
Chapter 5

You know I gotta special spot

To help you remember me

And everytime you leave this spot

You know I get to see-

Rolling over, I slammed my alarm clock off, feeling a slight headache from yesterday night's activities. It was Friday and I had plans to spend the whole day at the community centre, working on the report with Miss Kay as well as spending time with the children.

It was a public holiday but that didn't mean that the community centre was closed. A lot of parents that brought their children over did not have the luxury of taking holidays. If anything, it was an opportunity for them to pick up more shifts.

"Hey Miss Kay," I greeted as I walked into the office of the community centre, setting up for the work I was about to do. "Hey A, I saw some of the work you started on, you don't understand how much pressure you have taken off of me," she said as she continued to work on paying the bills. "Don't worry about it Miss K, you know I'll always be here" I let her know as I started pulling out more files to work on.

Taking a seat at the desk, I fixed up my button down silk long sleeve shirt, tucking it in tighter into my pencil skirt. Whenever I would work in the office, I tended to dress up more professional just so I would be more comfortable especially when I graduated.

*Phone rings*

"Good morning, this is Amaya from Miss Kay's Community Centre and Daycare speaking, how may I help you?" I greeted politely and professionally.

"Good morning Amaya, my name is Kelly calling from B&B Company."

"Okay. How may I be of assistance to you today?" I asked, immediately remembering Miss Kay telling me about this company donating a huge amount to the community centre.

"Mr Brown asked if it would be possible for him to come over today and visit the community centre ahead of the meeting scheduled for next week" She let me know as I quickly took down what she was saying.

"Okay, would you give me a couple of minutes to inform Miss Kay and get back to you with what she says?" I asked her politely, feeling just a bit stressed at the thought of them coming over.

"Oh that's no problem at all. If you don't mind actually, please ring me back in 15 minutes on this number while I make another phone call."

"Great, I will do that. Thank you for calling." I let her know, already standing up, waiting to rush and find Miss Kay.

When she had hung up, I slid off my heels, slipped into my simple flats and went out to find Miss K. After a few minutes of searching for her throughout, I finally found her in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruits!

"Miss K, I've literally been looking for you everywhere I let her know, rushing over to her. "Girl, what is it that you need to tell me? You know I don't like being interrupted when I'm having my fruits." She told me, rolling her eyes at the giggle I just let out.

"I just got a call from B&B Company letting me know that Mr. Brown asked to come in today and just see how the community centre is doing." I told her as I watched her eyes grow wide in shock. "Oh my word! Guys we need to do the quickest spring cleaning ever." She said as her voice rose up about 3 more octaves.

In an instance, Miss Sha, the manager sprung into action, putting everyone to work while I dragged Miss K back to the office so we could put some of the files away and get ready. "What time did they say they are coming over?" She asked while practically dragging me behind her by my arm. "They didn't give me a time, I was just told to call them back in 10 minutes now and let them know what we decided I guess." I let her know as I returned to my desk, prepared to make the call.

"Uhhh okay, let them know they can come in anywhere between 2-5 pm." She said, rushing around the office. "Okay then" I said as I picked up the phone and dialled them back.

*Phone rings*

"Good morning, this is Kelly from B&B Company speaking, how may I help you?"

"Good morning once again Kelly, this is Amaya from Miss Kay's Community Centre and Daycare speaking," I let her know while I toyed with the ends of my hair.

"Ohh yes, Amaya do you have a time for us?"

"We do. We will be able to accommodate your visit anywhere between 2 and 5pm." I let her know, waiting for her response.

"Ohh that's perfect actually. I look forward to meeting you Amaya. See you when we arrive."

"I look forward to meeting you as well and your arrival." I let her know as we ended the call.

Getting up, I walked out to the reception area, noticing how much cleaning was getting done everywhere. The glass doors and windows were being wiped down, as well as the floors being given a quick buff.

"Miss K, they confirmed that they will be here anytime in-between the time we gave them." I said, watching her wipe away a bead of sweat. "Okay then, we have about 3 hours left, let's use that time to get things prepared. Ohh sweetheart do you mind preparing the conference room with some refreshments and things of that sort?" She asked me while walking away, already knowing my answer. "You know I will," I let her know with a smile on my face, excited to be doing this. "Also, I'll need you to be our spokesperson of sorts, and take the guests around, give them a tour." She yelled as she walked down the hall, not giving me a chance to answer knowing I would have said no.

I know this place like the back of my hand, basically like it is my own home but having to talk to a group of people gives me the utmost anxiety.

