
Bloody Stars

Under the threat of getting destroyed, Ark(a planet near the asteroid belt) sends a messenger to Earth to ask for help and possibly form an alliance. Ark holds Earth in high regard yet when the Arkian messenger arrives, her whole view of Earth is shattered. With no way to return to her planet as her ship has been damaged beyond repair, and no way to contact home, she is forced to adapt to whatever Earth throws at her while trying to figure things out. However, the clock is ticking. Unknown to the Earthlings, the inhabitants of the planet threatening Ark are known to be greedy and will not stop at Ark. Earth will have to enter the fray one way or another.

Charles_at_large · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Sorry Dad

On a planet near the asteroid belt.

Ten leaders sit at a round table. Each of them lead a part of the planet comparable to a continent on earth. Together they form the Head Council.

"It's official. They've declared war on us."

"We can't deal with their fleets, especially if they send the mother ship."

Silence engulfs the room as tension runs high.

"Didn't we ask Mars for an alliance. Have they not responded yet."

"Those cowards won't help us. 'Too many problems we have to deal with' they said."

"Well it's only natural. This is Setell we are talking about. We look hopeless right now. I don't think any planet is willing to risk themselves to fight a losing battle."

"Well we may have one option."

The room goes silent yet again. Everyone is thinking the same thing. As if to back up what he said, the one who spoke last speaks yet again.

"We don't have much time. Once the Tells(inhabitants of Setell) start their journey towards us it might take them only three year. It will take us about three months at best to reach Earth. We have to act now if we want to build connections with them."


"This might be our only choice."

"All supporting an alliance with Earth raise your right hand."

All of them raise their hands resolutely. For the survival of the planet, this is actually their only choice.

"It's unanimous then. I'll send my daughter."

The last statement takes everyone by surprise.

"You can't be serious!" Says one of the council members thoroughly shocked.

"Even if your relationship with your daughter is not good this is too much."

Hearing his colleagues Grud(the one who volunteered his daughter) keeps a calm expression.

"What alliance can be formed without trust. Plus in the case that Earth refuses the alliance, we are doomed anyway. Might as well go all in then."

"You understand that no fleet can accompany your daughter. All of them have to prepare for war."

"I understand. Actually before bringing up the idea to ask Earth I consulted my daughter. She wants to go alone."

Shock. Surprise. Silence.

"Relax. She is one of this planet's elite. I'm confident she can handle this."


At a beach in Africa on Earth.

A young man stares at a shabby looking building, proof of its neglect.

"Never thought I'd be back here." He says remembering living in this house years ago with his late dad.

With a sigh he pushes the door open mentally estimating the amount it would take to repair the house to its former glory.


1 month later.

The evening sun casts an awe striking presence engulfing the sky and ocean with a fiery orange lustre. The evening waves roar as they wash up against a cliff at the beach.

Some distance away from the ocean stands a majestic house two storeys tall, white in colour complete with a balcony at the second storey.

A young man stands at the balcony edge leaning against the rail as he gazes far into the distance enjoying the scenery. Suddenly he turns his face to the sky looking at a burning object flying towards his house.

The young man hurriedly exits his house and runs some distance away. The object seems to change shape as it nears the ground before slowing down and landing soflty in the sand about ten meters away from his house.

Curious, the young man moves a little bit closer but immediately stops once he sees the shape of the object.

"A spaceship?"

The object is actually a capsule, sleek at its edges and black in colour giving off an ominous vibe.

"Nah. I ain't dealing with this shit."

"Sorry dad. It seems I have to leave this house again." He says as he pockets and starts moving away from that direction while whistling.

First chapter, first book complete. Thanks to the patience of whoever read this.

Charles_at_largecreators' thoughts