
Got His Balls Back

Danna immediately swam higher to see the real situation of the Kingdom behind her. Upon reaching enough height, her eyes widened in shock at the realization of the enemy's ability.

It seems that her arrows have scared the enemy too much and that they decided to dig their own tunnels on the other sides by breaking the thick mantle of the planet with brute force. 

"If only the Lord Dash is here..." Danna mumbled helplessly. A while ago, she has instructed her sisters on what to do in case of the enemy's successful breakthrough. Though Donna and Diana were not allowing her to leave, it was unfortunate for them that it was Danna's responsibility to lead the army as second on power.

She has explained to them as well about Dash's business to the fire elemental realm and there is a good chance that the latter is probably fighting countless Shadows at the moment.