I walked back up to the stairs and took a left, making my way to the conference room to check on its state. When I walked in, noticing how stuffy it was, I opened up the windows to let some fresh air in. I then dashed down to the supply closet and got a broom, dustpan, some disinfectant spray as well as a rag so I could quickly take care of the room without having to disturb one of the cleaners who I'm sure had loads more to do under Miss Sha.

*15 minutes later*

Finally through with the quickest spring cleaning, I took all the supplies back downstairs before heading to the washroom to clean off my hands properly and freshen up. When I was done with that, I proceeded to the kitchen to grab a couple of beverages to put in the conference room.

"Ohh Ama, we have some fresh cookies and some finger sandwiches for the guests as well," I heard Miss Bethel the head chef here tel me. "Okay Miss B! I will come pick them up when it is a few minutes left to 2pm. Thank you!" I let her know, giving her a warm smile as I walked out with the tray of beverages. Getting to the conference room, I put them inside the mini fridge to keep them cool.

Walking back downstairs to the office, I finally remembered what I would have to do and quickly felt my nerves rising again.

"Miss K, why are you doing this to me?" I whined as I walked into the the office, plopping down on the chaise and lying down, feeling stressed beyond imagination. "Girl, you better stop whining before I pop you in your mouth." She said as she looked at me with a smile threatening to come out of her mouth. "You know how bad I get with strangers," I let her know, fanning myself. "I know, but you need to not mess this up. You know this place just as well as I do honey, you'll do great."

*1 hour later*

With all of us gathered by the reception, I wiped my sweaty palms down the side of my pencil skirt, messing with my hair a little bit and my shirt. I watched as the first car pulled up and I immediately felt my heart skip a bit. I watched a woman get out in a tight and short black pencil skirt that came down to about mid thigh. She was wearing a super tight long sleeve pink button down shirt, along with some red bottom heels. I was quite confused as to whether this was Kelly, because she sounded a lot more mature and motherly on the phone.

Once she was out of the car, she took her time to disgustingly look at the building, finishing her intense gaze by looking at everyone who was lined outside before stopping at me, letting her eyes slowly go over my body with a scowl on her face. I instantly felt my confidence start to dwindle, especially considering the fact that she was smaller than me, but had curves in all the right places.

A few seconds later, an older woman stepped out of the car. She held a smile on her face and genuinely looked interested to be here. I then figured that this was Kelly, and that the woman that got out before her (who was currently typing away on her phone) was probably Mr. Brown's wife who was unluckily and unwillingly dragged along.

"Good afternoon, my name is Amaya. Thank you for being here today." I said, as I walked closer to her, stretching my arm out to give her a handshake.

"Hi my dear. We talked earlier on the phone, I'm Kelly." She said as she greeted me with a warm smile on her face.

"Welcome to Miss-" I managed to get out before I was rudely interrupted.

"Uhh, excuse me, do you mind taking me inside so I can cool down. It is hot and you still have us standing outside. What type of hospitality is that?" The lady who's name I was yet to know barked out at me, surprising everyone that was outside.

"Ohh I'm so sorry. Let me escort you ladies inside to the conference room. I didn't get your name." I let her know as I started walking out towards her.

"That's not really any of your business." She let me know as she started walking towards the building.

"Ohh don't mind her honey. She's always like this." Kelly let me know as we started walking towards the building. "Kelly this is Miss Kay, the owner of the daycare and community centre. Miss Kay this is Kelly, Mr. Brown's personal assistant." I introduced the two ladies, watching them as they both looked at me, smiles on their faces. "Ohh girl, this is one of my closest friends since birth." Miss Kay let me know as she hooked hands with her, starting to walk towards the building.

I started to slowly trail behind them, thinking about my family before I was interrupted. "Ohh Amaya, Mr Brown is on his way. He was a couple of minutes behind us, coming from a different meeting." Miss Kelly let me know as both ladies stopped and turned towards me with smiles on their faces.

Looking at the both of them skeptically I decided to wait right by the reception inside, since it was scorching hot outside. Knowing I would be able to see the car pull up, I quickly pulled my phone from behind the reception desk, checking for any notifications which I knew I wouldn't have anyways. After seeing nothing, I put my phone back and rubbed my hands down my pencil skirt once again, still feeling extremely nervous.

A couple of minutes later, I noticed a sleek black Mercedes Benz pull into the community centre and I walked outside the door, coming to a stop a few feet away from the Benz. I nervously waited to see who would step out of the car and I was shocked, the moment I laid eyes on him.