
Blood Moon Hunter in the Vampire Apocalypse

What if you transformed into a vampire-tiger hybrid amid the apocalypse? A virus spread from bats in the sky. It turned normal people into like zombies called Blood Slaves. They could not be in the sun. Then something strange happened. A game from space called Aetheria came. It gave people levels, skills and statuses like in a video game. It rewarded humans just for answering questions. This decided their powers and starting equipment. Jin Tianyi was a 20-year-old student. He got a special reward - the blood of a tiger. At first he seemed normal. But then the class he chose made him a vampire with tiger powers in his veins. Join Jin on his journey. From becoming a vampire-tiger to discovering how strong he can become!

DragonKnov · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
239 Chs

Chapter 1: Shadows in the Luminous Sky Lounge

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening," Zhang Guan's resonant voice reverberated through the airwaves.

"This is Zhang Guan speaking, and tonight, we bring you news about the recent discovery of a colony of bats in a narrow sea cave near Shanghai Port."

"According to Dr. Bei Ling, a renowned bat expert, this naturally eroded sea cave, created by saltwater erosion-

"-provides an ideal sanctuary for bats to hide and breed, allowing their population to flourish undisturbed by human activity."

"Data from the past few years indicates a significant increase in the bat population inhabiting the area near Shanghai Port. 

"There have even been reports of local residents witnessing swarming bats that filled the whole night sky above their homes."

"We'll return after a brief commercial break..."

As the bright sun went down and night arrived, the world changed how it looked.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and nocturnal birds that come out at night appeared as guards of the new darkness.

In the busy city of Shanghai, a place active both day and night, the Luminous Sky Lounge was a shelter for those who enjoy the night hours.

Here, in an atmosphere full of possibilities, a large screen above the bar showed the latest news announced clearly by Zhang Guan's loud voice.

A mix of smells and sounds filled the air, as different fragrances blended with the salty ocean breeze and surrounded the dancers on the floor like moving waves.

When a performer went on stage, laughter and cheers echoed throughout from the entertained audience.

"Hey... hey look at that woman, she's hot!"

"Yeah, you're right!"

Among the excited noise of many voices like a tidal wave, a young man in his twenties sat at the bar watching the night's celebrations.

His well-built body showed hours spent training.

Messy black hair partly hid his slightly drunk eyes.

He wore a loose black leather jacket with many pockets.

"Another one, uncle!" With an enthusiastic nod, despite his hands shaking a little which showed he wasn't as steady as he seemed, he firmly held a large round glass moving it.

"Take it easy little brother," the experienced bartender smoothly took the glass that was swaying in his hands.

He laughed, not able to stop himself, as the young man took a sip of beer.

This is Jin Tianyi—a 20-year-old university student at Shanghai Jianqiao University.

Besides his studies, he supports himself financially by working as a security guard in a local apartment building. 

Having grown up in an orphanage, he had a strong feeling of independence.

But tonight felt different for Jin—for once, he wanted to experience the exciting youth that others often talked about. 

As he looked around the busy nightclub, many thoughts raced through his mind quickly. 

"Quite impressive and reasonably priced entertainment," he thought carefully, his inner voice barely audible over the uplifting music. 

A knowing smile formed on his lips remembering a classmate's respectful comparison of such shows to those at university social events.


Suddenly, his deep thinking deepened as the atmosphere subtly changed around him. 

The pleasant scent of rosemary blended in the air, accompanied by a soft, melodic voice that captured his attention in a rather disarming way. 


Emerging from the busy crowd was a young woman, her mischievous smile spreading across full lips as she noticed Jin sitting alone. 

"Hello handsome~, I don't think we've crossed paths here before. Is this your first time visiting us?" Her head tilted slightly. 

Clad in loose black clothing, she glided gracefully, like a nocturnal shadow, her high-heeled boots echoing each step. 

Her deep, almond-shaped eyes, like pools of rich brown, held a warmth as they locked meaningfully with Jin's gaze.

Jin arched an inquisitive eyebrow, a subtle touch of annoyance flickering in his features, though his lips curved politely in response to her smile.

"You're right, it is my first time here," he replied, his tone even yet cautiously guarded. 

The woman's laughter rang out charmingly upon hearing his response, capturing envious looks from surrounding onlookers.

"I'm Li Mei," she introduced herself, extending her hand. 

"Why don't we take a casual stroll so I can show you around? I'm quite familiar with every corner of this place."

"Or perhaps, Big Brother, you'd prefer if Li Mei showed you our private lounge area~?" Her inviting smile remained as she playfully gestured towards the glass of beer on the table beside him. 

