
Blossom in the hills

Lilly Jones, a country girl who is invariably into the book world with her elegant pursuits is currently studying college. While studying at the prestigious college she has met a transferee his name is Austin. Austin appeared into her life and propel her life upside down. They fall in love and everything feels so right, at the birthday party, they both got drunk and sleep with each other but one day Lilly Jones found out her lover wasn't as simple as he looked. He was someone from a very outstanding background. She also found out her lover was already engaged to someone else. She also started getting threats to leave him. To add more chaos, she found out she's pregnant with a child, now what will she do?

Micheyy · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter - 6

Ada was left humiliated in front of everyone. Her hands were closed into fist. She felt anger, insult and irritation at the same time.

Everyone around had a hard time to control their laugh but since everyone was afraid of her no one dared to laugh out loud.

She glanced around with furious eyes warning everyone. After that she turned around and tried to walked out of the cafeteria.

Lilly stopped her from behind "Ada..."

Ada stopped and turned around with irritated face. "What now Lilly???" She rolled her eyes.

"Umm... I accept that I have no class or taste" she spoke slowly yet clearly.

"Humph... I know that.." Ada scoffed.

"But But But ... " Lilly spoke again "Seems like at least Austin had great taste. Don't you think so?" Lilly raised her brows at Ada.

"You..." Ada pointed fingers at Lilly but she looked around and saw smiling faces of people. She then stomped her foot before rushing out of there.

Everyone laughed hard after she was gone.

The whole day was the same as the morning. Lilly would rush to another class as quickly as the class ended so to not loose seat of her and her friend. Thankfully Austin didn't compete afterwards.

As for Billy and Claire, they were completely into each other even though it was the first day of them seeing each other. They'll keep looking at each other in every single chance they got.

After the college was over, the girls went back to their dorms.

Austin being a son of rich family, he got a room for himself as wanted while Billy had to share the room with two other room mates.

"Ohh sissy, why did you fight with that new transferee? I heard he is son of a rich business tycoon. What if he do something to you? Ohh, I'm so afraid" Sophie, a room mate of Lilly and Claire come rushing into the room with worried expression on her face. Sophie was a sweetheart to both Claire and Lilly. She was so sweet yet so naive. They have different classes so the only time they met each other was in the dorm.

However, since Lilly was famous already and Austin gaining popularity... The rumour about their fight ran around the school so fast. Almost everyone in the class knew about them at this point.

Lilly and Claire exchanged glances with their heat skipping a beat.

"Who told you so?" Claire hold Sophie's hand and made her sit on the bed.

"I heard it from my classmates. They're so evil that they were talking bad about my sissy. Just because that new boy is handsome how can they forget that you've always been there to help with their projects even though it wasn't your subject" Sophie pouted "I am so so angry at those idiots."

Phew ... Lilly sighed.

"Is that so?" Lilly asked smilingly.

"Yeah sissy, I'm angry to my stomach. Do you want me to go and punch their faces for talking bad about you?" Sophie got excited all of a sudden and she got up with her hands folding into fist "I'll go and punch right at their mouth so they'll think twice before they spoke about you next time"

"Yo girl... Calm down first. Do you think you'll beat them alone? They're three of them in their group. Isn't it?" Claire pulled her back as she shook her head.

"So... Are you two coming with me?" She asked hesitantly... "We can just smash them. I can't wait to punch them for talking bad about our sissy"

"No Sophie calm down, we aren't going anywhere. I did fight and they're talking about it. It was my fault at the first place for picking up a fight. Of course they'll talk if I gave them a reason" Lilly sat next to Sophie.

"Besides, how many of them did you decided to fight with?" Claire pushed Sophie's head "silly girl"

Sophie's face turned sad "I don't like them talking bad about you. And I'm so worried that he might do something to you" Sophie said in a sad tone.

She turned to Lilly and pleased "Sissy don't fight with him from now on.. I'm so worried about you"

"If he don't come in my way" Lilly spoke.

"Lilly, Sophie is right this time. What if he turns to be a bad person and do something? Rich people's can't be trusted" Claire jumped into the conversation.

"Ehh.. you still think he is good one???" Lilly asked Claire with a smug face.

"I mean what if he's dangerous?" Sophie added.

"I'm not afraid of some blockhead guy just because he's rich." Lilly shook her head.

"But Lilly..." Claire tried to talk to her but Lilly stopped her halfway "Enough of this topic. He don't deserve our discussion. I'm going to make noodles for me, do you two want anything?" She asked as she took out cup noodles from her closet.

At the end both Claire and Sophie shook their head in defeat.