
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Eternal Ascent (1)

23 Chapter 23

Yoru, Rin, and Ko emerged from the house running to Aruno, coming across Aruno's enigmatic encounter with Ryū. Aruno's fists, stained with the blood of his recent skirmish, became a haunting emblem of the profound mysteries surrounding them.

Ryū, his gaze unwavering, addressed the trio as they approached Aruno. 

"The resonance within you is growing stronger. The Arcanum binds you together, forging a connection that transcends mere camaraderie. You are the Vitanex, bearers of destinies interwoven across dimensions."

Ko chucking to Rin. "Vitanex is more than a group name now, huh."

Aruno, still grappling with the revelations, turned to his friends. 

"Ryū, is my… father," he said, the word carrying a weight of discovery. "He brought us here to uncover truths, to navigate the echoes that reverberate through the realms."

Yoru, Rin, and Ko exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of confusion and curiosity. The echoes of their journey lingered, infusing an otherworldly essence into their surroundings.

Ryū continued, "The Ascent reveals the threads of your existence, pulling you into a dance with destinies yet untold. But remember, the cosmic tapestry is complex, and your journey has only just begun."

Aruno, though stoic, couldn't hide the turbulence beneath the surface. 

"What's the purpose of all this? What does Ash want from us?"

Ryū's eyes, reminiscent of Aruno's, held a profound wisdom. 

"Ash, a force that transcends dimensions, has motives that elude easy comprehension. He plays a crucial part in the balance that maintains harmony across realms. Your journey will uncover the layers of his enigmatic plans."

With a subtle nod, Ryū acknowledged the gravity of the moment. 

"Continue your journey, Vitanex. Uncover the mysteries that await, for the echoes guide you towards a destiny entwined with Ash's intricate designs."

Aya and Serenia comes out the house aswell to make sure Aruno is okay.

Aya, with an air of calm acceptance, acknowledged Ryū's presence. "Nice of you to stop by," she said with a warm smile. "I take it you've explained yourself."

Ryū, acknowledging the familiar faces before him, added, "Indeed, Aya, it's been a while. Serenia, Aruno, the Ascent holds both familiar and unknown territories for us. Together, we shall navigate this cosmic odyssey."

Aya, offering a nod, replied, "Time has a way of weaving unexpected connections. If our destinies are entwined, then let it unfold as it may."

Aya, with a playful glint in her eye, couldn't resist a teasing remark. 

"Ryū, you always did have a way of making an entrance. I hope the cosmic realms have been treating you well."

Ryū, matching her banter, replied, "Ah, the cosmic realms, where even divorced souls find themselves entangled. It's a peculiar dance, Aya."

Ko, with his usual nonchalant demeanor, interjected, "Alright, folks, can we hit the pause button for a moment? We've got Lyndon and his poker shenanigans, Rin losing an arm, Aruno and Lyndon's brawl extravaganza, and now Ryū casually dropping the bomb that he's Aruno's dad. I mean, seriously, can we just take a breather? It's like a cosmic soap opera, and I'm getting lost in the plot twists."

As the group made their way back to the house, Aya couldn't resist making a playful jab at Aruno. 

"Well, Aruno, I see you've embraced a new interior design concept – open space living with a touch of dramatic flair. Who needs walls anyway?"

Aruno chuckled, scratching his head. "Yeah, about that… It was just a little scuffle with Lyndon. Things got a bit intense."

Ryū, with a subtle grin, intervened, "Allow me to handle that, Aruno."

Ryū approached the damaged wall with an air of mystical finesse. His fingertips traced an intricate pattern in the air, weaving an ephemeral tapestry of arcane symbols. A subtle glow emanated from his touch, as if he were coaxing the very essence of the structure to mend itself.

The ambient magic responded to Ryū's command, and with a gradual dance of energies, the wall seamlessly reconstructed itself. The room witnessed the elegant choreography of mystical forces, leaving no trace of the recent skirmish. The group, captivated by the display, marveled at Ryū's mastery over the subtle art of restoration.

Yoru, with a cheeky grin, turned to Ryū and remarked, "Hey, since you're doing magic tricks, why not regrow Rin's arm? Can you pull that off, or is that too advanced even for you?"

Ryū chuckled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "I'm afraid regrowing limbs is a bit beyond my repertoire. I can mend walls and restore order, but biological reconstruction is a different story."

