
Bloodbound Umbra

In the vibrant heart of Tokyo, where vampires casually stroll the streets, Aruno Kurogane, the Vitanex, emerges from a mystical portal, stepping into a world where supernatural forces and everyday life intertwine. Leading an ostensibly ordinary existence, Aruno's arrival coincides with the awakening of demonic entities, breaching the veil between dimensions. As Japan becomes the battleground for ancient forces, Aruno must navigate a metropolis where vampires are commonplace, uncovering his own role in the impending clash between worlds.

plas_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Cosmic Entanglement (1)

9 Chapter 9

In the ethereal realm, Ash, seated at the mystical round table, invoked the names that echoed through the cosmic expanse.

"Aldena, bearer of Excalibur, and Ryū, the wielder of Durandal, our deliberations are entwined with the destiny of realms."

Aldena, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity, acknowledged the gravity of their discourse.

"Excalibur, once a symbol of sovereignty, now serves as a beacon of responsibility. The portals we've opened demand our attention."

Ryū, a figure shrouded in ancient mystery, added his voice to the cosmic symphony.

"The dance of shadows and the surge of demons—we must acknowledge the intricate threads that connect our actions to the fate of countless worlds."

The doors to the mystical chamber creaked open, revealing the entrance of another enigmatic figure. Cloaked in shadows, a presence that echoed the dark alleys of history, the newcomer stepped into the presence of Ash, Aldena, and Ryū.

Ash, acknowledging the arrival, spoke with a measured tone.

"Welcome, Lyndon, the harbinger of obscured destinies. Your presence here signifies the convergence of disparate threads that weave the tapestry of Aetheria."

"Lyndon.. why must you interrupt me while I'm speaking. You always do this, it's very disrespectful."

"Yeah, yeah Ryū. I'm sure it's not that important so calm your tits."

Lyndon, his gaze as elusive as his identity, responded with a nod, the corners of his lips barely visible in the shadows.

"The dance of shadows calls for a partner, Ash. I am here to embrace the chaos and leave an indelible mark upon the cosmic canvas."

"Lyndon it's much appreciated but, we're a group here so I'm not taking individual partnerships currently. Maybe another time."

Lyndon showing off the dual scythes Cronus and Hades, each gleaming with an otherworldly aura, trying to get Ash to be his partner. His voice dripped with arrogance as he boasted.

"Impressive, isn't it? These legendary scythes bear the essence of both Cronus and Hades. Their power flows through every swing, every strike."

The group, each embodying a unique facet of myth and mystery, now convened to navigate the complexities that awaited them in the intricate dance of fate.

Meanwhile, back at the cafe, the four companions were finishing their coffees, their conversation a blend of laughter and shared stories.

As the group prepared to leave the cafe, their bonds strengthening with each passing moment, little did they know that their paths were intricately tied to a much larger narrative—one that echoed across dimensions and involved forces far beyond their imagination.

Aruno, looking out over the cityscape, couldn't shake the weight of their newfound responsibilities. 

"This mission, containing the portals, it's a lot to take in."

"We're in this together, Aruno. Remember, we've got each other's backs."

"Besides, we're a bunch of misfits trying to save the world. What could go wrong?"

Aruno chuckled but couldn't shake the lingering doubt. 

"But do we even know what we're up against? The demons, the portals…"

"We might not know everything, but we're a team. We'll figure it out together."

"Trust us, Aruno. We might be an odd group, but we'll face whatever comes our way."

The group continued their conversation, laughter mingling with the aromatic scent of coffee. As they discussed their plans and shared stories, a sense of camaraderie grew among them.

Yoru, sipping her coffee, couldn't resist a playful jab at Ko. 

"You know, Ko, you might want to consider a less flashy approach when dealing with demons. They don't appreciate sarcasm."

"But Yoru, sarcasm is my second language. How can I resist?"

Rin, with a thoughtful expression, interjected. 

"We need to be cautious, though. This mission isn't a game. Lives are at stake."

Aruno checking his Arcanum going to view the locations of the portals for the quest, finding on the top right of the screen 12000 yen.

Aruno, glancing at his Arcanum, raised an eyebrow in disbelief. 

"Uh, guys, check your screens. I think we just got paid for accepting this quest."

Ko, Yoru, and Rin followed suit, eyes widening as they found a significant sum added to their virtual accounts. Ko couldn't help but grin. 

"Looks like saving the world pays well. Maybe this is a game after all."

"Well, if it is, I hope there are bonus points for style."

