
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

End Of The Battle And Of Fairy Tail

"What the hell?!" Erza asked as one of the Face bombs disappeared on the console. Suddenly another disappeared but it wasn't stopping the weapon.

"I WON'T LET YOU BASTARDS GET YOUR WAY!" Drake screamed as he slammed into another bomb and felt his arm break. The console beeped loudly as they watched a blip going through the locations of the bombs. An feed popped up that showed a red streak slamming into them. It kept falling towards the ground after destroying a bomb then recovering and picking up speed again.

"That color..." Mira said as she watched the streak slam into another and crash to the ground, "That has to be Drake!"

"What is that fool thinking?!" Erza asked as another blip disappeared, "There's no way his body can take 3,000 hits like that. Especially in the condition he's in!"

"To think not even our Christina's cannon could destroy it." Ichiya said as the smoke cleared around the bomb. Blue Pegasus began to accept their fate when they heard a voice in the distance.

"Is that an angel sent to help us?" Hibiki asked as they seen a blood red figure facing towards them.

"Get the fuck out of my way!" Drake yelled as he passed the Christina. Blue Pegasus couldn't believe their eyes as a single man destroyed the bomb with brute force alone. Drake's vision began to fade due to the shock of another bone breaking. As he began to fall to the ground a white dragon flew under him and kept him from crash landing.

"Who...are...you?" Drake asked as he laid on the dragon's back, "Why did...you help me?"

"I owe you for making Wendy stronger." Grandeeney explained as Drake's wounds healed, "Now hold on tight!"

"Thanks." Drake said as he flew off of the dragon's back. His wounds had healed but his stamina was still on empty. Grandeeney didn't have a choice but to leave him in order to stop Face. Drake smiled as he fell to the ground and was knocked out on impact.

Sometime Later:

"Look who we found." Ichiya said as the Christina landed in Magnolia. The Fairy Tail members looked at them in confusion before Drake walked out of the airship. Mira ran up and hugged him tight making him stumble.

"Mira I barely have the energy to walk." Drake told her as he held her tightly, "Grandeeney healed my wounds but I'm still exhausted."

"Why did you try to take on Face alone?!" Mira asked him as she began to cry, "You knew your body wouldn't hold up and you did it anyway."

"I had to try Mira." Drake told her as she let him go, "None of us knew the dragons were going to help and I thought it was all or nothing."

"Just don't try something like that again please." Mira said as they walked over to the rest of the guild. Drake chuckled at her comment and she gave him a confused look.

"I'll never let it go that far again." Drake told her as his eyes glowed for a moment, "I had a talk with the other me and we're on the same page now."

"My children I'm sorry but as of today Fairy Tail is disbanded!" Makarov yelled and they all protested, "I can't let any of you get hurt anymore!"

"Why?!" Drake yelled catching everyone of guard, "After everything we just went through why are you breaking us up?!"

"I'm sorry but the decision has been made." Makarov told him with a sad but stern tone.

"That decision was made by you not us!" Drake yelled as Mira squeezed his arm, "I'm not going to stop just because you told me so Gramps! If people are being hurt then won't, no, I can't just ignore them because I'm not in a guild!"

"Drake there's nothing we can do so let's just go home ok?" Mira told him as tears streamed down his cheeks. He nodded and they quietly walked away, leaving Fairy Tail behind but not letting it die.