

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


Under the enchanting night sky, the moon loomed large and luminous, casting its celestial glow upon the village. A gentle breeze wafted through the air, carrying the fragrant essence of the bamboo forest and the tantalizing aroma of delectable snacks from the bustling food stalls. The atmosphere pulsated with excitement, resembling a festival of epic proportions, yet an eerie, ghostly silence hung in the air like a mysterious enchantment.

A symphony of lights painted the scene; paper lanterns adorned the square, casting a soft, warm glow, while street lamps on every corner contributed to a dazzling display of illumination. It was as if the very air sparkled with the magic of the night, turning the village into a dreamscape of ethereal radiance.

In this surreal setting, a hushed anticipation gripped the hundreds of onlookers, their eyes fixed upon Bi and his wife. A sacred air surrounded them as Bi's wife cradled the blessed baby, Vivek, like a precious treasure bestowed upon them by the moon deity itself. The clan leader and a council of venerable elders, draped in ceremonial robes, formed a solemn circle around the trio, adding an aura of profound significance to the already enchanting scene.

Despite the festivity that visually engulfed the village, an almost ceremonial stillness pervaded the air, creating a paradoxical blend of jubilation and reverent silence. The night seemed to hold its breath, as if aware that something extraordinary had transpired, and the villagers stood in collective awe, witnessing a moment that transcended the boundaries of the mundane into the realm of the extraordinary.

Bi and his wife, recognizing the gravity of the moment, immediately bowed in deference as the clan leader and the venerable elders graced their presence. The air thickened with a sense of ceremonial respect, as the couple acknowledged the esteemed figures surrounding them. Observing their humility, the clan leader, with a slight cough, signaled for them to stand upright.

In a regal tone, the clan leader began addressing the gathered clansmen, "Fellow kin, your son has been blessed by the moon god himself, and..." But before he could elaborate further, Bi, with utmost respect, interjected, bowing once more to acknowledge the clan leader's authority.

"Your eminence," Bi began, "This child is not of my own flesh and blood." His words pierced the air, and the clan leader's furrowed brow betrayed a hint of irritation at the interruption, coupled with a silent question about why this mysterious baby found itself in Bi's care.

Undeterred, Bi proceeded to recount the extraordinary tale of how he discovered Vivek and the subsequent events that unfolded. The air was charged with a mixture of awe and intrigue as Bi's narrative unfolded, weaving a tale that not only captivated the immediate audience but also echoed through the silent night.

The clan leader, initially in shock at the revelation, exclaimed, "A baby near the Moon River? With a protective barrier?" His disbelief quickly transformed into a fiery rage, and without a moment's hesitation, he unleashed a forceful kick to Bi's chest, sending him flying several feet and crashing onto the ground. The impact reverberated through the air, and the sudden violence cut through the preceding silence like thunder.

"You despicable, low-rank wretch! How dare you bring an unknown blood to our sacred Moon Festival? Are you unafraid, or has your life lost all value?" the clan leader bellowed, his voice echoing through the night with a wrathful intensity that seemed to shake the very foundations of the village.

Bi's wife, still cradling Vivek, hastily knelt and clutched at the clan leader's other leg, pleading for mercy. However, her plea was met with another merciless kick, propelling her towards Bi, both now lying on the unforgiving ground.

As the elders attempted to reason with the enraged clan leader, their pleas fell on deaf ears. The leader's fury seemed unquenchable, fueled by a fervor that ignored the bonds of kinship and the logic of diplomacy.

Turning his attention towards Vivek, still nestled in Bi's wife's arms, the clan leader was met with a chilling sight. Vivek's eyes, wide open with small, dilated pupils, betrayed no trace of infantile innocence. Instead, they held an otherworldly quality, devoid of any recognizable emotion except for a pure, unbridled menace. Vivek's gaze locked onto the clan leader's, creating an unsettling standoff.

In that eerie moment, it was as if Vivek's eyes harbored a malevolence that transcended his apparent infancy – a silent threat that hung in the air, promising dire consequences should the clan leader choose to harm them again. The infant's gaze seemed to pierce the very soul of the clan leader, leaving him momentarily frozen in the face of an unexpected and decidedly challenge.

The clan leader, attempting to break free from Vivek's unnerving gaze, coughed and thundered in a loud tone, "You know the Moon Festival is a sacred ritual in itself! How dare you bring this baby with unknown origins here?"

Bi, recognizing the gravity of the accusation, prostrated himself on the ground, uttering, "Your eminence, this baby was found with a rank five Primal Orbis, acting as a protective barrier."

As the words "rank five Primal Orbis" left Bi's lips, an electrifying shock coursed through the square, silencing the murmurs of the crowd. The atmosphere shifted into a chaotic symphony of whispers and gasps, with voices overlapping in disbelief. Phrases like "Even the leader doesn't own a rank five Primal Orbis" and "Is this person lying to save himself?" ricocheted through the gathering.