"Let's not get too comfortable. We have a mission to focus on, regardless of the rewards."

Ko, a mischievous glint in his eyes, turned to Yoru with a teasing grin. 

"Hey, Yoru, I think I'm gonna spend some of this on my speed stat. Can't have you leaving me in the dust all the time."

"You can try, Ko, but you'll need more than upgraded stats to keep up with me."

As Aruno navigated the intricate interface of his Arcanum, his inner dialogue echoed with purpose. 

"Speed, essential for navigating the chaotic currents. Strength, a foundation for facing the unknown. Vitality, the endurance to withstand trials. Endurance, the resilience to forge ahead."

With each allocation of yen, he felt a surge of newfound capabilities, a tangible manifestation of his commitment

"Okay that should leave me with 4000 yen now."

<Ascension 4 level>

"I guess I leveled up, so to speak."

Resuming their journey through the lively Tokyo streets, the group walked with a renewed sense of purpose. The neon lights flickered overhead as they navigated the urban labyrinth, their destination set on the portal marked on their Arcanums.

Amid the bustling cityscape, Aruno led the way, his mind grappling with the newfound abilities and the strange blend of reality and game mechanics. Rin and Yoru exchanged glances, sharing unspoken thoughts about the unfolding mysteries surrounding them.

"Hey, level up or not, let's not forget we're in for some demon-slaying action. No amount of yen is gonna change that."

The group, upon reaching the designated portal location, was met with a grim sight. Haruki's lifeless body lay before the swirling anomaly, a stark reminder of the dangers they faced. Tension gripped the air as concern and anxiety etched across their faces.

Rin, her expression a mix of sadness and determination, knelt beside Haruki. 

"What happened? Why is his body here?"

"We need to figure out who or what is responsible for this. It won't end here."

"There might be clues. We need to stay vigilant."

Yoru, her eyes reflecting a subtle sorrow, whispered…

"Haruki deserved better. Let's find answers." 

The group, now fueled by a shared determination, delved into the investigation, their quest for understanding taking on a renewed urgency.

Ash, his demeanor taking a dark turn, appeared before the group, his words cutting like a blade. 

"Haruki's demise was merely a pawn's fate in a grander scheme. Your emotions betray your weakness."

With a swift display of power, Ash revealed four arms.

With supernatural speed, he executed a series of teleportations, each one precision-engineered. His dark form flickered, reappearing behind Aruno, Ko, Rin, and Yoru in rapid succession.

"You were never meant to close the portals. I needed assurance you'd dance to my tune."

In a surge of shadows, Ash transported the entwined group through the fabric of existence, traversing realms until they materialized at the mysterious round table.

The cosmic forces at play hinted at the unfolding of a profound destiny as Ash, the architect of their journey, prepared to unveil the true purpose behind their trials.

"You deceitful son of a bitch!"

"How dare you trick us, you conniving asshole!"

Ash, unfazed, held them in his grip, a smirk playing on his lips.

Ash, his eyes gleaming with disdain, clenched his ethereal fists, his four arms radiating an ominous aura. With a swift, contemptuous motion, he flung each member of the group across the chamber like discarded pawns. The force was not just physical; it carried a resonance of otherworldly power, sending them sprawling in chaotic trajectories. The room echoed with the disconcerting sounds of bodies colliding with unseen barriers, their forms skidding and rolling on the cold, unforgiving surface. Ash's malevolent laughter resonated, underscoring the helplessness of the companions, now scattered and disoriented across the mysterious realm.

Aruno, disoriented and cursing under his breath, found himself in a surreal landscape, his surroundings a disconcerting blend of ethereal hues. As the realization of being in another dimension struck him, his frustration boiled over.

"Shit! Another dimension, again!?" 

Aruno exclaimed, his voice echoing in the unfamiliar space. The disorientation was palpable as he struggled to regain his bearings, surrounded by the aftermath of Ash's callous display of power.

In the hallowed echoes of dimensions colliding, Ash raised his hands, their movements tracing sigils unseen by mortal eyes. The air vibrated with the resonance of ancient incantations, a symphony of arcane syllables that transcended the boundaries of time.

"By the veiled realms and shadows intertwined, I invoke the ethereal essence that binds this realm to the next. Chentu, arise from the cosmic tapestry and lend me thy spectral might!" 

Ash's voice, now an ethereal whisper, carried the weight of myriad realms converging.

As the last echoes of the incantation faded, Chentu materialized, a spectral manifestation poised to carve destiny's path through the enigmatic threads of existence.