
Blue butterflies

Genevieve Roberts is pulled into a rare fashioned magnetic field which just happened to be the arms of Misha Anderson. The only problem, however, is the mere fact that he's her English Educator. The feeling that they share are indeed mutual but illegal nonetheless. Would they overcome the obstacles that's thrown their way or should they just give up on a fated love...

MonaRich · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


A soft rap came to the room's door. "Misha, I've got your sister on the line. She'd like to know if you're coming home tonight or spending the day." My mother quipped rhetorically. "I'll call her right back Auntie Patricia." His rough voice responded from my side. He sat up straight with a groan. The modern dark-headed Greek God is even sexier with his disheveled hair. I grabbed hold of his wrist, stopping him. He looks at me from over his shoulders. "Won't you consider staying with me tonight?" I asked directly, hoping that he would see reason in my requirement. He smirks at me like the Cheshire cat, scurried over to my side of the bed and pins me to the bedsteads in a playful manner. "As much as I would like to indulge myself with a second portion of your forbidden fruit, I think that it might be wiser to decline and depart for now. I'll see you tomorrow, Princess." He placed a peck upon my lips before standing up and dresses himself into his attire that lies scattered around the room. As he exiled from the suite he pulls out his mobile and he called his sister as promised. I sat up, wrapping myself in the flimsy material. Allowing the silk to kiss my birthday suit. His odor and mine is still playing tickle toe in the air. I inhaled sharply as an image of moments before swirled into my memory. I bite on to my bottom lip to suppress a giggle from erupting. Standing up from the bed I cling to the soft cover that's still wrapped around me like a sari. I made my way over towards the bathroom, opened the shower's taps and regulated the water's temperature. I let the material slip down my skin and stepped out of the messy bundle of linen before overstepping the threshold that's separating me from the shower. A soft moan escapes from my lips once the water snaked down my covering. I threw my head backwards allowing the droplets to drag her fingers equally through the remaining locks of dry hair. "Geni dear, your father and I are on our way," mom said. I hadn't even heard her enter, to occupied with my own thoughts. I opened the door slightly and peeked outside. "Where are you going?" I asked as I wipe some annoying drops of water from my face. Mom's killing the little black number that's clinging to her frame; makeup, hair and accessories done by the book. "We've got a reservation at Bella Italian, after which we have a 3-day stay at Ocean Breeze. A present from Shaun and Lesley for arranging their wedding day," she answers me with a broad smile. "That's wonderful mom. Enjoy it," I told her with an even broader beam. As soon as she left, my smile fades away. I'm happy for them, they have to unwind sometimes too but now I wish even more that Misha could have stayed with me. We could have gone at it all night long, without feeling bad for the disturbing the neighbors. 


I closed the taps and climbed out, realizing that I haven't bought along a fresh set of clothing. Picking up the flimsy material from the floor, I drape it around my glistering skin. As I enter the room the familiar sight struck me as déjà vu. "Fancy meeting you here," I say with a teasing smile. I rip my eyes away from his sitting form and made towards the open balcony doors. I let the silky linen swirl like water to the floor, leaving my exposed backside open to the naked eye. "Will you be joining me?" I ask from over my shoulder before entering the cool air and climbing into the hot bubbly tub. Misha joins me within record time and positioned himself behind my sitting form. His crotch pressed up against the hollow of my back. He snaked his arms around my middle and intertwined our fingers. I lay back into his chest. A feeling of confidence washes over me, like Misha Anderson's arms is my haven, my sanctuary. He draws a ticklish pattern on my skin with the pad of his thumb; sending shivers up my spine. Like so many times today, I looked at him again from over my shoulder and he captured my lips beneath his own. "What happened with the wiser route?" I thought out loud as soon as our lips parted. "It just so happened that Margo opt with your mother's first suggestion, saying how she'd like to have some alone time with her boyfriend," he answered with a snicker. "Margo has a boyfriend?" I asked but it sounded more like a confused statement. "Yeah, she and Simon had been inseparable since Metric. He's been conversing whither or not it's the best time to ask her to move in with him. I guess that it's safe to say that, that subject would surface tonight," he continued. I'm quite literally speechless; I could have never foretold this outcome. "Did that sooth your curiosity, princess?" He asks me with a cute smile, which instantly caught my attention when I gave him another backward glance. This quiet glimpse unfolded into a deep smacker which ended with the both of us climaxing in the hot tub. 


Misha and I had been living on nothing but water, Cheerio's and sex for the last three days. And not just any old intercourses, an act so hot and bothered that I can't even begin to grasp its denotation. We've been going at it like rabbits, doing it all over the place and in the most artistic ways possible. At times I didn't even think that my body could bend that way but I always seem to surprise myself. Thoughts of our sexual act are penetrating my inner thoughts at such an intense level that I can still taste my juices on his lips. This is a completely new high for me seeing how my womanliness had never been thrilled like this before.