

What if Rhaenyra had had a twin? Watch as Baelon makes his way through his father's court

AgustinaGM18 · TV
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10 Chs

Chapter 03

Red Keep

Pov Baelon

I wake up and my vision is blocked by platinum strands, I try to move away when I realize that while we slept we had moved, I surround Rhae with both arms while she turns her back to me and my chest is pressed against her, I move away Slow as I can so I don't wake her up.

I get out of bed and go to the balcony, I sit on the chairs that were placed outside, I can see the city of King Landing in its entirety, I think about what has happened in the last few hours.

I feel empty since the death of my mother, the image of her with her belly open and begging to be left hasn't been erased from my head, a loving and kind woman like her didn't deserve that ending.

I have to talk to my father, ask him why he preferred the baby and not the woman he loved, in spite of everything I know that my father loved my mother.

I stop thinking about that when I feel like two hands slide down my shoulders until they rest on my chest, I know who instantly by their smell. Rhaenyra rests her head on my shoulder.

- Sȳz ñāqes uēpkta lēkia. "(Good morning, big brother) My sister tells me.

- Sȳz ñāqes naejot ao tolī mandia" (Good morning to you too, sister) I reply. I grab one of her hands that were resting on my chest and I take it to my mouth to give her a sweet kiss, while I look at the horizon I ask her "skorkydoso gaomagon ao feel jorrāelagon" (how do you feel love?).

- With the same pain as yesterday, I am relieved that you are with me. The practice we had last night was good for me," Rhae tells me. I feel her take her hands off my chest and sit next to me.

I turn to her and stare at her, her hair cascades down her lower back, her nightgown moves in the morning air, her skin and eyes sparkle in the sunlight, I've always heard that all women Targaryens have a unique beauty but my sister has the beauty of a goddess, the phrase "The Targaryens are closer to the gods than to men" has never been truer. But despite all her beauty what I like most about her is her spirit, always so brave, a true dragon. Right now her spirit is off and I want to revive it and I know what is the best way.

- Sister, do you want to go with me to see the dragons and take a walk? It would do us good to leave the fortress, besides, yesterday I promised Vermithor to bring him some food and I'm sure your lady syrax would like to see you" I ask as I try to smile

- It's okay, wait for me to change and we leave," he replies while a smile is forming on his face. There is nothing that makes my twin happier than flying with her lady.

- I'm going to my bedroom to change because as you can see I'm in the same clothes I wore for the tournament," I say as I stand up from my seat lean towards her and give her a kiss on her cheek.

- "I'll be a right back sister"

I leave the balcony and walk towards the secret door, I open and go down the stairs, I walk through the tunnels and I reach the stairs that lead to the entrance of my room, I go up them and enter my room. Knowing about these tunnels has been an advantage for me, I can sneak into any room in the fortress and the best thing is that if my sister's or my life is ever in danger I have an escape route from the fortress.

I go to my bedroom I get naked, I put on my riding clothes and tie my hair, when I'm ready I walk to the front door of my room, I take a few steps and I reach Rhae's door, what bothers me as soon as I arrive is that I don't there is no one guarding her door, I need to find at least three sworn shields to be protecting her day and night.

I knock on his door and hear his footsteps, he opens the door and I see his riding clothes with the Targaryen red and black colors. I grab her hand and we walk through the halls of the fortress. We arrive at and the stable boys already have our horses saddled, we get on them and head towards the dragonpit.

The giant dome appears in my vision, whenever I see it I marvel, it is an amazing structure. Guarding the entrance there is a guard, when he sees us he comes quickly towards us, he bows and says to us.

- My prince, my princess-

- Good morning sir, we come to see our dragons, you can tell the dragonkeepers to take the dragons out of the caves and put their saddles. - He ordered him

- As my prince orders" He tells us as he turns around and goes to look for the dragonkeeprs while the two of us wait inside the copula.