Shock painted the faces of the clan leader and the elders, and one of the elders, unable to contain his disbelief, spoke out, "Impossible! Stop talking nonsense!"

Seizing the moment, Bi, with both hands, carefully pulled out a radiant Primal Orbis, its golden-yellow glow captivating every onlooker. With head bowed and hands extended, Bi presented the Orbis to the clan leader, the luminous artifact radiating an undeniable aura of power. The square fell into a tense silence as all eyes fixated on the rare and potent Primal Orbis, leaving the air pregnant with anticipation for the clan leader's response.

"This... This is really a rank five Primal Orbis," the clan leader marveled, taking the radiant artifact into his hands, his surprise evident in his exclamation.

The crowd erupted once more, confusion swirling among the clansmen.

"Yes, Your authority, it is a defensive Primal Orbis, and it can be compared to a pseudo rank six too," Bi explained, still bowing and kneeling before the clan leader.

The confusion among the clansmen deepened as they grappled with the revelation of the baby's mysterious origin.

"Your authority, I am well aware of the sanctity of the Moon Festival. That's why I chose the farthest place from the colossal stone. However, this matter is of utmost importance. I had to find you. As you know, if this baby possesses a rank five Primal Orbis, his parents wouldn't be anything less than a rank five Yodha. I had to bring this matter to your attention as swiftly as possible because it concerns the safety of the entire village," Bi explained, his words carrying the weight of responsibility.

The clan leader, still in a state of shock, began to feel a pang of shame for his earlier actions. The gravity of the situation and the potential threat that had been averted slowly sank in, creating a solemn atmosphere as the moon cast its serene light upon the village square.

As Bi spoke, detailing the significance of the rank five Primal Orbis and the potential implications for the village's safety, a hushed murmur spread through the gathered villagers. The confusion that had initially gripped them began to give way to a mixture of awe and realization.

Whispers circulated among the onlookers, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Some villagers exchanged incredulous glances, while others nodded in understanding. The realization that the baby, Vivek, could be connected to powerful Yodha parents with a rank five Primal Orbis added a layer of mystery and importance to the unfolding saga.

Expressions shifted from confusion to contemplation, and a sense of relief washed over those who had initially doubted Bi's intentions. The square, once filled with chaotic uncertainty, now held an air of thoughtful consideration.

Bi's revelation had not only quelled the anger of the clan leader but had also cast a new light on the infant Vivek. The villagers, once on the brink of chaos, now awaited the clan leader's response, their emotions a complex tapestry of shock, relief, and anticipation for the unfolding chapters of this moon festival.

"Silence!" the clan leader commanded in a booming voice, cutting through the lingering tension in the air. "As this matter concerns the safety of the village, Bi, I will let you go this time. For further discussions regarding this issue, we will convene tomorrow at the elder hall. As for this Primal Orbis, I will keep it for further investigations. Until then, keep the baby with you." With those words, the clan leader swiftly departed toward the colossal stone, leaving behind a congregation of relieved but pensive villagers.

Bi and his wife, having weathered the storm of accusations, slowly rose to their feet. Bi's wife, her maternal instincts on high alert, quickly checked on baby Vivek, ensuring that he was unharmed. Only after confirming the baby's well-being did she visibly relax.

Vivek, though unable to comprehend the language, absorbed the gravity of the situation through the gestures and actions of those around him. As the tension eased, a mischievous glint entered his eyes, and in the garbled language of infancy, he babbled, "If this guy ever comes to me like this, I will make sure his entire lineage is born disabled." The unexpected words hung in the air, unnoticed by those around, but a foreboding sense lingered in the moonlit night, hinting at mysteries yet to unfold in the village.

In a grandiloquent proclamation, the clan leader declared, "The sacred blessing ceremony has reached its celestial conclusion, and now, in a magnificent display befitting the moon god's divine gaze, a performance of unparalleled splendor shall unfold!"

As Bi's wife, cradling Vivek in her arms, discreetly tugged at Bi's sleeve, her eyes held an emotional tempest, on the brink of unleashing a torrent of tears. "Bi, let's make a graceful exit. I'm feeling... emotionally taxed," she began, her words carrying the weight of the day's accumulated humiliations.

Bi, the astute empath, encircled his arm around her shoulder in a gesture of solace. "But my dear, the Lunar Seraph Dance, is about to began. Weren't you looking forward to it?" he started to say, only to abruptly cease as he glimpsed the exhaustion etched on her countenance—a silent plea for respite.

Meanwhile, the ever-discerning Vivek, with a repertoire of masterful baby babble, took charge. He delicately tugged at Bi's wife's sleeves, casting an imploring gaze that seemed to articulate, "Please, wait and witness the performance, especially for my sake." Bi's wife, moved by this endearing plea, experienced a surge of maternal warmth that swayed her decision, prompting her to stay for the unfolding spectacle.

