
Blossom in the hills

Lilly Jones, a country girl who is invariably into the book world with her elegant pursuits is currently studying college. While studying at the prestigious college she has met a transferee his name is Austin. Austin appeared into her life and propel her life upside down. They fall in love and everything feels so right, at the birthday party, they both got drunk and sleep with each other but one day Lilly Jones found out her lover wasn't as simple as he looked. He was someone from a very outstanding background. She also found out her lover was already engaged to someone else. She also started getting threats to leave him. To add more chaos, she found out she's pregnant with a child, now what will she do?

Micheyy · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter - 10

"Can we sit here?" Ada asked but she just sat beside Austin without even waiting for his reply.

"I know you won't refuse. What are you guys having for lunch anyway?" Ada asked as she looked around the table just to meet Austin's cold glare that was directed at her.

Ada felt uncomfortable under his cold stare but she ignored it anyway. She was having KFC so she picked up one of her meat and put it on Austin's plate.

"Here you go. You'll love it" Ada Miller smiled sheepishly at Austin knight.

"Who told you I want it." Austin picked up the meat from his plate and put it back on Ada's. Ada's face turned pale but soon she formed a smile on her face.

The scene happened to be seen by Lilly Jones and Claire Davis who were just entering the cafeteria. From their angle, it seemed as if Austin was the one who was picking food for Ada.

"What a jerk, a few moments ago he was sticking with me, and now, he is picking food for someone else" Lilly mumbles under her breath.

"What are you mumbling to yourself?" Claire snapped.

"Nothing... Look what a perfect couple. A jerk and a school bully" Lilly said in a sarcastic tone.

Claire Davis looked their way and the smile on her lips faded away a little. She saw how rose and Ada were sitting around Billy as all of them smiled. It somehow made her unhappy.

"Screw them, let's go eat. Or else the bell will ring before we fed ore stomach." Lilly literally dragged Claire to the counter to order some food.

"By the way what are you guys doing tonight? I bet you have nothing fun to do. So why don't we meet and have some fun like a movie or games after college? What do you say?" Ada asked both of them at once. She was afraid she would be turned down if she asked Austin alone with her.

"And why would we do that?" Austin asked as he drank a sip of cola.

"We can know each other better. You Know" Rose spoke up excitedly. She was really looking forward to knowing them better.

"Thanks but no thanks. We aren't interested" Billy also rejected the so-called outing with them. He only wants to know Claire better and wants to go out only with her in his heart. So how could he think of going out with others??? That's impossible!!!

"Austin, just say yes. We'll do whatever you want. You know?" Ada miller extended her hands towards Austin's. She wanted to hold his hands. But just in time, Austin pulled his hands backward causing the cold drink in his hand to splash backward.

Just then Lilly who was coming with the tray of food in her hand got completely soaked with that cold drink. Her face twitched with anger and humiliation.

Claire Davis stood aside in horror looking at the raging mad friend. She looked exactly like a bomb that was about to explode.

She angrily walked up to Austin and slammed the tray hard on the table.

"What on earth..." Ada miller looked up and saw Lilly Hudson completely drenched with a cold drink and she couldn't hold her laughter anymore. She burst out laughing loudly "Haha haha ... What a hilarious scene. Now you look completely perfect. full soaked in filthy drink."

Ada miller even took her phone out of her pocket and wanted to click some photos of Lilly Jones. But Austin got off his seat and stopped Ada just in time.

Austin took Ada's phone from her and throw it directly in a glass of water.

"What the... What are you doing? It was my phone gifted by my daddy on my birthday. Do you even know how much it cost? You ..." She stopped yelling as she saw Austin.

Why was he glaring madly at me? Isn't he the one at fault? how come he has the gut to be angry? Why am I scared of him it's not my fault anyway. it was the one who threw my phone...

"My phone" Ada only remembered about her phone and quickly pull it out of the glass. But it was too late. Her phone was already off by now. She tried pressing the buttons but they didn't work anymore. Her phone won't open no matter what she does. In the end, she gave up and made an excruciating face.

"You bring it upon yourself. you should've thought about your phone before you take pictures of others who..." He stopped as his eyes traveled up and down Lilly's body.

"Are you trying to defend her? Ada looked furious. First, he rejected going out with her, and then out of nowhere, he ruined her phone and now he was defending her only enemy. She felt her blood boiling.

"What if..." Austin intentionally paused as he grinned at Ada.

"Stop your nonsenses. I don't need anyone to defend me. Okay?" Lilly Jones finally snapped as she glared at Austin and Lilly one by one.