
Blooming in April

Bloom I locked my door incase jace wanted to keep wandering around the house. I placed my hands on her neck with hers around my waist then her lips mashed against mine as if she was trying to to flatten my mouth I hungrily pushed her back, her mouth Opened To mine and then I put my tongue in her mouth and she granted me access and deepened the kiss. tendrils of her hair brushed my soft cheeks and I held her face in place as if to keep her from escaping I worked my mouth on hers with our tongues dancing gently and our touches syncing. I pushed her on the bed with enough time to take off my dress and I pulled down her armless top. I drew circles on her soft succulent breast with my tongue then I bit her pink nipples playfully. And I heard her moan softly. I went downwards with my hands. April She's an high schooler living in fantasy and a big dream . She's in a phase of her life where she can't determine her sexuality with the opposite sex because of her past life and experience . She's a great gal with cool humor and when she creates a world in her head she lives in it big . She just wanna have fun and experience life . Her mind is her secret place . Please read I promise it's worthy of your time

Marcelina001 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter seventeen

April 🥺😊

I was literally the only one awake. How did we end up buying the wrong ticket.

I whined loudly to my self.

I noticed the girl beside me was still awake and she looks super bored even more bored than I am.

Now I wanna use the bathroom so bad I need to relive my self and I think I'm feeling a number two cos the amount of weird food I ate yesterday were just uncountable.

I contemplated  on asking the girl beside me for help cos I don't think I can walk again.

I am beyond pressed.

Why do bad things always happen to me.

Trust me I'm a total bad luck.

Bloom 😩😇

After staying awake during this long movie some guys finally came to occupy the empty seats beside me. I was so thankful for that cos everyone, literally everyone had fallen asleep despite all our dirty talks, Avery and I made out for a couple of minutes before she fell deep into this beauty slumber.

I doubt if she's gonna wake up anytime soon coz her head is hung in a very weird and unpleasant manner.

'You know what to do'. I said to my self and did one of my evil laughters before taking like 5 - 7 pictures of her. Too bad she's not drooling, it would have made this photo look more goofy and cute when I frame it for her on our resumption back to college.

Now I'm the only one awake even the new group of people beside me were also falling asleep already.

I should have known the movie was gonna be a total disappointment since it was Avery's idea. She has a boring sense of humor.

Not gonna lie she has a great sense of humor during sexual activities though.

Oh!! and the girl beside me isn't sleeping. I wanna talk to her so bad but I don't know how to begin a stupid convo with a stranger.

After forever....

"Uhnmmm hey ?" The girl tapped me.

Yes finally!!.

"How can I help you" I said in the most bougie way I could.

"This is definitely gonna be the most embarrassing moment of my entire life" she whined before pressing her face on my shoulder.

Her scent ....!!!

Her scent is so inviting

It triggers some buried emotions in me.

"Try me" I said and patted her head.

"Here goes nothing" she began. She raised her head up and started "I wanna use the bathroom so bad and probably puke out my intestines and livers" she paused and looked at me.

Her voice is probably the most angelic voice I've heard in my entire existence.

"Cute voice though" I said absent mindedly

"Really????  Stranger really ?? I'm dying here and all you care about is my voice?? Bad thing my friends are deep sleepers" she whispered yelled at me.

"I can't walk please help me " she said close to tears.

I stood up from my seat.

"Please don't leave me I....."  Yeah, exactly your thoughts I lifted her up from the cute little theater seat and carried her in my arms careful not to wake the others up as I tiptoed out of our space.

She literally weighs nothing

She literally has nothing on. I get that it's hot and all but With this outfit her body would kill me in 10 seconds.

She's so soft and round and full and....


Oh ....my ..... freaking ....gosh

I threw her on the floor the moment I realized who she was.

Freaking April.

That fucking beautiful girl from the plane

That cute ass girl I teach.

The girl I see in my dreams.

"Still on the ground though" she said probably in pains.

"You know who I am right?" I asked her while bending to her level.

"Of course I know it's you bloom, I realized that the second we stepped into light but please take me to the bathroom"


And I did.

"Bloooom!!!" She yelled for the fifth time in 20 minutes.

"What" I asked visibly angry.

"Please get me some burritos the hotdog with me has finished" she whined from the small compartment where she was.

That wasn't the end she kept stuffing her stomach with different foods whilst taking a poop.

Who does that ???!!!!


"Thanks again and I'm extremely sorry for all the troubles I caused you" she apologized to me for the umpteenth time.

