
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Harmony in Shadows (1)

7 Chapter 7

"Fine, let's handle it quickly, we're almost there."

Aruno, adjusting to the surge of mana from the initiation, exchanged a glance with Ko. 

"So, this is what it feels like to be on the path to becoming a Vitanex."

Ko, a smirk playing on his lips, replied.

"Yeah, not too shabby. I guess it's better than being a plain old vampire hunter."

Yoru, leaning against a streetlamp, teased.

"You're both still rookies. The real challenges lie ahead."

Rin, her usual composed demeanor, added.

"Let's focus. The initiation marks the beginning of our journey. Demons won't wait for us to catch up."

As the group navigated through the sunlit streets of Tokyo, Aruno, Ko, Rin, and Yoru fought demons with synchronized precision. In the midst of the battle, Aruno displayed newfound skill with his dagger from the Arcanum's shop, seamlessly blending martial prowess with lethal grace.

Ko, with dual knives gleaming, danced through the fray, dispatching demons with flair and cocky banter. Rin, moving with supernatural finesse, showcased her battle-honed proficiency. Yoru, embodying the essence of a Vitanex, melded shadows and speed into a deadly symphony.

Amid terse exchanges and the clangor of blades, Rin addressed Aruno and Ko.

"Stay vigilant. We're approaching Haruki's residence. He's the last of us three Vitanex, and we're here to register you both."

Aruno, adapting to his new weapon, nodded sharply, his focus on the tumultuous battlefield. Ko, in the midst of a flashy maneuver, asked.

"You two are sure you want Aruno and I, all of us still don't know each other that well?"

"That's what makes it better, we will learn to get along in this nightmare of a world."

The group pressed forward, the morning air crackling with anticipation as they approached Haruki's residence. The chaotic backdrop of Tokyo's streets set the stage for the final chapter of initiation into the world of the Vitanex.

The group stepped into Haruki's place, a small yet vibrant space filled with an eclectic mix of artifacts from various realms. Haruki, with a grin that carried the promise of mischief, welcomed them.

"Welcome to my humble abode, fellow Vitanex-to-be. Hope you're ready for a wild ride."

Ko, ever the provocateur, shot back with a smirk.

"Wild ride? Just as long as it doesn't involve your questionable taste in interior decor."

Haruki, undeterred by Ko's jab, gestured towards a peculiar artifact on the wall. 

"Ah, my friend, this piece right here saved me from a pack of dimension-hopping demons. A true conversation starter."

Yoru, with her characteristic smugness, added.

"Only you, Haruki, would consider demonic encounters a form of interior design inspiration."

Ko, eyeing another peculiar artifact, couldn't resist making a quip. 

"Haruki, is this the latest in demon repellent decor? Perhaps it's supposed to ward off evil spirits with its… unique aesthetic?"

Haruki, playfully rolling his eyes, retorted…

"Well, Ko, I'd take advice on aesthetics from you when you stop dressing like you raided a vampire-themed thrift store."

Yoru, her tone cutting through the banter, directed Haruki.

"Cut the theatrics, Haruki. Just give them the damn Vitanex cards."

Haruki, feigning offense, mockingly replied.

"Well, someone's in a rush. No appreciation for the dramatic unveiling, Yoru?"

Yoru shot him a deadpan look.

"Save the drama for your art collection. We're here for a purpose, not a performance."

Haruki chuckled, producing two sleek cards from his pocket.

"Alright, alright. Here you go, future Vitanex. Embrace the responsibility or whatever. Yoru can we go on that date I mentioned now."

"In your dreams Haruki, I'd rather give Ko a chance than show you the time of day."

The banter continued, filling the air with a mix of playful teasing and sarcastic remarks.

Ko, trying to one-up Haruki, chimed in…

"You know, I've faced tougher demons than the ones you're flirting with, Haruki. Maybe you need a better pick-up line."

Haruki, unshaken, fired back with another smart response..

"Oh please, Ko. Your idea of a pick-up line is probably just showing off your vampire hunting tools. Real charming, I'm sure."

Yoru, enjoying the exchange, added her own jab.

"Ko's right, Haruki. You might want to reconsider your strategy. Demons can be a bit more demanding than you think."

Ko, with a sly grin, couldn't resist adding fuel to the banter fire…

"Haruki, I think the demons are avoiding you because they know they don't stand a chance against your charm."

Haruki, not one to back down, shot back with his own brand of humor..

"Well, Ko, maybe they're just intimidated by someone who's mastered the art of brooding vampire hunter. Not everyone can pull off that dark and mysterious vibe."

Ko, pretending to ponder, responded with mock seriousness.

"True, true. It takes a certain level of finesse. But I guess your approach of being the 'friendly neighborhood demon charmer' has its merits."

The banter continued, each remark escalating in cleverness and playful mockery. Yoru, Rin, and Aruno found themselves caught in the crossfire of the banter storm, occasionally chiming in with amused remarks. The Tokyo streets echoed with laughter and banter, unaware of the looming threat that would soon shatter the light-hearted atmosphere.

As the group left Haruki's place, the air was charged with an unusual tension. Haruki, ever the lively addition to the banter, walked with a swagger. However, their jovial atmosphere was shattered in an instant.

A grotesque demon, its form twisted and contorted, emerged from the shadows with unnerving speed. Its claws, dripping with malevolence, struck Haruki before anyone could react. The savage attack tore through him, leaving a trail of crimson in its wake.

Haruki's eyes widened in shock, his chippy personality extinguished by the abrupt brutality. His attempts at banter silenced as the demon's claws mercilessly carved through him. The once lively banter now echoed in the air, hauntingly contrasted by the gory reality unfolding.

With a fading breath and a hint of a sly grin, Haruki managed one last remark amidst the agony.

"Guess... this was a real killer date, huh? Live long Yoru."

As Haruki crumpled to the ground, his life force seeping away, the demon, having fulfilled its gruesome purpose, vanished into the darkness. The Tokyo streets, moments ago filled with laughter, now bore witness to an abrupt and harrowing turn of events. The group, stunned and horrified, stood frozen in the aftermath of Haruki's brutal demise.