
Chapter 11

Amaya POV.

Pulling up to my apartment complex, I paid my driver and jumped out of the car rushing to get upstairs, not wanting to spend more time than I should outside. I didn't exactly stay in a safe neighborhood so me being outside as late as it was by myself is dangerous. Because of how dim the outside lights are and the lack of security, it's very easy to get snatched or attacked. A few weeks ago one of the girls in the neighborhood was kidnapped coming home from work late at night. Unfortunately, her body was found a couple of weeks later and that really shook the community up. Living where I lived, you had to be extra vigilant at night especially if you were alone and a woman.

Rushing upstairs and opening my door, I entered my house and quickly closed it ensuring that I had locked all the locks before putting my back against the door and breathing out a sigh of relief. Walking to my bedroom, I dropped my bag on my dresser before stepping out of my clothes and hopping into the shower. After taking my shower, I did my usual night routine of skincare as well as taking my wig off and putting on my satin bonnet. Getting my phone out of my clutch, I decided to send a voice note to Jess and Kay, explaining everything that happened tonight while warming up a couple of leftovers that I had in my fridge to eat.

After sending the lengthy voice note, I got my food and walked to the couch, putting on an episode of Love Island UK and indulging. When I was done, I quickly brushed my teeth before saying a small prayer and hopping into bed, drifting off to sleep thinking about Jeremiah once again.

The next day.

I can’t tell you how irritated I am at the fact that it is only Tuesday. Due to the fact that we had the bridal party yesterday, I felt like it was either the end of the week or the weekend so imagine how I must feel knowing it's only Tuesday and I still have so many days to go through before this week is over. It's week 14 of our first semester last year and we have exams in about 2 weeks. I had my final presentation today and I decided to push the day by staying at the campus until midday revising for the exams that I'd have coming up before going over to the bakery.

Mr. Jay had finally finished all the renovations and work that had to be done and we were opening up today. He asked me to go in and spend the rest of the afternoon there, just helping the staff get back into the groove and ensuring that everything was going according to plan.

Not wanting to let him down, I asked Miss Kay if it would be okay for me to not drop by the community center and she was perfectly fine with it, noting that she had extra volunteers for the day.

Walking into my entrepreneurship class and knowing I was the first one to present, I went ahead and got ready with my PowerPoint slides as well as connecting my laptop wirelessly to the projector in the room. I was going to be the only person in the class for the next 30 minutes so I decided to take this time to go over my talking points once again, just so I was extra prepared to present to everyone.

A few minutes later it was 8:50, 10 minutes before our class began. I noticed everyone begin to enter the room, dressed extraordinarily for the presentations. Our university was not really strict when it came to dress code however when it came to presentations extra marks were always given out for how you presented yourself in terms of dressing, so you know this is the time everyone decides to step it up.

“Okay class, settle down please so we can start with our presentations and finish them all up today.” Miss Mina said as she walked in and sat her briefcase down on her desk which had been moved to the side of the room and replaced with a podium to make the presentation feel even more formal. “Okay, let me just go over my list and see who is supposed to go firs- Oh it's Amaya. I do trust that you are ready to present?” She asked me peering over her glasses already knowing that I was ready.

“Yes, Miss I'm ready,” I said as I picked my laptop up and walked to the front of the room, setting my laptop on the podium and sharing my laptop screen to where it was now showing for everyone to see on the bigger screen. Picking up my PowerPoint clicker, I briefly introduced myself and begun my presentation, feeling my nerves go away the moment I began to speak.

2 hours later.

At long last done with all the presentations and having been dismissed, I picked up my book bag and headed to the library, stopping by the cafe to pick up a pack of cookies and a bottle of water for the time I would be spending in the library revising.

Walking into the library, I bumped into someone yet again, feeling slightly irritated that my cookies had fallen on the floor.

“Ohh damn, I’m sorry mami,” I heard a voice say as I saw a hand quickly pick my cookies up and brush them off before handing them over to me.

“Ahh it’s fine, don’t worry about it,” I said as I finally looked up at the individual, seeing a man, taller than me, about 5’7, with a face beat so good and a stylish outfit. Seeing a smile on his face, I plastered one on as well, not wanting to seem rude. “Your makeup though! I need you to hook me up with whoever did it because honey, it is everything!” I let him know, realizing it looked 10 times better than what I knew how to do.

“Ohh girl this is just something small that I did,” He said as he waved me off with an even brighter smile on his face. “But give me your phone so I can put my number in and you better text me,” He said, taking it upon himself to text his own number before handing me my phone back and saying his goodbye, walking out of the library. Finding a cubicle at the back, I pulled my laptop and notebooks out of my bag, beginning to map out an exact revision plan so I wouldn’t get flustered the closer we got to exam week.

3 hours later.

Hopping off the bus, I walked up to the mall and headed straight to the bakery, kind of excited that it was open back up again for me to work (which I enjoyed) and earn my paycheck. I had to over budget due to only making money from the community center which would just barely cover all my bills.

“Hey old man,” I jokingly called out to Mr. Jay, sounding kinda shocked that he was here, but then again, he probably wanted to see how things would run today, seeing how we were opening back up again.

