
Blue Archive: I am sensei son ( Devil and Angel )

The boy, who wanted to just look for his father, but he gave up, so one day he was attacked and saved by a girl after that he and her become friend and he started to help her with all her plans, they both started to use there plans to use everything, he was shocked when she was defeated, and he was mad especially once she came back so damaged, and this time he, had enough, they defeated the angel but but now they woke up the devil. main characters name: Ritsuka hey guys this is my first Blue Archive fanfic, also the MC is not going to be a hero, I had enough of heros on my fanfic, anyway hope people like this. Main characters: Ritsuka and Misono Mika Ship : Ritsuka X Harem

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

After math

At Ritsuka's place, he was receiving an earful from his roommates, Misono Mika, Aru, Haruka, Kayoko, and Mutsuki. They hadn't been present for the fight but had seen the news. Ritsuka thought it couldn't get worse, but then his door broke down. Standing there were Sensei and his classmates.

"Ritsuka, what in the world happened out there?" Sensei asked sternly, his expression a mix of concern and frustration.

Ritsuka sighed, trying to gather his thoughts amidst the chaos of the broken door and the accusatory stares from his classmates. "It's... it's a long story, Sensei. I can explain."

His classmates exchanged worried glances, clearly unsure of what to make of the situation. One of them, Nonomi, spoke up hesitantly, "Ritsuka, are you in some kind of trouble? We saw the news about that robot attack..."

Ritsuka rubbed his temples, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "It's not what it seems. I was just... trying to help."

Sensei nodded slowly, his gaze piercing. "Helping? By fighting a raid boss in the middle of the city? Explain yourself, Ritsuka."

Before Ritsuka could respond, Mika stepped forward, her voice firm. "Sensei, there's more to this than what the news is showing. Ritsuka had reasons, good ones. You should listen before jumping to conclusions."

Aru and the others nodded in agreement, adding their voices to Mika's defense of Ritsuka. The atmosphere in the room was tense, with emotions running high as everyone waited for Ritsuka's explanation.

"I..." Ritsuka started, taking a deep breath. "It's complicated, but I had to do something. There was a threat, and I couldn't just stand by."

Sensei studied Ritsuka for a long moment, then sighed heavily. "Alright, let's hear your side of the story. But this better be good, Ritsuka."

As Ritsuka began to recount the events of the raid and his encounter with Binah, explaining his actions and the danger posed by the raid boss, the room fell silent. Sensei listened intently, his expression softening slightly as he processed the information.

After Ritsuka finished, there was a moment of silence. Sensei finally spoke, his tone more understanding. "I see... So you were trying to protect the city. That's a commendable intention, Ritsuka. But next time, please think of the consequences and maybe involve us before taking such risks."

Ritsuka nodded, relieved that Sensei seemed to understand. "I will, Sensei. I promise."

His classmates exchanged glances, some still uncertain, but Sensei's acceptance seemed to alleviate their immediate concerns. With a nod, Sensei motioned towards the broken door. "We'll discuss this further later. For now, get this door fixed and try to stay out of trouble, Ritsuka."

As Sensei and his classmates left, the tension in the room eased slightly. Ritsuka turned to his roommates, offering a weak smile. "Thanks, everyone. I appreciate your support."

Mika placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "Just be more careful next time, okay? We don't want to lose you."

Ritsuka nodded, feeling grateful for his friends' understanding. Despite the chaos of the day, he knew he was lucky to have them by his side.

As Ritsuka was in his room Mika just looked at Rita for a few second

Mika then opens her mouth as she spoke. So who helper I mean your string but I don't think you can beat a rade boss by your self

Ritsuka sigh, looking at Mika as he spoke. It was Wakamo, we were going to discuss my plans and it happened

Mika nodded before she spoke again. And what did you two discuss

Ritsuka was going to speak before he relsihe, and snakes his hand to his faces they had not Discussed anything all, he was an Idiot.

Ritsuka sighed heavily, realizing his mistake. "We... actually didn't discuss anything. It was all just chaos with the raid boss attack. I didn't even get a chance to bring up my plans."

Mika raised an eyebrow, a hint of concern in her voice. "So, you just went out there without a plan? Ritsuka, you know better than that. What if something had happened to you?"

Ritsuka looked down, feeling the weight of Mika's words. "I know, Mika. It was reckless. I should have been more prepared."

Mika sighed, her expression softening. "You're lucky Wakamo was there to help you. But next time, please think things through. We're all worried about you."

Ritsuka nodded solemnly. "I will, Mika. I promise."

They both sat in silence for a moment, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Despite the close call, Ritsuka was grateful for Mika's understanding and concern.

Mika leaned forward, her expression serious. "So, Wakamo helped you take down that raid boss. What else did you two talk about?"

Ritsuka hesitated, knowing he couldn't reveal everything. "We discussed strategies, plans for dealing with... things."

Mika raised an eyebrow. "Things? Ritsuka, you're being cryptic again. Is this something I should be concerned about?"

Ritsuka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's complicated, Mika. Just... trust me when I say Wakamo is on our side."

Mika's eyes narrowed slightly. "Our side? What exactly are you involved in, Ritsuka? You can't keep me in the dark forever."

Ritsuka looked conflicted, torn between wanting to confide in Mika and needing to protect her from the dangerous world he was a part of. "I'm trying to keep you safe, Mika. Some things... you're better off not knowing."

