
Blood Oath Betrayal: The Vampire Heiress of Block 21X

"During my wedding day I stabbed my husband, sucked blood from another man and made my personal guard mad with jealousy" Nelly Arbore, a vampire and heiress to the Arbore Empire, was betrayed by her childhood friend. After reciting their vows, Lalage had forced Nelly to stab Gideon Walsh, the man who was both her true love and a perfect political marriage partner. Lalage had never accepted the union of Nelly and Gideon, which lead to the end of their friendship four years ago. Why had she returned on Nelly's wedding day to ruin it all, when they had not spoken since. Will Nelly ever find out the true reason for betrayal or will it die with Lalage as Nelly sucks every last drop blood from her body. Will she find forgiveness and love in her husband? Or will her fated one be much closer than she ever could have expected.

VileNeon · Ficção Científica
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32 Chs

Of Thankfulness and Meetings

Nelly was yet again in a shuttle heading to meet Viscount Peerenboom, this time in an unmarked vehicle. Nadia had been secretive about the guest, but said Nelly really would want to meet him. She wasn't quite sure who it could be, it didn't make sense for Gideon to meet up like this, and she expected that man had gotten most of what he wanted from her. Unless he enjoyed tormenting her, which she hoped very much it wasn't the case. If he was only working for his benefit she could understand, but if he had a more disgusting side to him, Nelly wasn't sure how she would handle the additional shock. 

Nelly thanked the stars the marriage had ended relatively cleanly, the thought that she could have been dragged along for several years more was disturbing. Maybe Gideon wasn't so unscrupulous after all, or possibly didn't have feelings for her, she suddenly realized. They had never gone further than hugs and kisses, even though Nelly had wished for it. He wanted to save it for marriage, but maybe he just had a soft spot in him. 

Nelly should really thank Nadia, it seemed like every time she came here there was something that clarified in her mind. For all that she was thinking off Nelly was in a decent mood when entering Salon Orchard. There were only a few customers this early in the morning and an attendant whisked Nelly away towards the rooftop. 

She wasn't alone, knew better than to sneak out without guards. This time Paco was at his usual spot and Nelly trusted those muscular arms wrap around her in the time of need, or around the neck of her enemies she snickered as she stepped in to the faux morning sunlight. 

The rooftop was flat, with one table mounted with a parasol. Under its shadow sat a man sipping at a yellow drink, equipped with a parasol of its own. To his side, right behind him standing like a servant was Nadia. Her eyes had a haze to them, a crimson undertone only noticeable by vampires. Blood froze in her veins, and she gave a hand signal to Paco to be on his guard. 

"You should have a pretty damn good reason for what you have done to the Viscount," Nelly said eying the suspected vampire more cautiously. He was a man, a youthful one like most vampires, wore the same jet black hair as Nelly and was clad in a ridiculous flower pattern suit. The suit seemed haphazardly cut at the knees and elbows, but she was sure it was the work of some high fashion house.

"What need do I have to explain for using powers nature has given, the tiger didn't have to explain why it was teeth deep in a deer." The man said, his voice all too pleasant for the ear. Feeling the familiar prickle of vampiric energy, she looked at Paco making sure he was unaffected. There was a twitch at the side of Paco's right eye, the power wasn't taking effect, but that it had any effect on Paco indicated this man was a stronger vampire than she. 

"I don't pretend to have philosophical talks with second rate villains, just tell me what you want by requesting my presence." Nelly said icily to the man, readying herself mentally for confrontation. 

"Why would you be so rude to a cousin, isn't family everything in this world?" The man said taking a long sip at the drink in his hand, making a perverted face at the taste of it. 

"I have not had great time with cousins lately. And I suspect you are a very fitting addition to my collection of shitty cousins." Nelly said after having realized who this man was. "I guess I should expect nothing less from the world that wants to get my head to spin, the second I learn of you, you appear in front of me"

"Oh my, how delectably uncouth you are." The man said, standing up and bowing. "I am Edmund Anddra, bearing the true name of our blood" 

"Okay cool." 

"Okay cool?" Edmund said growing angry for a second before quickly burying the emotion from his face. "You must not have been educated well, no wonder considering you took on the tainted name of Arbore."

"Your mommy treating you well?" Nelly asked, curious if she could get something more out of this man. 

"Crude, guess I had my hopes up with your beautiful appearance and some poise. Now I see it was just a cracked facade. Unless you improve you won't be able to be my wife." The man said smirking. 

"Men don't last long around me, to say nothing of boys like you" Nelly said and gave a quick peek at Paco. He was smoldering, the oaken eyes ready to immolate, but didn't show much on his expression. The man dropped his drink and it shattered in to multiple pieces. He turned his attention toward Nadia and said something Nelly couldn't quite catch. 

"I didn't expect for you to immediately jump for joy at the prospect, but I thought you'd realize when you get an excellent offer" Edmund said and started walking towards the exit, Paco stepping in between. "I'd advise you to not do that or your the Viscount won't have a happy ending." 

Nadia had picked up a large shard of glass and held it at her throat. Her eyes were red from other than the haze of vampiric energy. A few tears ran down her cheek. She was present, just unable to act to her wishes. 

"Let him go." Nelly said and Paco did as advised, but showed quite the unwilling face. 

"Think about it, otherwise you and your family will be purged" Edmund said and kept walking, only stopping at the door to add. "And don't follow me, you have a life to save."

At the same time Edmund disappeared from view so did the shard of glass pierce Nadia's skin and blood spurt in sync with the beats of her heart.