

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


The couple changed into their traditional attire, with Bi donning a black dress similar to a Changshan, and his wife choosing a white one with pink flowers. Bi's wife, faced with a lack of baby clothes, ingeniously wrapped Vivek in one of her childhood dresses.

"Damn, getting reborn into another world, and now my baby self is on display for older women. I don't feel comfortable here anymore," Vivek quipped.

As she continued to dress him, Vivek found himself in an oversized kimono-like dress with blue fabric and white flowers.

"I guess this is the extent of it – me getting into such clothes," Vivek thought, a wry smile forming on his tiny face. The couple burst into laughter at the unintentional turn of events, finding joy in the unexpected humor of the situation.

"Aw, he looks so cute," she exclaimed, initiating an adorable tickle attack on Vivek's tiny tummy.

"No, I sincerely hate that," Vivek babbled in protest, but his attempts at language diplomacy were met with more tickles. After a moment of resistance, he surrendered, "It's not that bad after all. Baby diplomacy is harder than it looks!"

"Ok, ok, let's go; the festival would have started already," said Bi in a hurry.

"Ok," his wife replied, hoisting up Vivek in her arms, now adorned with a oversized hat complete with jingling bells on Vivek's small head.

The trio left the house and made their way towards the third entrance.

"You again! Seriously, what's the matter now?" grunted the guard who had earlier tangled with Vivek, now eyeing the festively adorned baby with both confusion and frustration.

"Your authority, we are here for the moon festival," Bi declared.

"Do you have the invitation?" asked the guard.

Bi proudly presented a card, and Vivek saw something in gibberish written on it, now with an unintentional artistic touch from Vivek's creative moment.

"Ok, you may pass, but what is on the card?" said the guard with a visibly disgusted face.

The couple and the guards collectively turned their attention to Vivek in Bi's wife's arms.

The guard, clenching his fists in mock anger, instructed them to quickly leave, unable to fathom the unexpected artistic addition to the festival invitation. Vivek, undeterred, shot the guard a cheeky baby grin, frustrating the guard but leaving him helpless, especially in the face of Vivek's mysterious rank-five barrier. At least that's what the guard thought, as they hurriedly exited the scene of Vivek's unintentional artistic work.

"He was in the basket all the time; when did he?" Bi asked his wife in confusion.

"How would I know; you were the one carrying him," she replied, shooting a bemused look at Bi and then starting to tickle Vivek.

"That was undeniably poop on the card, but fear not, it's not my doing," Vivek exclaimed dramatically , babbling constantly. "And if it somehow was, then this baby body is clearly destined for a career in intergalactic diplomacy."

Vivek's constant babbling seemed like an explanatory rant to the couple, giving them a detailed yet hilarious insight into the absurdity of the situation.

Once a fearsome assassin, now the star of unintentional amusement, Vivek couldn't help but express his frustration. "Suddenly, I am starting to hate this body more and more," Vivek muttered, contemplating the absurdity of his predicament, making his transition from a deadly assassin to an unwitting source of laughter.

"Let's get going; the blessing ceremony is about to begin," said Bi.

His wife nodded, and they reached a square full of people and beautiful lighting all over. Multiple stalls selling various items were near the edge of the square, creating a vibrant atmosphere for the upcoming ceremony.

In the middle of the square was a huge stone that glowed in blue and white light, adorned with different letters carved on its surface. The ethereal glow cast a mystical aura around the stone. "These letters, they are very similar to Sanskrit, but how can that be?" Vivek murmured in confusion, examining the intricacies of the carvings that seemed to hold an unexpected connection to the ancient artifact.

Suddenly a man carrying two children in his arm approached Bi with his wife. He had small blue eyes and black hair with a horse like face. On the other hand his wife a little short with delicate facial features and purple eyes.

"If it isn't Bi Xiao of the Bi family. Oops, sorry, you are no more a member of the Bi family," the man said, a sly smirk playing on his face and then making a concerned face.