Bi, sensing a glimmer of hope in her softened demeanor, thought optimistically, "This might just be the remedy. If she stays and beholds the enchanting Lunar Seraph Dance, perhaps her spirits will lighten up." And so, against the backdrop of the resplendent moonlit night, Bi's family, with Vivek nestled in his wife's arms, merged with the eager crowd, ready to partake in the extravagant performance that awaited them.

As the clan leader's announcement faded into the gentle night, the first notes of ethereal music began, marking the commencement of the Lunar Seraph Dance. Women adorned in traditional attire, donned in hues of celestial blue and pristine white, graced the square. Their faces veiled, they moved with grace, a celestial symphony of fabric swirling in tandem with the enchanting melody.

The dancers, like ethereal spirits, gracefully dispersed through the crowd, weaving between villagers with an invitation to join the celestial revelry. In their midst, Bi's family found themselves embraced by the rhythm, surrounded by the dancers' swirling veils and the jubilant atmosphere.

Bi's wife, initially weary and downtrodden, felt a subtle transformation. The dancers, with their infectious energy, caught her in their midst, drawing her into their spirited celebration. As the dancers twirled around her, a smile began to blossom on her face, replacing the earlier melancholy with an infectious joy.

Bi, reveling in the newfound exuberance of his wife, twirled with her in the midst of the dance, a whirl of blue and white blending seamlessly with the vibrant energy of the festival. Vivek, cradled in Bi's wife's arms, observed the joyous scene with wide-eyed fascination, a contented expression reflecting the harmony in the family unit.

The dance continued, drawing in more villagers, creating a tapestry of joy beneath the moonlit sky. The crowd, once shrouded in the weight of earlier events, now vibrated with laughter and jubilation. Bi's family, lost in the rhythms of the Lunar Seraph Dance, found solace in the enchanting night, forging memories of joy amid the challenges of the Moon Festival.

As the Lunar Seraph Dance reached its crescendo, the night seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly glow. The dancers, draped in veils of celestial blue and pristine white, continued to weave their enchantment through the crowd. Bi's family, now fully immersed in the celebratory spirit, twirled and danced, their laughter blending harmoniously with the rhythmic beats of the music.

Bi's wife, once burdened with sadness, had undergone a remarkable transformation. The radiance of the dance had lifted the weight from her heart, and her eyes sparkled with the pure joy of the moment. Her face, now radiated the happiness that had blossomed within her as she moved gracefully in the dance, surrounded by the camaraderie of fellow villagers.

Bi, the orchestrator of this familial resurgence, reveled in the vivacity of the festival. With every twirl, he embraced the mirthful atmosphere, relishing the precious moments created with his little family. Vivek, the person trapped in a baby's body, observed the scene with a unique perspective—a fusion of wonder and bittersweet longing. The echoes of laughter and the sheer joy that filled the air were not just background noise; they were a glimpse into a world he had missed for decades.

In the midst of the dance, Vivek, who had experienced life's hardships far beyond his apparent years, found solace in the warm embrace of Bi's wife. As the villagers twirled around him, he couldn't help but marvel at the simple beauty of unity and celebration. The moon, casting its benevolent glow upon the village square, seemed to share in the sentiment, casting a gentle light on a scene of newfound familial joy.

As the final notes of the dance echoed through the night, Bi's family, along with the rest of the villagers, found themselves in a shared moment of bliss. The Moon Festival, initially marred by uncertainty, had become a testament to the resilience of joy in the face of adversity. With smiles lingering on their faces, Bi's family walked away from the dance floor, the echoes of laughter and the memory of a rejuvenated spirit guiding them into the moonlit night. And for Vivek, the trapped soul in a baby's form, this night held a unique significance—a taste of the familial warmth he had longed for, encapsulated in the ephemeral magic of the Lunar Seraph Dance.

As the echoes of laughter and the rhythmic beats of the Lunar Seraph Dance gradually faded into the night, a shadowy presence emerged in the periphery of the moonlit village square. The clan leader, standing in the lingering darkness, uttered ominous instructions to a figure draped entirely in black, their face obscured by the abyss of their attire.

"Keep an eye on Bi and his family," the clan leader commanded, his voice a low, foreboding whisper that hung heavy in the air. The figure, clad in darkness, nodded in silent acknowledgment, their presence blending seamlessly into the night.

The clan leader's revelation added a venomous edge to the night: "That baby is not simple, and I can't trust Bi completely. He was disowned from his family." These words lingered like a curse, poisoning the celebratory air. Unbeknownst to Bi's family, their joyous aftermath of the dance became the backdrop for a clandestine watch, veiled in shadows and teetering on the precipice of impending darkness.


Vasudeva : Why's the shadowy spy tailing Bi's family at the Moon Festival? Little does he realize that baby Vivek, a secret agent in teething, is the true pro at the spy game! Vivek, with a baby smirk, babbles to the spy, "Spying on us? Cute. I've been mastering the art of stealth since you were in spy kindergarten. Diapers changed, secrets guarded – it's child's play!"

Hey fabulous folks! Hope life's treating you better than a chocolate fountain at a dessert buffet.

Thank You for reading


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