
Bloodborne Dominion

In a world caught in the eternal struggle between chaos and creation, "Bloodborne Dominion" follows the enigmatic figure Ealdred on a relentless journey through battlefields and realms, where his ultimate ambition is to transcend mortality and become a god of unparalleled power. As the moon rises and casts eerie shadows upon the world, Ealdred embarks on a harrowing journey of self-discovery and transformation. Guided by the haunting whispers of forgotten legends, he navigates the treacherous path into his new existence, grappling with the torment of his newfound thirst for the essence of humanity. Yet, his inscrutable fate is intertwined with a greater cosmic design, as he becomes entangled in a web of ancient prophecies and clandestine societies. With every beat of his immortal heart, Ealdred delves deeper into the enigma of his existence, unearthing chilling secrets that shatter his perceptions of reality. As he treads the blurred line between his lingering humanity and burgeoning monstrosity, he must not only confront the darkness that dwells within him but also the encroaching shadows that threaten to plunge the world into eternal chaos. "Bloodborne Dominion" is a symphony of darkness and desire, a narrative masterpiece that beckons readers into a realm where morality wavers, and the boundaries of what it means to be human blur. Prepare to be ensnared by the hypnotic prose, captivated by the intricate world-building, and entranced by Ealdred's haunting journey as he navigates the labyrinthine corridors of his immortal soul. In a realm where shadows dance and blood sings, the destiny of one vampire warrior may hold the key to salvation or annihilation. Embrace the night, for the dominion of bloodborne destiny awaits. There is gonna be romance later on in the story ;D You can expect 2 chapters a day! My discord:https://discord.gg/mA4Twbcp

Raven325 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Azrael, a figure of majestic splendor, stood before the weary knights, an aura of awe enveloping them. Their heads bowed in humble gratitude as he addressed them, his words imbued with a sense of curiosity. "May I know your names?" he inquired, his voice a resonant melody that hung in the air, drawing them in.

Varian, the braver of the two, stepped forward and introduced himself, his gesture including his companion. "I am Varian," he declared, his hand extending toward his steadfast friend beside him. "And this is Aric."

In the midst of this exchange, Azrael's regal poise remained unshaken, his gaze holding a profound understanding as he observed the knights. A spark of curiosity danced within their eyes as Varian and Aric shared a fleeting yet significant glance, an unspoken bond forming between them in the presence of this enigmatic being.

Varian, while maintaining his respect, couldn't suppress his wonder. His words emerged hesitantly yet earnestly, "Pardon our audacity, but are you more than mere mortals? Your presence resonates with something... divine."

Aric, his voice carrying a blend of reverence and astonishment, wholeheartedly echoed Varian's sentiments, "Indeed, it's as though you embody a greatness that transcends the ordinary. Could it be that you are a god?"

Azrael's gaze shifted, revealing a depth of emotion that spoke volumes. Compassion mingled with solemnity as he addressed the knights' inquiries, his words carrying an ethereal weight. "In the realm from which I originate," he began, his voice a river of wisdom, "I am known as the steward of transitions, a guardian of the passage all beings must traverse." A moment of stillness followed, allowing the significance of his words to settle. "I am the harbinger of journeys beyond mortal shores, the God of Death."

Varian and Aric exchanged a meaningful look, their expressions a tapestry of emotions that ranged from awe to contemplation. The realization of the boundless intricacies of existence seemed to dawn upon them, a revelation that expanded their perspectives beyond the horizons they had known.

Aric's voice, a seamless blend of reverence and unwavering determination, broke the silence that had settled upon them, "To stand in the presence of a deity of such magnitude is an honor beyond our wildest dreams."

Their hearts, beating in synchrony, united in a fervent plea, their voices infused with longing and hope. "We implore you," Varian's voice resonated with unwavering sincerity, "grant us the privilege of standing by your side.

The god we once revered remained distant, our prayers unanswered. You, Azrael, have become our savior. Bestow upon us the honor of being your devoted followers."

Aric's gaze burned with unwavering faith as he added, "Our allegiance is yours, oh god of death. We seek purpose and truth, and in you, we find both embodied."

Azrael's countenance softened, his gaze embracing the knights with profound understanding. "Your devotion," he replied, his voice a gentle caress, "reaches deep within the core of my being."

Azrael, shrouded in ancient wisdom, comprehended the potency of his actions. While not always gentle, he recognized the necessity of a deliberate stratagem to guide the knights toward a higher purpose.

As their heartfelt plea lingered in the air, Azrael's gaze held steadfast resolve. His words carried a deliberate weight, "In the grand tapestry of existence, there arise moments when truths become obscured. I navigate paths between realms, and it is through my guidance that you stand here."

Varian and Aric, resolute in their determination, exchanged a shared glance. Their hearts echoed the earnestness of their entreaty as Varian spoke with unwavering conviction, "Lead us, Azrael, through the enigma of the mysteries you traverse. We yearn for purpose, a connection to something greater."

Aric's voice intertwined with Varian's, their resolve unwavering and unbreakable, "Deceive us if necessity dictates. Our faith in you is unwavering, and our loyalty will unveil the concealed truths."

Azrael's smile conveyed both approval and understanding, a testament to their unwavering commitment. "With trust and fervor, I accept."

And thus, a pact was forged—a bond founded on trust and a shared comprehension of the intricate dance between concealment and revelation. Varian, Aric, and Azrael embarked upon a journey that transcended the boundaries of ordinary existence.

