
Bloodline Synthesizing Warlock

A great being's offspring can easily climb to a similar power level through the genetic ladder but anyone else taking that ladder for one's use forcefully is a huge taboo. So, I will synthesize a bloodline from scratch! ... Adrien found a little lizard. [Bloodline Synthesis Completed!] [Dazzling Divine Dread Demon Devouring Death Defying Desolation Dragon Bloodline has been successfully created!!] "What did I create?..."

Rusted_Rod · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter-3 | That's a let down...

Adrien, sitting alone inside the bio-sphere room, was not idle these few days. Reading the meditation manual many of Adrien's presumptions were repeatedly broken.

At first, he thought about what meditation could do, because all he remembered was monk-like sitting sessions repeatedly hammering people to blank their minds and erase their thoughts.

After so many lifetimes of evolution, humanity gained the ability to think and take decisions, rather than indulging in a set pattern. Then someone tells you to let go of such a gift in order to gain some peace of mind, well then...

However, the meditation manual given by the family had details of what meditation is and how it is done.

Firstly, meditation is not something someone does, it is a quality, and one can only become meditative. While the meditation technique wasn't anything you would call sophisticated, it did the trick.

Second, the mind records everything you see, hear, touch, taste, and even smell. However, being unable to recall it all results from a lack of clarity and a weak connection between the mind and the brain. Once it's done one's ability to recall would be comparable to someone with a photographic memory. When clarity comes, the work of meditation is done.

Third, once all steps are done and one has sufficient clarity one can consciously connect with elements in the environment. Every second one is transacting with the world and the elements through inhaling, consuming, and various other processes while not being conscious of it. However, mastering meditation is one of the most necessary steps in interacting with the elements.

Following the steps and guidelines in the manual, Adrien felt a sudden change in his perspective on how he saw the world. All of a sudden he was more intimate with the world and the elements around him. Once it happened, with his eyes closed in meditation he could see elemental particles floating around him. Still, interacting with them and making them follow your instructions was a different thing.

However, only lightning-type elemental particles came near him when he urged them to, confirming his talent for the said particle even though he was still far below rank 5 talents. Just imagining the effect of rank 5 talents sent shivers through his spine.

In addition to meditation techniques and their details, the manual contains some information about adepts as well.

There are nine stages, from Grade 1 to Grade 9, and only a Grade 1 Adept can be considered an Adept. Any lower rank can only be considered an Apprentice Adept. Every stage between grades is a huge chasm. No one can match a higher Grade Adept since every Grade is an improvement in quality.

And the most significant thing Adrien found was there was no 100% guarantee one would successfully evolve and become an Official Adept. As a result, one can only prepare and when the time is right, it will happen. In any case, the sooner it occurs, the better, since the chances of it happening will only diminish with time.

There are, however, always exceptions. For example, world consciousness is a factor that can help one breakthrough and evolve, as is acquiring a bloodline.

For world consciousness to readily help one, one must take part in slaying species invading the Adept World or researching and discovering new knowledge. These factors were some factors, to tell the truth, no one knew but someone would gamble now and then. If successful, they would evolve, if not, they would die.

As for bloodline, it's a bit tricky. Bloodline works as a ladder. Once some lifeform has reached a certain grade its offspring can use it to climb to a similar grade. It would be fair to say that seizing a bloodline makes you a direct enemy in the eyes of the bloodline's ancestor. This is because seizing the bloodline was nothing more than drinking sweet poison.

One can become strong, no doubt, but once the bloodline ancestor finds the Warlock, he would die a deathless death. Meaning? Suffering for as long as the other party wanted. It's true that there are some bloodlines that have lax controls, making it is a perimeter for finding a suitable bloodline for oneself.

In the end, the bloodline's source always remains dominant, like a cat to a human.

However, some Warlocks shine in such predicaments too, leaving their name in history. One such Legendary Adept Warlock killed the bloodline ancestor and became the ancestor himself. If one can find such a bloodline whose ancestry has ceased or whose bloodline restrictions are loose, then the world is yours for the taking. Only if it was so easy.

But it is also where Adrien's bloodline synthesis shines.

After getting a feel for the lightning element, Adrien felt he was now ready, ready to synthesize. And now that he knew some basics, he felt somewhat confident in himself.

Starting the Bloodline Synthesizing System, Adrien quickly searched through the lightning element.

There were many other lightning elements such as [Sentient Lightning], [Lightning Embers], [Undead Lightning], and such. But Adrien felt uneasy choosing such, so he just chose [Lightning]; nothing fancy, just [Lightning].

After choosing the element, it was time to draw out his imagination. Adrien used the system several times in the past few days and noticed something peculiar.

Whenever he made the lifeform more detailed, the abilities that came would be more appealing to the eyes. A few times, four abilities were generated.

Taking into account his past experiences, Adrien began to exercise his imagination. A hulking figure made of pure lightning adorned with a crystal to match its lightning's color between its eyebrows. The body had chiseled muscles and a defined frame, making it look better than any fitness model, while Black Lightning forged its body accessories, like V-shaped undies, shoes, gauntlets, and so on.

Behind its back were five balls of lightning. Adrien got an idea. Since he did not delve into other aspects of lightning elements such as [Undead Lightning] or anything, he felt he could add some tricks with additional accessories.

The five lightning balls represented five different lightning elements, namely, [Sentient Lightning], [Lightning Soul], [Forging Lightning], [Fateless Lightning], and [First Lightning] which were in white, green, crimson, and black color respectively. While [First Lightning] was invisible.

He also added a book made from gray lightning as a final touch and to add a scholarly touch.

Adrien looked at his creation and felt proud of himself. After expressing his appreciation for himself, he stated, "Now, this is something." After utilizing every bit of creativity and dealing with every idea he could recall from his past life, he created his masterpiece.

"If mom saw my masterpiece today, she would for sure beat the hell crap out of me and tell me to study... haha... " After laughing for some time in a self-deprecating manner, Adrien selected the submit menu.

Although, unlike previous times when everything was completed following the submission of his masterpiece, this time a notification was sent.

[Insufficient memory... power... exceeding grade... downgrading... ]

[Note: User has to keep in mind, only single-grade bloodline templates can be synthesized at a time.]


[Synthesizing Lifeform Bloodline Abilities: ]


[Starless Movements]

[Within the ten-meter radius of the ability, one can move anywhere in an instant.]


[Lightning Incarnate]

[Increases intimacy with lightning-type elements.]


[Reverend Lightning]

[Lightning elements adore you and won't harm you]


[Lightning Grimoire]

[Non-lightning element spells can be auto-converted to partial-lightning spells. Store, spam and enjoy!]



If someone has any idea for what ice type bloodline I can make and its super abilities, sure tell!

Rusted_Rodcreators' thoughts