
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Resonance (1)

18 Chapter 18 

In the midst of the otherworldly realm, the group embarks on a quest to find Ash, their steps guided by the echo of their shared purpose. The landscape, adorned with iridescent flora and shimmering energies, forms a surreal backdrop to their journey.

Rin, Aruno, Ko, and Yoru weave through the vibrant tapestry of this dimension, their senses heightened by the peculiar energies that envelop them. Conversations flutter through the air as they discuss their approach to finding Ash, a thread connecting their thoughts in the vast expanse of the unknown.

Aruno, his usual composed demeanor veiled by concern, speaks up. 

"We need to locate Ash and figure out what's going on. Any ideas on how we should approach this?"

"Let's tap into the echoes of this realm. They seem to carry information, and if we attune ourselves to them, we might get some insights."

"I agree. It's like we're in a cosmic library, and the echoes could be the stories we need to read to understand our situation better."

"So, we attune to the echoes and follow the resonance to find Ash. Hopefully, we can have a peaceful conversation and sort things out."

As they concentrate on attuning to the echoes, the realm responds, guiding them toward a convergence point. The air shimmers with ethereal energy, and the group follows the subtle cues, walking deeper into the heart of the dimension.

In a secluded clearing, surrounded by luminescent flora, they find Ash. His silhouette is illuminated by the cosmic glow, and an aura of mystery envelops him. The group approaches, their collective energy intertwining with the echoes of the realm.

Aruno, breaking the silence, speaks with a mix of determination and understanding. 

"Ash, we're not here to fight. We want to understand what's happening and find a way back to our world. Can we talk?"

Ash, facing them with eyes that mirror the cosmic tapestry around, acknowledges their presence. The echoes seem to respond to Aruno's words, creating a moment of stillness in the surreal landscape. The conversation begins, echoing through the cosmic expanse, as they strive to unravel the veiled motives that have led them to this enigmatic dimension.

As Ash called Rin over, an eerie tension hung in the air. With a casual gesture, he snapped her arm breaking it, a display of his unsettling power. The group watched in bewilderment, their confusion deepening.

"Shit, owww!"

"Why did you do that, Ash?" Yoru questioned, his gaze narrowing.

"It's a reminder, a subtle indication of the flexibility of destiny," Ash replied cryptically, his eyes holding a distant intensity.

Rin, returning to the group. She healed her arm effortlessly, leaving the others bewildered by the enigmatic display.

"What's the point of all this, Ash?" Aruno demanded, his patience wearing thin.

Ryū, who had overheard the group's conversation, stepped forward with a stern expression. 

"Ash, their presence here serves no purpose in the grand design. If you don't return them, I will transport them back to their world. This detour is unnecessary."

Ash, unmoved by Ryū's threat, glanced at the group. 

"Your fates are entangled with mine. Leaving now would be denying your roles in the unfolding narrative."

"I will transport them back to their world. If you wish to prevent it, you'll have to take action. The choice is yours, Ash."

Ash, his grip firm on Chentu, cast an ominous shadow over the group, his eyes gleaming with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. The legendary spear, a manifestation of raw power, added a palpable weight to the confrontation.

"Crossing me has consequences."

Ash warned, his voice carrying the weight of untold potential. Yet, instead of unleashing the destructive force within Chentu, he simply held the stance, the threat lingering in the charged atmosphere.

The group, on edge, exchanged uneasy glances, uncertain of the true extent of Ash's capabilities. Ryū, undeterred, maintained a steadfast demeanor.

Ash, with a cold determination in his eyes, spoke to the group.

"You will return to this world when the threads of destiny demand it. Ryū, take them back."

As Ryū led the group to the transportation center, he explained the process of returning them to their world. The atmosphere was tense, with lingering uncertainty about Ash's motives and the unexpected events in the realm between realms.

"I'll accompany you to ensure a safe return. Once you're back in your world, I'll close the portals to this realm. It's the best course of action for now."

The group nodded, grateful for Ryū's guidance. The transportation center loomed ahead, a nexus of mystical energies that would bridge the gap between dimensions. As they approached, Ryū began the process of initiating the transfer back to their familiar world.

The air shimmered with arcane energies, and the group found themselves enveloped in a cascade of colors as the portals opened. Ryū maintained a vigilant presence, overseeing the smooth transition. It was a relief to the group, knowing they would soon be back in the world they knew.

As they stepped through the portals, leaving behind the echoes and mysteries of the realm, a sense of normalcy began to return. Ryū, ever watchful, ensured that each member of the group safely made the journey.

Once they arrived in their world, Ryū took a moment to address them.

"You should be safe here. If you ever need assistance or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out. The portals to the realm have been sealed."

As the group stood in their world, Ryū turned to Aruno with a thoughtful expression. 

"Aruno, there's something I've been meaning to ask. How is your mom doing? Is she well?"

Aruno, taken aback by the unexpected question, hesitated before responding.

"She's… well, it's been a while since I've seen her. Things have been complicated."

Ryū, sensing the underlying emotions, continued. 

"Family ties are precious, and sometimes, they require attention. If there's ever a chance, consider reaching out to her. Connections with family can be a source of strength, even in tumultuous times."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Ryū."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Ryū faded into the shadows, leaving the group to their own devices. As they took in the familiar surroundings, thoughts of the enigmatic realm and Ash's actions lingered in their minds. Yet, the return to their world brought a sense of relief, and they were ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the group strolled through the familiar yet subtly altered streets. Rin couldn't shake off a sense of disquiet. 

"Something feels off, but I can't put my finger on it."

"It does seem a bit different, but I can't pinpoint what's changed."

"Did the architecture always look like this? Maybe I'm just forgetting."

"Perhaps it's a side effect of the dimensional travel. Things might look a bit different than we remember."

Aruno, his eyes widening in recognition, paused in front of a familiar house. "Wait, this… This is my house! I think we might be in my world."

The group exchanged surprised glances, realizing the implications of their surroundings. Rin, looking around, remarked.

"If this is your world, Aruno, then how did we end up here? Wasn't Ryū supposed to take us back to our world?"

"I'm not sure. It's possible that Ryū made a mistake or that there's something more to this dimension-hopping than we know."

"Well, at least we're in a familiar place. It might be interesting to explore your world, Aruno. Who knows what we might discover?"

"Let's not jump to conclusions. We should gather more information and figure out how to get back to our world."

"Let's go over to my house and try to see what's happened."

Aruno cautiously opened the door to his house, uncertain of what to expect. To his surprise, his mother stood in the doorway, a warm smile on her face. He rushed forward, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Mom! What are you doing here?" 

Aruno exclaimed, a mixture of joy and confusion in his voice.

"I could ask you the same question, Aruno. You disappeared suddenly, and I've been worried sick. Where have you been?"

Aruno hesitated for a moment, glancing back at his friends, who were observing the heartfelt reunion. 

"Long story, Mom. I'll explain everything, I promise."

As they entered the house, Aruno noticed a silhouette in the background—a woman with an ethereal presence. He couldn't quite make out her features, and a sense of intrigue lingered in the air.

"Who's that?" 

Yoru whispered to Aruno, noticing his gaze.

"I... I don't know."

Aruno replied, his curiosity mirroring that of his friends. The mysterious figure remained in the shadows, an enigma in the midst of the unexpected reunion.