
Blood Moon Chronicles

Connor_Owen_2299 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

The Will of the Moon

Avery's POV:

It was strange walking into this party... I ain't social- it was loud and bright, smell of weed and alcohol filled the air. Everyone was dancing and laughing. I looked around to see if I could find Rex, Tori or Nathan. Tori and Nathan were nowhere to be seen... but I did see Rex. Rex was dancing with 3 guys, it was strange... I knew Rex was gay but he isn't exactly out yet. Probably something to do with whatever happened to us on that blood moon.

My apologies let me start from the beginning. I'm Avery, your average teen girl in any Werewolf movie, series or book. Except I'm nor needy, stupid or abnormally smart, and I'm not focused on boys, in fact- I don't like anyone? I don't know still figuring it out. Anyways, the story starts with me and my 3 friends; Tori, A tall brunette with tanned skin, here eyes were green as emerald and she's one of the prettiest girls in England, in my opinion. Rex, Tori's twin brother, brown hair, same emerald green eyes and tanned skin, he has freckles all over his face and arms. and Nathan, black hair, pale-ish skin and grey eyes, tallest of the group, and the most stupid. It all started when the 4 of us decided we were going camping in the woods...

"Yo! Mushrooms!" Nathan said.

"Don't eat that!" Tori said slapping the mushroom out of his hand. "That's an Amanita verna."

"A what?" Me and Nathan asked simultaneously.

"A destroying angel," Rex started. "A highly poisonous mushroom." Makes sense Rex and Tori know that, their mother is a botanist. She knows quite a lot about plants.

Nathan and Tori were setting up the tents, and I saw Rex looking at Nathan.

"Rex... You know he's straight you have to let it go." I said softly.

"I know... Why can't I just be straight? Everything would be so much fucking easier..." I pulled I'm into a hug and patted his back.

"Sexuality isn't something you choose, or control. But hey, you'll find a great guy who makes you happy anytime now!" I said confidently. He smiled and looked at the bottle of alcohol in his hand.

"Doubt it, but thanks Avery."

"Yo Rex!" Nathan shouted. "Wanna come hunt some dinner with me?" Rex smiles and nodded and they left.

"My poor brother..." Tori said.

"Yup, hopelessly in love with a straight guy-" I said. Tori smiles at me.

"How are you holding up? You know with the loss of your mother and sister." My heart started aching... I put on a slight smile.

"It's been rough, but you know me ill survive!" She tapped my shoulder and entered her tent.

A few hours later Rex had lit the fire and they cooked the rabbits.

"Oh my gods! We can see an amazing view of the sunset from here!" Tori said. We all looked at the sunset and watched it set.

"Uh, guys- why is the moon red?" Nathan said.

"It's called a blood moon dumbass." Tori replied.

"Yes, but aren't they like- a pale orangish-red colour? Not a deep blood red." We all turned. And Nathan was right, the Moon was a deep red colour.

"I don't... feel well." Rex said leaning against a tree and holding his stomach.

"Me either." Tori got on her knees and bent her head forward. Nathan was already throwing up, and my stomach started to hurt.

Nathan started groaning, a pained groan.

"Guys-" Rex looked up at us. His eyes were yellow, his teeth sharpened and his nails too. I looked at Tori and Nathan and the same thing was happening to them...

"What the fuck?!" Nathan yelled. And everything after this point in the night... was a blur.

When I woke up I was at home... i thought maybe it was all a bad dream... but when I checked the groupchat it confirmed I wasn't.

Rex: Uhm- what happened last night?

Tori: Idk I blacked out...

Nathan: I remember glowing yellow eyes- and something sharp... almost like we were uhm- what's it called.

Rex: ... Werewolves.

My heart was racing, there's no way we're werewolves. I mean, werewolves aren't real... Right? My dad knocked on my door.

"Honey, school?" He said calmly. Oh shit, I completely forgot about that! I rushed up to get ready and ran to school.

I sat in my seat in chemistry, next to a boy called Rain. Rain was a part of the football team, he was a tall well built guy, with ginger hair, pale skin and Hazel eyes. Even though he was friends with the football jerks he was cool and quiet, he was really helpful and kind during my struggle with the subject.

"Ok class, today we will be looking at the molecular structure of the element Ag, can anyone tell me what that is?" Mr Thomas said.

"Silver..." I said quietly.

"Correct Miss Rose, next time, speak up." My face went bright red from embarrassment, I didn't think he could hear me...

Class goes on and it was time for the practical part of the subject. I don't know much about mythology, but from what Nathan has told us, werewolves are allergic to silver? So I sat there staring at the silver.

"Hey, Avery?" Rain said, "Are you OK?" I looked at him and nodded.

"Rain, can you do the practical today and I record the results?" Rain looks at me and then at the silver.

"Ye- ye OK." Rain said and smiled.

After class I thanked Rain again and we both headed out.

"Yo! Avery!" Nathan yelled, walking towards me. Rex was not too far behind. "Who's your friend?" I looked at Rain and then back at them.

"Oh, this is Rain. He's my lab partner."

"Hey." Rain said smiling. Rex gave a soft smile and waved.

"Well I gotta go." Rain said. "I'll cya tomorrow Av." He waved at the boys and left.

"Well he was-" Nathan started.

"Cute." Rex said. Me and Nathan both looked at Rex, each confused for different reasons.

"You think Rain is cute?" I asked.

"You like dudes?!" Nathan said, loudly. I glared at Nathan.

"I- uhm- nevermind." Rex said.

The rest of school was pretty normal so I'll not bore u with that. When I left school it was already dark out... The moon was very visible, and the stars were out. I heard a howl in the distance. I turned in the direction and I felt like something was approaching... I turned to run. I ran for about an hour before I saw a cave. It could be a great place to hide. I entered and saw these glowing crystals.

I followed the crystals to the centre of the cave were I saw moonlight seeping through a 4 pointed star shape symbol on the roof. The light filled the cave and I saw 3 people, Rex, Nathan and Tori.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked. They shrugged.

"I felt pulled towards this cave- like I'm supposed to be here." Rex said. I sat with them, each of us sat under a point of the star. I don't know what happened but I swear the moonlight split into 4 colours... Black over Nathan, Sandy brown over Rex, grey over Tori and white over me. Our eyes were all glowing yellow, our teeth and nails had sharpened again. Something leaped in from the cave roof. A large black and white wolf, her fur was beautiful... and her red eyes glow in the moonlight.