Mika shook her head, frustration evident in her voice. "You can't protect me by keeping secrets, Ritsuka. I need to understand what's going on. I thought we were supposed to trust each other."

Ritsuka sighed heavily, realizing he couldn't keep avoiding the conversation. "Okay, but promise me you won't freak out."

Mika nodded, her expression serious. "I promise."

Taking a deep breath, Ritsuka began to explain, carefully choosing his words as he revealed a small part of his plans that he made...

Mika blinked ones then twitch, as she looked at Ritsuka as he explained his plans or a small part of. That is something stupidly risky thing your going to do, even more risky then meeting with Black suit and figthing Binah. She y'all at Ritsuka in full volume

Ritsuka winced at Mika's outburst, knowing her concern was justified. He ran a hand through his hair, searching for the right words to calm her down. "I know it sounds crazy, Mika, but this is something I have to do. It's the only way to make things right."

Mika crossed her arms, her expression a mix of frustration and worry. "Making things right shouldn't mean risking your life, Ritsuka! Why can't you just let someone else handle this?"

Ritsuka looked at her earnestly. "Because I can't trust anyone else with this. I have to see it through myself."

Mika sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping. "You're so stubborn sometimes, Ritsuka. Do you even realize how much this worries me?"

"I do, Mika," Ritsuka replied softly. "And I'm sorry. But please, try to understand. I need to do this."

There was a tense silence between them as Mika processed his words, her gaze fixed on him with a mix of frustration and concern. Finally, she spoke in a softer tone. "Just promise me you'll be careful, okay? Don't do anything reckless."

Ritsuka nodded solemnly. "I promise."

Mika nodded back, her expression still serious but with a hint of resignation. "Alright. Just... keep me informed, okay? I don't want any surprises."

Ritsuka smiled gratefully. "I will, Mika. Thank you for understanding."

As they sat in the quiet of Ritsuka's room, the weight of their conversation hung heavy in the air, both knowing that their lives had just become even more complicated and dangerous.

They wanted to break the silent in the room, but what can they say.

As Mika was the first o e to break the silent. Remeber how we meet, how I saved you that day

Ritsuka smiled faintly, reminiscing about that fateful day. "Yeah, I remember. If it weren't for you, I might not even be here today."

Mika chuckled softly. "You were such a mess back then. Always getting into trouble."

Ritsuka nodded, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "I guess some things never change."

They shared a moment of quiet understanding, grateful for their friendship and the bond that had seen them through so much.As they both of them remember that day, as a flash back played

Flash back

As it shows Ritsuka who has just arrived in, Kivotos he was told by the student council to pick a place he will stay, and that he will get his halo tomorrow, he still had his sword Albion why he came to this city was the rumers of the teacher name Sensei he massed his father, as Ritsuka was going to try town, he was Trinity area he looked at the school as he biked away, as he was blinking it trapped and he was grabbed

Ritsuka saw his floating in the air as he saw his arms and legs were tied by wiwer, he looked at his sword he tryed to reach it but his arms was not there

What do we have here.

Ritsuka saw a group of girls the local gang of Trinity all the school district had a local gang, as they looked at Ritsuka with smirk, normal with Ritsuka, training they would be more then easy, but he was tied as then he Hurd a fire as he saw a girl this Girl was Mika as shs landed wirh her wings out and her gun in hand

As Mika looked at Ritsuka as she smiled at him. I hope you are ok.... What is the name

Ritsuka, caught off guard by Mika's sudden appearance and rescue, managed a weak smile despite his predicament. "Ritsuka... My name is Ritsuka," he replied, grateful for the unexpected help.

Mika nodded, her expression serious as she swiftly assessed the situation. "Hold tight, Ritsuka. I'll get you out of here."

With precise aim, Mika fired at the wires binding Ritsuka, freeing him from his constraints. As soon as he was released, Ritsuka wasted no time in retrieving Albion, readying himself for any retaliation from the gang.

The gang leader, a tall girl with a scar across her cheek, scowled at Mika. "You shouldn't have interfered, Mika. This doesn't concern you."

Mika stood her ground, her wings retracting slightly as she aimed her gun at the gang leader. "It does now. Let him go, or things will get messy."

The gang hesitated, sizing up the determined look in Mika's eyes and the formidable aura emanating from Albion in Ritsuka's hands. Reluctantly, they backed off, muttering threats under their breath as they retreated.

Once they were out of sight, Mika turned to Ritsuka with a relieved smile. "Are you hurt?"

Ritsuka shook his head, still processing what had just happened. "No, thanks to you. I owe you one."

Mika waved off his gratitude, her tone lightening. "Just be more careful, okay? Trinity can be dangerous if you don't know your way around."

Ritsuka nodded, a newfound respect for Mika settling in. "Thanks, Mika. I owe you more than one."

From that day on, a bond formed between Ritsuka and Mika, forged in the heat of danger and trust. They became friends, allies in a city where alliances were as fleeting as the wind.

End of Flash back

Ritsuka the looked at Mika and smiles at her. And after that day 2 weeks later you came to me, and I helped with your plans, even do we failed and now most of Trinity hated you....haha kinda funny I really can't be an effective villain can't i

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones please, I don't want it to be that one stroy that does not get power stone