
Bloody Secrets

She was hiding, hiding from the world. Afraid to hurt anyone. Until one day, everything began to change... change into something worse. In war, to attain victory, they must fight until the end. Everyone doesn't know whose side will win until everyone is killed. A lot of blood will be spilled and countless lives will be taken. Forbidding themselves to love is the best way to avoid experiencing it. Because for them, to love one another means someone has to die in return. Will someone choose to sacrifice a life so that everyone can live? Or will they choose to fight then both live? Are they ready to know the secrets that were hidden from them? If yes, blood will be spilled.

ItsMicheeeee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 14 - First Secret: The Family


I didn't expect what happened next. I thought that these things could just happen in movies but no, this is actually happening to me now. All I know is that I'm inside the car and the following moment the car was already slammed onto a post.

I looked at the driver who is now covered with his blood. It's practically obvious that he is dead. I immediately checked his pulse even though my hands kept on trembling in fear. I felt nothing. He is dead.

"Shit." I cursed and moved back but the impact made me realize that I'm hurt too.

Damn it!

How did we even get into an accident?

I slowly went out of the car but when I got out, I stumbled onto the grounds. I can't feel my legs due to their numbness. Maybe it's because of the shock from the accident that made my body paralyzed. It's as if my soul was taken out of its physical form. I tried to crawl since I can't do anything other than this. However, someone suddenly stepped onto my hand.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I shouted in pain. I tried to look at the person who did that foul thing but damn! I can't see the person due to the mask covering his face.

Who the fuck is this?

"So, it's you." The person said. He sounded like a guy. He has this accent that would let you know that he is not good at speaking English.

"You die." He added as he surprisingly pointed a gun at my head.

At that moment, it made me look at my surroundings. I suddenly realized that many people are watching us. Though like this guy, their faces are covered in masks.

"Say bye-bye." He said and was about to pull the trigger when a car suddenly pulled up in front of us.

Only one person went out of the car. I can't see the face of that person since that I started to feel dizzy and my eyes started to get blur. But then I suddenly heard their gunfire. They are killing each other.

Who is going to stay alive?

Those armed men or that person?

However, that made me realize.

Am I going to die?

If yes, can I possibly see her for the last time?

I would love that...


"We should head back!" Someone shouted.

"We can't. Now that they know him." The other one said. Their voices sound familiar. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom and dad in front of me. They both look tired and worn out. So, they were the ones who were shouting at each other. But I thought I was going to die.

How did I get here?

And where are those men who were trying to kill me?

"Ace," Mom called when she realized that I'm finally awake.

"I will die if you got hurt again. You have been missing and now that we found you, you are in this state!" She added as she hugged me.

"How did you find me?" I asked confused.

"We searched for you." Dad started to talk. He is looking at the window as if he was looking at someone.

"What are you talking about? A while ago when I was asleep." I asked. My mom escaped from our embrace after that and there, and I can see on her face that she was surprised.

Did they expect that I won't hear their conversation?

Well, they have been shouting in front of me.

"Dad," I called since mom doesn't want to talk but he just stared at me coldly. Then, I heard him sigh.

"You will start to manage our company right." He started to talk and I nod as an answer.

What does that have to do with my accident?

"You see. Our company is not an ordinary company. I mean, our family is not ordinary." But his words just made me confused.

"What?" I asked literally confused. He can see that I can't understand a word that he is saying. So, he started to walk toward mom and massaged her shoulders.

"Son. You are the next in line to handle the Fiera family." He stated which made my eyebrows meet.

"I know." I confidently answered in return but I know that they still think that I can't understand what they were talking about.

What do they want to say?

I can sense that this is not just a simple talk.

"Our family is involved... in the mafia world. To be precise, we are one of the mafia families at the top." He clearly said that left me dumbfounded.

Is he fucking serious now?

"W-What?" I asked holding myself not to laugh in this situation.

"You don't know that of course." He sadly smiled at me.

"Because after that accident we kept it from you," Mom added.

"What accident? When? Is it this accident?" I asked confused while trying to remember what they are talking about.

"You can't remember because you were a baby. You were nearly killed because someone shot you after you were born." She added as I froze.

"W-what how could that even happen?" I asked trying to process her statement.

"Someone in the hospital went after you. When your mom gave birth, that person disguised as a nurse, then that person tried to kill you. After that, we were so afraid that your mom almost died after hearing the news." Father explained.

"Why do they even want to kill me?" I asked.

"Well, there is a prophecy in our family that the one who was been born with a birthmark that resembles our family's emblem will be special." Mom said and smiled.

"Special?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know son but all I know is they contain abilities, like powers." Mom said. Now, we are joking.

"That's funny," I said but they both just looked at me seriously.

"You are serious?" I asked in disbelief and they just nodded as their response.

"Well, you are not born special because you weren't born with a birthmark. But still, some of your mother's ancestors managed to have the ability without having any birthmark. We do not yet know if you have an ability or not until you come of age." Dad explained.

"And it's near, only a month has left and we will see." Mom said as she held my hands and smiled.

"Then let's see if it's true," I said and smiled at them. I didn't ask for more questions because even if I keep on asking, I know that I won't fully understand the things that they keep on saying. Even with these things, I still can't process them in my mind.

I mean our family? Mafia? Powers?

I just decided to keep my mouth shut even though there are thousands of questions piling up in my head. Right then, I noticed dad going towards the door of the room.

"Why can't we go home yet?" I suddenly asked.

"I heard you a while ago," I added which made Dad return to where he was standing a while ago. He looked at Mom but why did mom smile at him sadly? Why do I feel that this family has so many damn secrets?

"Other than that incident when you were a baby, you have encountered more than that so, we wanted to protect you by keeping the truth away from you. Right now, both of us don't know what to do anymore to keep you safe." Mom started to talk.

"Because of that incident. It made you forget many things." She added.

"What is that?" I asked.

"You will know it soon." Dad suddenly said and patted my shoulders.

"But the problem right now is they are hunting you." Mom said out of a sudden.

"What? What do they want? Me being killed because of having that strange ability that I could obtain when I come of age?" I asked curiously.

"That's not the only reason," Dad said.

"It is because our family is the first in the ranking of the mafia family and they want that ranking so much that they will do anything to kill the heir of the family or the current one," Mom added and looked at Dad.

"But of course, we would not let that happen." Mom said and now looked at me with a smile.

"Mommy." Someone called from the door which made me numb. I didn't notice that Ava was already there. Did she hear our conversation? She looks like she is about to cry so maybe she heard it.

"I don't want Dad and Ace to die." She cried running and helplessly hugging mom.

"Of course." Mom answered and hugged her very tightly. Mom then looked at me and smiled sadly. I want to feel at ease. I want to feel that we are safe, I want to know that nothing is going to happen to our family. But, why do I feel that something is about to happen and someone is about to get hurt?

It's either me or someone in our family.

So, I can't help but feel worried and at the same time scared of what might come.