
Episode 29

Sister Kate finally came home from her long holiday. I missed her being around the house and was very happy when she came back to work. It turns out her nephew was finally well and was back in school. I was ecstatic to know her nephew was fine. She looked quite happy and fresh when she started working again.

"I can see the holidays really did a lot of good for you. You look very fresh and a bit fat. What were you eating back at home?" I teased her and she pouted a bit.

"Hey! I am not fat. And besides, I did not eat anything unusual. Remember I was taking care of my nephew?" she said.

"Of course I remember that. I was just teasing you. I miss you a lot. And I am glad to know your nephew is doing well as well," I said, honestly.

"So, who has been doing the cooking while I was away? Did your aunt find someone to help her?"

"I did all the cooking. And the washing and cleaning as well," I replied meekly.

"You did all the cooking and the cleaning? Did she ask you to do it?"