However, Jin remained unfazed by Li Mei's advances, his attention caught instead by the approaching shadows behind her. 

Anticipating potential trouble with practiced calm, he politely declined, shifting a few seats away.

 "I'm sorry, perhaps another time," he calmly spoke, his voice gentle as a breeze.

A flicker of surprise crossed Li Mei's face as she turned to follow him, but before she could act, someone touched her shoulder.

 A new young man had entered the scene—charismatic and exuding magnetic charm as their gazes met and exchanged a glance.

A classic charmer, he seemed to appear from nowhere, his charm undeniable. 

"Sister Li, as beautiful as ever!" he exclaimed with admiration, flashing a wide grin.

Others joined in, another young man boldly stepping forward and holding her waist rather familiarly. 

Uncomfortable with their forwardness, Li Mei's playful smile vanished, replaced by a cold expression and hint of disgust in her almond-shaped eyes.


Amidst the unfolding scene, Jin remained composed, silently observing with his beer in hand. 

"Even if she's attractive and kindly, I don't truly know her, and I'm not looking for trouble," he muttered inwardly. 

Noticing the familiarity between the charmer and his friends, their casual touching, Jin deduced, "They must know each other—or she's a regular here."

With careful observations, an urge to distance himself rose, though just as he began to stand, the charmer's intense gaze shifted and locked onto him, accompanied by a threatening gesture.

Like puppets, the friends followed suit, their attention fixing on Jin like hunting dogs catching a scent.

His mouth twitched involuntarily upon seeing how the group's eyes narrowed in, some even holding metallic bats. 

Though unsure why they were singling him out, he spotted Li Mei watching, a secretive smile playing on her lips.

"So either she was his woman or trick. And I had the wrong to briefly interact without his permission," Jin clicked his tongue, steady hands clenched as tension rose. 

"I came looking for fun, not trouble," he muttered subtly, though the words carried clearly in the hushed bar.

A collective silence fell as eyes turned towards him, the entire bar seeming to hold a shared breath. 

Whispers stirred like thickening fog. 

"Who's that guy?" curiosity rippled through the murmured questions. 

"Doesn't he realize he's facing Wei De - the youngest leader of the Black Dragon Gang?" came the whispered reply, ominous knowledge dripping from the words.

Jin shifted his balanced position, revealing practiced preparation beneath rolled-up jeans - a quiet readiness he had from security guard experience.

Despite confidence, he knew facing a local mafia gang young leader like Wei De, likely with guards, not to mention the weighted metal bat, wasn't a fight he could win alone should it come to blows.

Injury would mean lost income and slow recovery without support, a risky position for his independent situation. 

Even attempting to reconcile after the perceived wrong against Wei De's woman wouldn't go smoothly, considering his youth, rebellious nature, and jealousy.

Yet in that next moment, Jin's casual way subtly transformed, casting a faint shadow over the room from his gaze alone.

Their eyes wavered under his steady stare as muffled breaths held. 

Though average height was 160cm, Jin appeared a towering figure to them. 

"Well, well 'Big' Brother, aren't you acting big?" Wei De sneered condescendingly, amused by Jin's balanced ready stance as if ready to confront him in kind. 

"Hahaha! What a fool!" laughs erupted amongst friends. 

Undeterred by Jin's watchful eyes. 

"It seems a misunderstanding, Young Master," his even voice remained respectfully without extra words. 

"Oh really?" Wei De scoffed, a frown creasing his forehead as anger flashed in clenched teeth. 

It seemed Jin's polite clarification further provoked him, perceived as mockery. 


Yet just as confrontation loomed, a sudden shake disrupted the scene. 

Reality seemed to ripple, quaking the world. 

Glass containers crashed to the floor, shattering hopes and dreams.

Jin fought to steady himself as unbalance overwhelmed his senses, managing to remain upright while others were flung about, cries of shock filling the air. 

Confusion spread thick whilst eyes searched desperately for understanding. 

Before reason could take hold, blinding radiance erupted in a massive brilliant display stretching across sight, capturing rapt attention.

[Aetheria has entered planet Earth]

[As the dominant species, you will be rewarded]

Welcome to the alternate universe of Earth. Disclaimer: All the places and names mentioned in these books are purely fictional. Although they may share names with real locations, history, or related information, the credibility and accuracy of descriptions are entirely products of fiction.

If you're wondering or confused about what this book is, in short, it's an apocalypse book with LitRPG elements.

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