"Don't stress Yoru, I'm going to check the shop I'm sure it has prosthetics."

Rin delved into her Arcanum, navigating through its intricate interface. As she browsed through the mystical wares, a particular item caught her attention – a finely crafted prosthetic arm infused with magical enhancements.

With a sense of determination, Rin acquired the magical prosthetic from the Arcanum's shop. The moment she completed the transaction, the new limb materialized, seamlessly attaching itself to her left shoulder. The magical glow emanating from the prosthetic indicated not just its functionality but also the arcane essence woven into its design.

Rin flexed the fingers of her newly acquired magical arm, a triumphant smile gracing her face.

With Rin's newfound magical arm in place, the group settled into a momentary calm, contemplating the revelations and events that had unfolded. Aruno, still processing the knowledge of Ryū being his father, found solace in the company of his mother and sister, who were both adjusting to the unexpected family reunion.

Aya, Aruno's mother, looked at Ryū with a playful glint in her eyes. 

"Well, Ryū, you always did have a flair for the dramatic. Dropping in from other dimensions and all."

Ryū chuckled, a mixture of amusement and nostalgia evident in his expression. 

"Old habits die hard, Aya. But it's good to see you and Serenia again."

Serenia, Aruno's sister, flashed a smile at her mother's banter. 

"It's like a family reunion, with a dash of cosmic chaos. I never thought I'd see the day."

The banter continued, the group finding a semblance of normalcy in the midst of the extraordinary. Ko, ever the irreverent one, couldn't resist injecting his brand of humor into the conversation. 

"So, who's up for some more cosmic surprises? I mean, we've had poker games, dimension-hopping, and family reunions. What's next?"

Yoru, leaning against a newly restored wall, added, "As long as it doesn't involve someone losing an arm again, I'm game for anything."

Rin, now sporting her magical prosthetic, joined in the lighthearted banter. "Agreed. Let's hope for a bit more predictability in our next cosmic escapade."

The atmosphere in the room shifted from tension to camaraderie, the peculiarities of their journey becoming a shared experience that bound them together. Little did they know that the next phase of their adventure awaited, promising a blend of the unknown and the extraordinary.

Ryū, sensing the need to address other matters, excused himself from the jovial atmosphere of the room. 

"I must return to Ash. There are matters that require my attention. Aruno, remember that the threads of destiny intertwine with your journey. Get strong, and teach your sister something for me."

As he made his way to the door, Ryū turned back, his gaze lingering on Serenia. 

"Serenia, my daughter, listen to Aruno. He will guide you through the challenges that lie ahead. Strength is not just in power, but in understanding."

With those words of guidance, Ryū departed, leaving the room with a subtle shift in energy. Aruno, feeling the weight of his newfound responsibilities, looked at his companions. 

"We need to get stronger. There's much more to this journey than we know. Let's train and prepare for what's to come."

The group, now aware of the magnitude of their roles in the cosmic dance of destinies, nodded in agreement. The echoes of their laughter faded, replaced by a shared determination to face the unknown with resilience and unity. As they prepared for the challenges ahead, the Vitanex understood that their journey had only just begun.

Aruno, contemplating the words of Ryū, felt a surge of determination. "Serenia, I'll do my best to guide you through this. We all need to be stronger."

Serenia, a mix of curiosity and resolve in her eyes, nodded in acknowledgment. "I trust you, Aruno. Let's face whatever comes our way together."

The training sessions began in earnest, each member honing their skills and exploring the depths of their Arcanum abilities. Under the guidance of Aruno, the Vitanex discovered new facets of strength within themselves, pushing beyond their limits.

Rin, now equipped with a prosthetic arm from her Arcanum, focused on mastering her powers. Yoru and Ko, as inseparable as ever, developed synchronized techniques that showcased their synergy. Serenia, embracing her newfound abilities, sought to understand the extent of her Arcanum.

Days turned into nights, and the Vitanex found solace in each other's company. In the quiet moments, conversations drifted to the mysteries surrounding their journey, the enigmatic Ash, and the cosmic forces at play.

One evening, under the moonlit sky, Aruno gathered the group for a moment of reflection. "We've come a long way since the Sanctum of Echoes. Our bonds have grown stronger, and so have our abilities. But there's more we need to uncover. The shadows of our destinies linger in the corners of this world."