With their allegiance now irrevocably pledged, Azrael's presence assumed an unsettling weight. His voice, a distant echo from the abyss, resonated with a commanding authority that sent an electrifying shiver down the knights' spines.

"As my devoted followers," he intoned, each word carrying an undeniable chill that pierced their souls, "you are entrusted with a solemn duty that resonates through the very fabric of existence."

The knights, their convictions tested against the chilling command, exchanged a fleeting but resolute glance. With a blend of trepidation and unwavering determination, they understood the path they had embarked upon—a path where shadows beckoned, and a transformation awaited, as their faith in Azrael, the enigmatic deity, bound them to a destiny intertwined with both light and darkness.

"My followers, execute the barbarians who massacred your comrades. Leave none alive, and let the echo of their demise serve as a testament to your unwavering loyalty."

Aric's nod embodied a poignant fusion of fervent obedience and uneasy anticipation, his voice ringing out in a blend of unyielding devotion and an undercurrent of trepidation, "Yes, Lord!" Swift as a tempest, he transitioned from devoted follower to an instrument of Azrael's will.

The world seemed to hold its breath, suspended in a moment teetering between reality and nightmare, as Aric's movements blurred into a haunting dance of death. His weapon became an extension of his resolve, cleaving through the air with chilling precision, a silent harbinger of imminent doom.

In a succession of heart-wrenching moments that stretched like an eternity, each monstrous figure before Aric was subjected to a cruel ballet of dismemberment—a macabre symphony orchestrated by Azrael's decree. The very atmosphere trembled in response to the horrors unfolding, the sound of rending flesh interwoven with anguished cries, forming a haunting melody that resonated with primal fear.

Aric's eyes, of awe and horror, bore witness to the aftermath of his grim task. The once-teeming battlefield, a canvas of grotesque forms, now lay transformed into a surreal tableau of carnage. The ground, strewn with severed limbs and shattered bodies, painted a visceral testament to Azrael's undeniable power—an indelible reminder that he was no ordinary deity.

In the aftermath, an eerie silence hung, broken only by the distant rustle of wind through lifeless branches. It was a tableau etched into the minds of all who beheld it, a haunting imprint that would forever haunt their dreams and infiltrate their waking thoughts. Azrael's imposing figure loomed as a central figure in this

nightmarish tapestry, a deity whose influence transcended the boundaries of life and death, weaving a narrative of both awe and dread.

As the echoes of Aric's grim deeds reverberated through the air, the realm underwent an irreversible transformation.

The once-looming barbarian threat had been extinguished with ruthless finality, their monstrous forms reduced to a ghastly spectacle of obliteration. Azrael's followers, Varian and Aric, stood as living embodiments of their devotion, tested in the most chilling and dire crucible.

The path ahead was fraught with both uncertainty and a newfound reverence. The events that had unfolded left an indelible mark upon the fabric of reality, casting an ominous shadow over the horizon of the unknown. The bond between Varian, Aric, and Azrael had been cemented in the crucible of loyalty and blood, forever forged by the formidable power of divine will.

And so, the narrative surged onward, the characters bound by their choices, upheld faith, and the commanding influence of Azrael—the enigmatic deity whose actions had shaken the very bedrock of their existence.

In the aftermath of this cataclysmic juncture, the realm awaited the subsequent chapter in their unfolding saga, where the strands of fate would continue weaving their intricate tapestry of light and shadow.

"Aric," Azrael's voice resonated with a blend of solemn approval and subtle anticipation, "your unwavering dedication does not go unnoticed. Your steadfast resolve in fulfilling my command speaks to the profound depth of your loyalty." The enigmatic deity's gaze conveyed a blend of respect and the promise of things to come, a testimony to the significance of Aric's deeds.

"Rest assured, my devoted follower," Azrael's words carried an air of assurance, "your commitment shall not pass without recognition. A future teeming with great rewards awaits, a testament to your dedication and the pivotal role you play within the intricate tapestry of unfolding events."

Aric's heart swelled with a fusion of gratitude and awe. The recognition bestowed upon him by the very deity he revered was a validation beyond measure, a reassurance that his faith had been well-placed.

Standing amidst the aftermath of the grim tableau he had orchestrated, a sense of purpose and determination took root within him, guiding him steadfastly into the uncharted territory of the unknown, fueled by the promise of a destiny woven intricately with Azrael's divine design.

Aric's voice, brimming with an impassioned fusion of reverence and unwavering commitment, resounded with a resolute declaration, "Yes, my god and savior, I pledge my unwavering service to you. With every fiber of my being, I shall stand by your side, fully dedicated to fulfilling your divine will and embodying the purpose you have graciously bestowed upon me."

Azrael's gaze held a blend of approval and an underlying depth of understanding, acknowledging the profound depth of Aric's devotion.

"Your words resonate deeply, Aric," he replied, his voice echoing with the weight of an ancient wisdom. "Your pledge stands as a testament to the bond we have forged—a bond that transcends the mortal realm and holds the power to shape destinies."

In that profound moment, amidst the aftermath of their harrowing endeavor, the commitment of Varian and Aric stood as an unwavering testament to the union between mortals and deity, a partnership marked by unshakeable loyalty and a shared purpose.

As they stood poised at the threshold of an uncertain future, the echoes of their exchange lingered in the air, a reminder of the unbreakable thread that bound them to the enigmatic entity known as Azrael, the harbinger of journeys beyond mortal shores.