We are left alone and I surround my sister with my arms, I rest my chin on her head, the minutes go by when I hear heavy footsteps and growls, Syrax and Vermithor emerge from the subsoil, the dragonkeepers try to calm them down, but the dragons quickly come towards us. Rhae pulls away from my arms and walks over to Syrax, I walk over to Vermithor and start stroking his side, whispering to him.

- Hey valītsos, ivestragī's jikagon syt iā geron lēda īlva ābri? eman naejot confesses bona nyke forgot naejot maghagon iā delicious kris hen lamb yn hemtubis nyke kivio naejot maghagon lanta "(Hello boy, we are going for a walk with our ladies. I have to confess that I forgot to bring a delicious leg of lamb, but tomorrow I promise to bring you two) I am blown by a mouthful of hot air. I laugh as I turn to my twin, I see her talking quietly with Syrax.

I watch as I whisper to Vermithor "Ao ūndegon keskydoso hae nyke valītsos, se olvie gevie ābra isse mirre hen Westeros" (You see the same as me boy, the most beautiful woman in all of Westeros.)

Zȳhon riña syrax iksis also olvie gevie, ȳdra daor jikagon overboard lēda zirȳla valītsos, besides issa tolī ābrītsos syt ao. – (Syrax is also very beautiful, don't go overboard with her, boy, she's too young for you) He looks at me offended.

As I laugh I see that Rhaenyra has turned towards us, looks at me with a smile on her face,

- Are you ready sister? I ask him

- Yes brother "She answers me as she quickly climbs on Syrax.

My twin was the youngest Rider in our house to ride a dragon, she was seven years old when she took to the skies for the first time with Syrax, I am proud of her.

Already in my saddle and tied with the chains, I look at my twin and see that she too is ready to take off.

- soves Vermithor" I indicate.

She starts flapping her wings and we rise up into the sky, away from Kings Landing and over the waters of Blackwater Bay.

While I'm in the air I can feel the weight of my shoulders leave me, feel the air on my face and see everything from above is the best feeling in the world, I turn and see how Rhae has a smile on her face and she looks totally relaxed.

While I am in the air I can feel the weight of my shoulders leaving me, feeling the air on my face and seeing everything from above is the best feeling in the world, I turn and see how Rhae has a smile on her face and she looks totally relaxed.

We fly for several minutes when I see an island, I motion to Rhae for us to land on the island. Vermithor slows down and lands on the stone floor, I undo the chains and jump to the ground, looking to my left. Rhaenyra has already gotten off Syrax. The dragons rise again and begin to play among themselves in the skies,

My sister walks towards me, I take off the cloak I'm wearing and lay it on the ground, I lie on it, Rhaenyra joins me, I pull her to my chest, we stay relaxed looking at the sky.

Then I decide to break the silence.

- When we return to the castle we have to talk to father and ask him when he is going to do mother's funeral and see how he is baby "

- Yes, we have to go talk to him and also organize the funeral ourselves, with the Vayrian customs" Rhae answers me.

- Sounds good to me, after all mother has Targaryen blood running with her" I tell him

We keep looking at each other in silence, when my stomach growls, my cheeks turn red and she starts laughing, a smile forms when I hear her laugh.

- I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning" I tell him

- Me neither, let's go back." She tells me as she stands up.

We call the dragons, sitting on the saddles we start to avola towards the dragonpit

We left the dragons with the dragonkeeprs, got on the horses and started riding towards the fortress. We arrive and I see Harrold Westerling the Lord Commander of my father's royal guard.

He bows and tells us that our father is waiting for us in the council room. I grab my sister's hand and we head toward the room where the council meets, the Lord Commander following us from a distance to give us privacy. He mentally prepared me to face the vipers of the council.

When we arrive there are two guards in front of the doors, they bow and open the doors for us, we go inside, I squeeze my twin's hand to assure her that I'm with her. I'm sure this is not going to end well.