“Hey A, it’s good to see you again,” he said with a chuckle, opening his arms, signaling for me to give him a hug which I gladly did melting into his huge chest and feeling safe. Not really having a father figure, Mr. Jay stepped up and filled that place in my life, treating me like his own. He was never able to have children with his wife and when they met me at such a young age, they really took me on, even trying to adopt me which failed miserably.

They never failed to come to the group home and see me at least twice a week, bringing me some clothes or shoes or even snacks. Once I turned 18, they insisted that I move in with them but I decided not to, choosing to find a place of my own and really push myself. I promised that if I ever hit rock bottom I would definitely go to them.

“How’s ma doing? still baking up a storm I can imagine.”

“Ugh, you know how she is. Always feeding me right and then complaining once my stomach starts to bulge a little bit. Plus she is still being her annoying self,” He laughed out, rolling his eyes slightly.

“You know you love her anyway, stop capping.” I let him know as I slightly pushed his head, dodging him before he could do the same to me.

Walking to the back, I changed into my work clothes before signing in, briefly checking to see who was here since I noticed that there seemed to be fewer people than there should be. Noticing the 3 bakers were present but only one worker in the front, I realized that I would have to spend the larger amount of the afternoon in the front, only sneaking to the back to check on inventory and orders we needed to fulfill for the restaurants we catered to when there was no one to tend to.

Pulling my hair in a ponytail, I walked out behind the counter and slipped on a pair of gloves before going to the second cash register and redirecting half the clients who were in Sammie’s line so I could help them quicker.

“Hi, welcome to Secret Recipe. What may I get you,” I said with a smile, noticing a couple holding twins who seemed to be excited to get a sweet treat.

“Hi, could we please get two chocolate cupcakes, two banana cupcakes, three bottles of water, one dozen chocolate chip cookies to-go, and one caramel coffee? Also is it okay to make an order of vanilla caramel ice-cream to go in a tub, but have you keep it till we are actually leaving?” She asked me with a warm smile on her face, holding onto her son’s hand which continuously found its way to her blue and purple ombre hair, tugging on it.

“Of course, that is not a problem at all. Your total is $20.45.” I let them know after ringing up their order, receiving the credit card from her husband, and finishing the transaction. “Please take a seat, we will bring you your snacks in a short moment.” I let them know, handing the receipt and credit card back to the husband and watching them walk away.

“I will be with you in a short moment. Sorry for the delay, we are a little bit understaffed today.” I let the next customer know.

“Don’t worry about it. Take your time.” He let me know with a small smile on his face. After his confirmation, I quickly picked up a couple of saucers and placed the cupcakes on them before packing the chocolate chip cookies in a box, placing the water bottles on the tray, preparing the coffee as well as filling the tub of ice-cream which I put in a freezer to ensure it didn't melt.

Once I was done, I quickly served the family before rushing back to the cash register.

“Hi sir, welcome to Secret Recipe. What may I get you?” I asked, taking a breath and finally paying attention to the handsome man standing before me. He was about 5’9, resembled Morris Chestnut a little bit with the chocolate skin, and was slightly built. He wore an expensive-looking suit and what seemed to be an all gold Rolex on his left hand. Realizing how much I had been overly focusing on him, I snapped into reality and saw that he was looking above me at the menu.

“Can I have 1 dozen snickerdoodle cookies, one dozen banana cupcakes, and a black strong coffee all to go?” He asked looking directly into my eyes, making me feel some type of way.

“Sure. That will be $13.84,” I said with a smile on my face. After scanning his credit card, I moved on to packing up his boxes and took my time seeing how there was only one other customer who Sammie was taking care of. When I was done. I carried his box in one hand and coffee in the other, walking over to the booth he was sitting in.

“Here you go,” I said, placing his items on the table and getting ready to walk away.

“Uhh sorry, before you leave, I just wanted to ask what your name was,”

“It’s Amaya,” I said, pointing to my name tag which was clearly visible.

“Amaya, that’s a beautiful name. My name is Collin.” He said, flashing me a smile

“Ohh, thank you,” I said positioning myself to walk away and get back to work.

“I know how random this might seem but I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime. Just as friends obviously, I just moved here and don’t know anyone.”

In other cases, I would have said no but I did feel bad for him so I decided to accept. “You know what, why not. Let me know when you are free.”

“I’m free tonight.” He confidently said, raking his eyes over my body slowly.

“Uhh-uhh. O-okay. I work till 7 pm though.” I let him know feeling someone staring a hole in me and looking up to see Mr. Jay.

“Sure. Give me your number so I can pick you up from your place at about 8?” He asked, pulling his phone out and opening it before handing it over to me.

“Okay.” I softly said, putting my number in before telling him bye and walking over to him.

“You need to be careful A,” Mr. J said as I walked past him, getting behind the counter and removing the trays that were now empty

“I promise I will pops.” I said as I stacked everything up, getting ready to take them back to the kitchen.

“You better send me updates, starting with his license plate number as well as where you are planning on going and his phone number, in case God forbid something happens and we have to track him down.” He let me know. Looking super serious.

“Ohkayyyyy.” I dragged out as I laughed, walking to the back.

Every time he got this protective, I always felt myself getting a little emotional, being thankful that I had him and ma in my life to do what my real parents should be doing in the first place. But having them with me is more than anything I could have ever imagined or asked for and I am grateful beyond measure.