Yeah she was finally done and we decided to sit on the bench in front of one of the stalls cos we didn't want to go back in the movies and we didn't wanna sit in the reception area.

"Seriously it's alright I've been more embarrassed don't be ashamed or shy" I lied with a cute grin plastered on my face.

I'll rather kill all the witnesses than to be embarrassed in front of a lot of people.

I've always maintained my lane, I love special attentions from the general public.

Oh jeez I can never forget today she literally almost pooped on her self right there.

"Thanks you really boosted my confidence and my trust in strangers to 25%"  she said and laughed.

"What percent was it at?" I asked her not being able to contain my laughter.

"15%" she replied and smiled.

I gulped.

I gulped real hard.

Her smile is so cute I just wanna squeeze her face and munch it and lick it and hug it.

She's so cute.

"Why didn't you call me back for the tutorial you promised me" she leaned forward and was looking directly in my eye.

I swallowed.

I gulped.

I did everything I could With my saliva cos it's like she's flirting with me and I can literally see her nipples raising in her white crop top and the distance between us was like the radius of a bottle cover.

Yes !!!!  She's that close I can feel her breath on my skin

"I'm sorry I forgot, I kind of tutored other kids. I thought you were gonna come over" I said anything that came up.

"Oh it's ok" she said still very close to me.

"Yeah" I said and laughed nervously.

"I'm cold. And I didn't even know this movie was gonna take this long" she whined to me moving closer.

"It's hella boring and long" I said  "I would have given you my jacket but ion wanna die of cold, wanna share ?" I asked her.

And it's obviously not that cold but being a natural flirt I love it

I watched her eye sparkle as she nodded like an Obedient puppy.

I shifted close to her.

"Uhnmm what are you doing??" She asked me looking straight into my eye

"Sharing" I replied.

I was literally cuddling her. Omg I wanna kiss her so bad.

She shifted again and rested her head on my boobs. She looked up to my eye.

I just stared right back and she placed her head back on my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

Yup that's all the approval she needs. Now let's take this shit to the next level and kiss.


She brought out a chapstick and applied it on her lips slowly.....

Kill me !!!!

"Uhnmmm whatcha doing" I asked still staring at her lips

"Lip balm want some ?" She replied and looked up at me. "Guess the flavor?" She said with a smirk.

She pouted and faced me. Probably waiting for me to guess the flavor with it's scent.

I placed my hand under her chin to raise her head so she'd be facing me. I stared at her and placed my lips on hers giving her a deep kiss and caressing her nipples gently.

Her eyes widened and she pulled away quickly after like 10 seconds of me casually placing my lips on hers

"Omg" she shifted to the far end of the bench.

"April I've gone nuts searching for you" one guy from her group of delinquent came in hugging her.

Omg that was so close. Where did he come from

I stood up and went towards the sink cos the other guys were coming and it would be hella weird to sit there watching them make out.

I'm not a pervert.

I mean, I am a pervert, but with sense.

I watched as two guys kissed each other and two girls kissed themselves again and again. The other girls hugged so deep I cld have sworn they were inhaling each other's breath weird couple.

And of course April got the dumb guy.


"Hey baby" I said as I approached my girlfriend and placed a kiss on her temple.

"Where were you?" Avery asked hugging me close.


The movie was finally over after a lot of painful waiting.

The car Screeched to a stop in Avery's drive way and they all got down leaving me behind.

That's rude and unfair

"Halt !!" I yelled

They all stopped in their tracks and look back at me laughing so hard

"Halt?" Jace said and fell on the ground to laugh.

"What's so funny" I asked the weirdo

"Imagine saying tardy" ray said and laughed so hard

"Or Arkaied" jace said still laughing.

Chad, Avery and I threw each other a confused glance before chad spoke.

"Actually they are real words dumbass. Halt means stop, tardy means late and Arkaied means old. So what's funny"

"Yeah what's funny dumbass" Avery said referring more to her brother than ray

"Whatever y'all are old and boring" jace said and Walked in.

"Good night guys. I love you and I'm having a sleepover with jace"  Ray disappeared as fast as those words came out of his mouth.

"Still can't stop being disgusted" Avery said.

"Tell me about it." Chad rolled his eyes still staring at the direction ray took.

"It's kinda cute though. Two dumbass" I said and laughed.

"Good night guys I love you" chad said and hugged us both he also gave each of us a peck on our cheek saying we don't know he's worth and he left.

