
Riko backstory?

Well um... hi? I'm Rikonari. I was deciding whether I should make a diary or something like that since life is odd and I felt like my life could become a story? I don't know what's wrong with my brain.... somethings up definitely with it. Anyways, I am currently working for this crazy bastard who does care about no one. I mean maybe he cares, but chooses not to show it? I was his friend for awhile like you know kids? And maybe before that, but I have a terrible memory and you know, most people can't remember stuff that well. Same with me, but he remembers everything, maybe not when he was born and like that but when he could walk and talk he listened well. And if someone were to have gotten on his bad side then they'd be pretty much good as dead. he bullied me and still makes fun of me and stuff and is really annoying to me, but it pays and if I didn't then my whole family would be living on the streets and that's better than nothing I mean it pays for lots since he pays extra for almost drowning me (i mean who does that by accident??) and all the other shitty things he did, but takes a bit away because of me being too short and ...cute???? I mean that's what he said. Not my words.. I mean seriously I'm only short an inch!!! Ugh... I miss Carri. She was so nice and she helped out so much... well I mean now she has a different job and stuff due to all the bullying happening. Also I never did that to Carri! I actually just talked to her a lot and stuff and we both had fun complaining about what we had to do and stuff. I never really knew her job, but I do hope she is having a better time with her new job I mean since, you know the bullying. I did find out who was bullying her after and when I did I got boss to ruin them all. Had to use up many favours, but now they live far away since they couldn't work anywhere close to here and if they went to certain places they would get kicked out the store immediately. Heh.... i still don't know where Carri went but I do have her number and I texted her about those girls and how badly they suffered. She and I haven't spoken since though.... Well I can't talk anymore I have to go boss calling me! Bye


awful authors comment? But without bootiful Ari ~

So first of all I had made this whole thing up just now and it wasn't as tragic as it was supposed to be and doesn't have to same effect Ari wanted and is very disappointed in me but I posted my shit anyway and she can't do nothing about it!~

I mean editing was what I'm supposed to do but I'm too lazy. I dunno if anything is incorrect so don't go in the comment section to tell me how bad I am at editing plz.