
Bloody Queen

Luna thought she was normal. Nothing was special about her. That is, until her everyday tormentor abducts her and tries to claim the power, that even she didn't know she had. Now comes the unraveling of everything Luna thought she knew, as she involuntarily steps into a world of wolves and war. In a world where she is now the bloody queen. Hello! Ok that's the gist of it really. I hope you all like it, because I'm planning on writing more than 1 part for this. So, I encourage you all to please PLEASE leave comments telling me how I'm doing. I'll try to update every 3 days so the story doesn't get dry.

Ashley_McKnight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

The beginning bites!


That's what I heard behind me, 'don't turn around' my panicky conscience says. I pick up my pace as I walk down the dark, and empty street only to hear the footsteps behind me doing the same. Just as I was about to break into a run, I heard his voice from behind me calling my name. "Luna!" No. Please not him. Anyone but him. I slowly turn around to find Nate behind me, grinning like a cat who just cornered a mouse. "Aren't you missing something?" he said as he raised his hand in the dim street light to reveal my phone. 'No! It can't be!' I thought as I frantically patted around my pockets, feeling for it. It was gone. I looked at the the sparkling case in his hand and realized that it was true, and that scared me more. "Well?" Nate said, "aren't you gonna take it?" He mouth stretched into a sneaky smile as I took a few tentative steps towards him. Trying not to touch his hand I attempted to slip the phone out of his grasp. And then everything went so quickly after that, I almost didn't see it. A flash of teeth and an excruciating pain in my neck, and the next thing I knew I was on my knees wincing in the light of the street lamp. All of a sudden it was so bright, my eyes couldn't take it. Nate towered over me, smiling like a maniac. The last thing I saw was the blood on his chin, as he tucked my phone into his pocket. Then blackness.