"Thank you for your concern, your authority," Bi said, bowing unwillingly.

"No need for formality, Bi," the man said, his tone condescending, "You can call me Uncle Chi," he added, despite both Bi and him appearing to be of the same age.

Uncle Chi glanced at Bi's wife and then at Vivek in the basket. "Who's this little one?" he inquired with a sinister glint in his eyes.

Bi hesitated for a moment and then cautiously explained the unexpected events of finding Vivek near the moon river, emphasizing the mysterious barrier and the unusual Primal Orbis connected to the basket.

Uncle Chi's smirk widened. "Well, well, seems like you've stumbled upon something quite interesting, Bi. A baby with a rank five Primal Orbis, and a barrier to boot. This might be more valuable than you think."

Bi exchanged uneasy glances with his wife, realizing that their moon festival adventure had just taken a dark and ominous turn.

Uncle Chi's sinister grin widened as he leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone. "You know, Bi, sometimes interesting things come with unexpected opportunities. This baby, and whatever power he possesses, might just be the key to a new path for you."

Bi felt a chill run down his spine, suspecting that Uncle Chi had ulterior motives. "What are you suggesting, Uncle Chi?"

Uncle Chi chuckled darkly. "Let's just say, the clan leaders might be willing to overlook certain... transgressions if you were to present me with such a unique find. After all, it's not every day we get a baby with a rank five Primal Orbis delivered to our doorstep."

Bi's unease deepened, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Uncle Chi's interest in Vivek was driven by more than mere curiosity.

Vivek, still nestled in the basket, couldn't comprehend the intricacies of the conversation, but the uneasy atmosphere made him instinctively uneasy. "Why do I feel like I'm a pawn in some twisted game?" he thought, his baby thoughts echoing a hint of apprehension as he stared at Uncle Chi with those innocent, unknowing eyes.

Uncle Chi's wife, a woman with a calculating gaze and a sly smile, couldn't resist adding her own twist to the conversation. "Bi Xiao, I've heard whispers about your wife's unfortunate struggle to conceive. A baby with such unique qualities could be a miracle for a family like yours."

Bi's wife, who had been previously cheering and happy amidst the festival's festivities, felt the mood turn somber. The mention of her personal struggle struck a chord, and a shadow of sadness clouded her eyes. "That's none of your concern," she retorted, trying to mask her vulnerability.

Uncle Chi, seizing the opportunity, continued with a sly grin. "Well, Bi, it seems fate has a funny way of bringing unexpected solutions to our problems. Perhaps this baby could be the answer you've been searching for."

Bi, torn between the mystery surrounding Vivek and the personal pain his wife endured, sighed deeply. "This is not a matter to be decided lightly. We need time to think."

Vivek, still unable to comprehend the complexities of human emotions and conversations, felt a shift in the atmosphere. The cheers that once surrounded him were replaced by an uncomfortable tension. "Why is everyone so serious all of a sudden?" he pondered, his baby thoughts reflecting the confusing nature of the situation.

Bi's wife, unable to contain her emotions, felt tears welling up in her eyes. The weight of personal struggles and the unexpected twists of the evening had taken a toll on her. Bi, noticing the vulnerability in his wife's eyes, excused himself from the uncomfortable conversation, guiding her away from the prying eyes.

However, Uncle Chi, displaying his cunning nature, had no intention of letting them leave so easily. He stepped forward, blocking their path with a dark and sly grin. "Leaving so soon, Bi? I thought we were just getting started."

Bi clenched his fists, his patience wearing thin. "This is not the time for your games, Uncle Chi. We need to tend to personal matters."

Uncle Chi chuckled sinisterly, his eyes gleaming with a twisted amusement. "Personal matters, you say? Sometimes personal matters can intertwine with the fate of the entire village, Bi. Don't forget, you're no longer part of the Bi family. Your choices now can have consequences."