Avery and I were still holding hands with me resting my back on my mom's car.

"Babe?" She called moving closer to stand between my legs.

"Yeah ?" I answered looking down at her lips

"College is about to resume again" she said and looked away

"I'm aware of that terrifying news" I replied and turned her head to face me.

"I don't want you bawling your eyes out in the middle of the night" she said looking so concerned

"I'm sorry babe can't help it" I said smiling at her

"I honestly want you to remain like this please don't go back to being icy all grumpy, sad and all that" she said with tears in her eyes.

I pulled her closer for an embrace and placed my chin on her head.

"I want you to be happy" she said to me "you know you can tell me anything right" she faced me.

"I know baby, I know. When it's time we'll have the talk" I said and hugged her back.

"I'm worried about you" she muttered into the crook of my neck.

I carried her and placed her on the bonnet of the car positioned for a fierce kiss.

"Promise me you won't let depression, anger and hate take over you again" she said before taking my lips in hers.

A soft smile appeared on my face as I gazed at this girl trying her absolute best to make me happy. Her Eyes were closed and I tilted my head slightly to the right I felt a trace of wet rose petals against my lips as her tongue softly tease my mouth asking for an entrance.

Just her touch ignites the candle in me to a blow torch.

"Take off your jacket" she muttered against my skin.

"Slowly babe" I laughed at her and carried her inside but not before I locked my mom's car.

I tiptoed to the stairs with Avery safety strapped on me.

"This is like your special talent" she whispered and chuckled softly.

"What?" I asked still trying my best not to make any sound with my feet.

"Sneaking in the shadows like a ninja and it's always for a girl" she smiled and stared nibbling on my ear lobe.

We successfully got our self naked in Avery room and she let me take some nude pictures of the parts of her body I love.

I pushed her on the bed for the third time that night.

"Go faster baby" she whispered in muffled moans

"Shhhhhhh" I said and captured her lips in my mouth again.

I dipped two fingers in her and put it in her mouth.

"Yes baby be a lil slut for daddy" I said diving my head back into her.

She placed her legs on my neck and arched her back for me to have a better view of my favorite meal.

"Omg baby I'm gonna explode" she yelled and I didn't care cos I was also at the edge ready to expose a water fall my self.

We switched positions again with her untop of me

"Baby" I moaned as Avery rode me so fast.

"Oh my gosh"  we fell apart after going like 5 rounds with all the straps Avery own.

"I love you baby" she said and Laid her head on my chest

I woke up around 4:20 am and Avery was already awake.

"Yieesh creep whatcha doing staring" I said as I covered my self well.

"You slept off, I was about to wake you so you won't get in trouble with your parents" she said handing back my clothes that were thrown every where in her room.

"I love you baby" she said when I was fully dressed and kissed me again.

I snuck out careful not to wake anyone in her house.


When I finally got home I maneuvered my mom's car to the driveway and snuck back in my room through the window.

I immediately took off my clothes and went in the shower.

I came back with my towel casually draped around my neck.

"Good morning sunshine"  my mom greeted me

"Oh my gosh" I yelled and fell butt naked in the floor.

"How was your date night hun" she gave me a hand to stand up.

"What are you doing here" I asked her.

"Each time you sneak out I help you lock your bedroom door properly" she said casually and shrugged.

"You knew?" I asked mouth agape.

"Of course I know. Get some sleep we'll talk later" with that my mom left my room and locked the door behind her.

I received a call from my sister the moment I was about to sleep.

"The fact that mom knows a lot and keeps quiet is so scary" I said, on a phone call with Emily.

"Tell me about it, mom knew about my pregnancy and just kept advising me.

Never for once did she criticize me she didn't even tell dad" Emily said with a distant laughter.

"It creeps me out. She even knows I'm gay" I said to Emily

"That's old news mom knew before you  told me even before you knew"

We kept talking till one of her kids woke up.

Phewww.....What  a day!!.

I laid on my bed reminiscing about my kiss with April. That was the dumbest thing I've done in my entire existence.

Now thinking about it I think she pulled away cos she saw Adam.

Or probably because she's not into girls did you think of that dumbass !.

I'm so fried I whined loudly.

My phone beeped and I looked down at the message.


I love you baby be safe💝. Feel free to tell me anything 🥺can't wait to have the whole dorm alone with you. Wanna hear your scream my name when everyone is busy in class. 😹

I just smiled at her kinky self and prepared my self for sleep and my dad's useless rants