I said as Jimon's jaw slacked, opened at my bluntness as I hear Ryusei laugh before a ball almost hits me, however if a ball this slow was able to tag me, it would just speak badly about every single person I've dueled before.

So instead, I jumped, taking the ball into my own feet and kicking it with well, an weak application of my strength, directly at Jimon. However, what I didn't expect, or rather, I ended up forgetting, that even my weak shot could easily hurt, maim and even kill people. Guess my fucking surprised when the shot goes with a boom right before a sickly breaking noise goes off, with Jimon falling to the ground clutching his nose.

"...Man, I thought you would've been able to handle it, or like, at least use that airbag in your forehead to stop it," Even as I was trying to speak, Ryusei's laugh was just rising and rising, almost on a maniacal track as I sighed.

"I guess that's one way to eliminate someone," said... Aoi?... Huh? The guy from Aoashi's here too? And in my team? Well, I guess his vision is like Metavision but huh.

Sometimes I forget that this world is a weird crossover between all kinds of sports and shit. Wonder if this also applies to Beyblades, Bakugans and Yu-Gi-Oh, God I hope so because that would be so cool indifferently if the world is more likely to explode that way.

I guess that's how my first day at Blue Lock went, huh. Awkward.