Vivek, still nestled in the basket, sensed the tension escalating. The escalating scene weren't lost on him, and his baby thoughts echoed the palpable discomfort that surrounded him. "Why does everything feel so heavy?" he wondered, his innocent perception capturing the gravity of the situation unfolding.

Amidst the tense confrontation, a sudden booming voice echoed through the square. It was the clan leader, positioned near the huge glowing stone, making a surprise announcement.

The clan leader, a man in his forties, stood with an air of authority near the glowing stone. His golden-yellow eyes, reflecting both the wisdom gained from years of leadership and a connection to the mystical forces, held a captivating allure. The ceremonial robes draped across his shoulders bore symbols of ancient significance, blending seamlessly with the moonlit ambiance.

A strong and regal presence emanated from the clan leader as he prepared to guide the villagers through the sacred blessing ceremony. His features, matured by the passage of time, carried a sense of resilience and understanding. The headdress adorned with lunar symbols crowned his head, emphasizing his spiritual connection to the celestial energies that bathed the village in moonlight.

Despite the weight of his responsibilities, the clan leader's gaze remained warm, welcoming the community to partake in the mystical rituals. The lines on his face spoke of experience and a commitment to preserving the traditions that bound the village together. As he prepared to address the gathering, the golden glow in his eyes added an ethereal quality, underscoring the importance of the moment in the moonlit festival.

"Attention, Everyone! It is time to align for the sacred blessings. Let us come together and embrace the moon's energy for the prosperity of our clan!"

The unexpected announcement cut through the heavy atmosphere, temporarily diverting everyone's attention from the brewing turmoil. The flickering lights and festive decorations regained their vibrancy as the crowd began to gather around the stone, forming lines for the impending blessings.

Bi, still grappling with the emotional encounter, exchanged a fleeting glance with his wife. Despite the temporary reprieve, the underlying tension lingered, and Vivek, nestled in the basket, observed the sudden shift in the crowd's focus with investigatory eyes. "What's happening now?" he pondered, his baby thoughts once again capturing the perplexity of the unfolding events.

As the clan leader raised his hand, signaling for attention, the festive chatter gradually hushed. His golden-yellow eyes surveyed the gathering, and his voice resonated across the square.

"Esteemed villagers, the time has come for our sacred moonlight blessings. Join the line behind your family banners, for in unity, we find strength."

Families began to organize themselves, aligning behind banners adorned with their ancestral symbols. The sense of tradition and connection to one's roots became palpable in the air. The clan leader continued, "Those without a family line, stand aside for a moment. You, too, are part of our community, and your presence is acknowledged."

As individuals without family banners stepped aside, a smaller assembly formed on the fringes of the main square. The moon's gentle glow seemed to embrace both the organized lines of families and the individuals standing alone, creating a visual representation of the interconnectedness that defined the village.

As everyone assembled, the clan leader began chanting an ancient incantation. Gradually, the massive stone at the center of the square started glowing brightly, casting a radiant light that engulfed the villagers. The intensity of the light varied, stronger near the stone and fading towards the outer edges. This arrangement compelled those with family lines to stand closer to the stone, while others positioned themselves further away.

"Absorb" commanded the clan leader

A collective hush fell upon the villagers as they followed his directive, absorbing the mystical energy emanating from the stone. Uncle Chi was standing , in the Chi family line.

Uncle Chi, though momentarily distracted by the announcement and the following events, maintained a sly smile as he observed the clan leader's directive. In his mind, the chaos that had briefly disrupted the festival presented an opportunity to exploit the situation further.

"Well, well, it seems fate is favoring me tonight. A disrupted family, a mysterious baby, and now a distraction for everyone. Perfect," Uncle Chi mused, his eyes narrowing with a calculating gleam.

On the outskirts of the main square, Bi with his wife, holding Vivek in her arms, absorbed the mystical light despite being farther from the epicenter. She wore a somber expression, her eyes betraying a mixture of sadness and tension. Vivek, nestled in her arms, observed the emotional undercurrents with interrogative eyes and was aware of the intricate dynamics at play.

