
Bloodshot Vengeance

A once peaceful city, where werewolf packs live in harmony is torn into chaos as some greedy and power hungry elements in the city connive to manipulate and orchestrate events leading to a breach of trust on all sides leading to anarchy and chaos. A Young alpha wolf (Alex) who lost his parents to the war absconds to save himself from the hands of these Rogue packs but returns years later to carry out vengeance and save his City from tyranny. Will he succeed or does he suffer the same fate as those who had tried to defy these Rogue packs. Find out in this book, BLOODSHOT VENGEANCE

Chizzy_Decency · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Back at the institute, they received an anonymous tip that the province of Al-Anon was under attack and the vault was the main target. Al-Anon was also in close proximity to the academy. Hence, they needed to act quickly in order to get information about these guys.

 They quickly selected a Squad to proceed to the location. Alex felt lucky to be among those who were selected for the mission although he was selected for intelligence and evidence gathering.

 Al-Anon was is one of the most secured province due to its tight security. It's is one of the biggest weapon's garrison in the whole of Xenora. It is home to most of the sophisticated weapons in Xenora. And any attack on these facilities was not something to be taken lightly.

 On getting there, they met Alpha Mark and some other Al-Anon vigilante warriors outside the building. They seemed to have been around to vicinity for a while.

 Captain Morgan went to meet with Mark to know if he could get a favorable response or some Valid information.

 "Good day Mark, do you have any idea who the perpetrators of this attack are or what they were looking for".

 "By the time we got here, the vicinity was already deserted and no one was here. Also the officers on duty at the time of the attack were nowhere to be found. Clearly,we are up against a force we clearly know nothing about and this is not a good thing. Something urgent has to be done or else we do not stand a chance against these people". He said and left.

 Captain then went back to the squad and addressed them, "Mark said the whole place was deserted when they got here, so all of you should take a look around the premises and let me know what you find. Now, move out!", he concluded.

 Alex went with Liam to have a look around the vault. The vault was designed to withstand any unauthorized entry, so for anyone to penetrate such defense system it must be a wonder.

 They both went in and they discovered an open box which was empty. They had no idea what its content was as they had never been there. While they continued their search, Liam noticed a powdered substance on the floor also around the lock system of the vault. And he called Alex's attention to it.

 "Alex, are you seeing these substance on the floor. What do you think it is", Liam asked.

 "I have no idea what it is, besides this doesn't look like something one can find on Xenora,it has to be from external origin".

 They took some samples of the substance to test them when they got back to base. Alex also took the box along with him to show to the Captain as they left the scene.

 Alex went to Captain Morgan to brief him on what they could find.

 " Captain, we've looked around the vault area but there was nothing that could give us solid information about the perpetrators. The only thing we found were some particles of t powdered substance which we think was used to disable the lock without triggering the alarm. We've taken some to go back to the base for testing". Alex said.

 "We also found this empty box , but we have no idea what the missing content is or what it is used for", Liam added as Alex showed the box to Captain Morgan.

 "Captain,I would suggest that you contact Alpha Mark and inform him about this development he might be able to tell us what the box contained so we can know what we're dealing with", Alex said.

 Morgan commended their efforts and told them to head back with the others officers. He assured them he would handle it and speak with Mark concerning the development. Then they left the vicinity while Morgan drove off to see Mark.

******* ********** ************ ************

 Deep in the Alps, group of researchers were on an expedition on the mountains. On their way, they heard some strange noise coming from a cave and decided to check it out.

 Shortly after entering the cave, their navigation devices started going haywire, and the environment had a frightening aura. This made some of them afraid and they decided to go back.

 Those who stayed back,moved on with the desire to know what mysteries were hidden deep within the cave.

 "Prepare yourselves,we are about to discover something really big that could change our lives", said Bayne who was the leader of the expedition.

 After a while, they got to a part of the cave which looked like an ancient temple that had been deserted or abandoned. They saw some ancient drawings and mysterious symbols they could not interpret engraved on the walls. On sighting these, they were all amazed.

 "Wow, this must be the lost temple that we've been looking for all these years,it looks really amazing". Bayne said in awe.

 "Look at all these ancient symbols, so mysterious. This place has got a magical aura, there's something magical about this place I don't even know how to express it but I can feel it". Jack one of the senior researchers expressed.


 "I suggest we go back and get our equipments to better understand this place and interpret these symbols, who knows we might get some valuable information from these". Bayne said.

 They left and moved back to their base to gather all they needed to study and know more about the new discovery.

******* ********** ********* ********** 


 Meanwhile, things seem to be going according to plan for Palmer. He seems to be getting successful at shifting the attention of the other packs away from the Rogue packs. 

 He was in his chambers when Kessie, his assistant came in.

 "Good afternoon, Boss the people you're expecting are here ",she said.

 "Tell them I'll join them soon", Palmer replied and went to his closet.

 Kessie went to the meeting room to inform the guests that Palmer would be with them shortly.

 "So how was your mission,things go according to plan ?", Palmer asked as he made his way into the room.

 "It was successful, though we experienced a few setbacks but it went well", one of the masked visitors replied.

 "Very well Ronan", Palmer said.

 "Were you able to get the package I asked you", Palmer asked with a sinister smile on his face.

 " Yes boss, we got the supplies and something even more valuable, I know you're going to like this",Ronan replied as he put a box on the table.

 As soon he put the box on the table, and opened it for Palmer to take a peek at the content and it let out a bright rays of light which indicates that the content of the box was of high value and importance.

 " We found this in the vault at Al-Anon, looking at this, I know this would give us a very high advantage against the other packs", Ronan explained.

 "So boss, what do you think we should do with it ?",

Kara the female amongst them asked.