As the ceremony approached its conclusion, Uncle Chi surreptitiously moved closer to the couple, scheming in the shadows. However, before he could execute any plans, a sudden turn of events captivated everyone's attention. Vivek, nestled in Bi's wife's arms, began to glow intensely, capturing the gaze of every villager present. To the astonishment of all, Vivek levitated into the air, drifting towards the monumental stone at the center of the square.

Gasps of surprise echoed through the crowd, and even the clan leader and elders found themselves stunned by this unexpected display of mystical energy. The village, shrouded in an aura of moonlight blessings, now bore witness to an extraordinary phenomenon, leaving them in suspense about the true nature of the baby.

Vivek, glowing in the ethereal light and gently floating towards the stone, experienced a profound sense of warmth and comfort. It was as if the radiant energy surrounding him mirrored the tender embrace of his mother from this newfound world. In this surreal moment, suspended between reality and mysticism, Vivek felt a familiar reassurance that eased his spirit, connecting him to the enigmatic forces at play in the village.

"It feels like I've been enveloped in the warmest cosmic hug, just like mom's, but with a hint of celestial shimmer," Vivek babbled poetically, lost in nostalgia.

As Vivek ascended into the celestial glow, he hovered majestically over the colossal stone, resembling a newborn moon deity.

The entire village, including the venerable clan leader, prostrated before the radiant stone, uttering incantations that seemed to resonate with the very heavens.

The intensifying light painted a celestial masterpiece, transitioning from the gentle glow of the moon to the radiant brilliance of a cosmic explosion.

"Great, now I'm a cosmic disco ball in an alternate universe," Vivek remarked, adding a touch of sarcasm to the otherworldly scene.

As the luminosity peaked, divine sparkles cascaded over the awestruck villagers, and Vivek gently descended into Bi's wife's arms, the epitome of celestial grace.

"I'm not entirely sure about the cosmic details, but it seems my soul got a bit of a tune-up, and I've got a VIP pass to some memories," Vivek babbled self-reflectively in Bi's wife's arms, inadvertently providing the couple with a babbling commentary on the mysterious events.

Witnessing the spectacle firsthand, the crowd erupted into animated conversations. The prevailing exclamations were, "He is undeniably blessed by the moon deity!" and "This child carries the favor of the gods—look at that unmistakable crescent mark on his forehead!"

In the midst of the commotion, Bi, his wife, and Vivek became the unexpected stars of the show, leaving Uncle Chi with a face that shouted, "Missed my chance to baby snatch - darn it!"

In a dramatic display that rivaled the grand entrance of celestial beings, the clan leader and a formidable assembly of elders surged forward, parting the crowd like a mystical force sweeping through the cosmos. Their arrival carried an otherworldly gravitas, as if the universe itself conspired to focus its attention on Vivek in a moment that felt both surreal and cosmic.

As the clan leader and elders encircled Vivek, the atmosphere crackled with an otherworldly energy. The crowd, now hushed in collective awe, witnessed the unfolding cosmic drama. Bi and his wife exchanged uncertain glances, realizing that the Moon Festival had taken an unexpected turn, and Vivek, with a crescent moon on his forehead, found himself at the center of a celestial spectacle.

Little did they know, this marked the beginning of a chapter that would reshape the destiny of not just Vivek but the entire village, and perhaps even the realms beyond. The night held its breath, and the moonlit saga unfolded.




Vasudeva : Uncle Chi's plot to steal a baby during the Moon Festival turned into a failure as the bored infant decided to stage its own levitation act.

Hey folks, Vasudeva here. If you enjoyed this chapter as much as a cat loves knocking things off a table, make sure to drop your thoughts and throw some power stones my way. After all, laughter is the best medicine, and your feedback is my comedic remedy!

Thank You for reading

Bye ;)

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