
Blood Maiden

Christopher Ice was a boy whose life was completely destroyed by his government - from his home to his reason of living. But his bad luck didn't stop there as he was kidnapped and experimented on by the same government to be transformed into a human weapon. However 2 years after his capture his thirst for vengeance overcomes him and he breaks out of his experimental facility. After he begins his killing spree he meets a girl who seemed to suffer the Same fate as he. His story of death, vengeance, betrayal and love begins as a bounty hunter out for the severed heads of those who wronged him. *NOTE : The above story is completely fictional (which I honestly don't have to point out). The names are all placed in an order where the last name comes first and the first name comes last like in Japan even though the names may not be Japanese. Also I've dropped tiny references to other mangas, animes and movies as well as some songs. See if you can figure 'em out. Word count is about 1000 per chapter and it will stay that way till 22.3.2020 after which it should increase. This goes for chapters per week as well. I've got great plans for this story so stock around with me ; ) Also also picture does not belong to me.. Whoever drew the picture does so the credit to the picture goes to him/her..*

Yuki_Ektrix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


"Walker!" Terry yelled running over to him. "The kid's back."

"Where?!" Walker questioned.

"Honestly I thought you'd get him when he fought here bu-"

"Cut to the chase!"

"Right.. He's in Occidentes... Killed Muta and released a bunch of 'prisoners'.."

Walker clicked his tongue. "Alright kid get up.. we're goin' to Occidentes."

"I heard the East is a fun place for couples.." Terry joked smirking at Walker and Silas. Walker ignored him and began walking to his car that was parked outside Nigra Forum.

"Oh yeah.." Terry yelled to Walker's back. "He calls himself the 'Blood Maiden'. Ya know cause of the Iron mai-"

"We get it Terry!"


"What is your plan?" Levia asked sitting next to Ice. "What do you want to do?"

Ice said nothing.

"Who were you talking about to WR-09?... Who was alive?"

Ice looked at Levia but didn't say anything else. He let out a sigh and stopped the stalk that they always travelled on. This time however the stalk was short, around the height of Levia. "I..." He began "I'm gonna overthrow the government"

"Is that so?" Levia asked nonchalantly. "And how is that?"

"I'll just have to kill the King..""

"And you're doing this alone?"

"No, I have other subjects helping me.."

"Why are you overthrowing the government?"

"You know you ask a lot of questions.."

Levia shrugged.

Ice let out a deep sigh. His red hair was pushed back with the oncoming force of the wind. "They killed my family.." He said. "The ones I loved at least.". Be bent his back and slugged onto the stalk. The memory was clearly not one he liked. Levia opened her mouth and tried to say something but closed it immediately after. She knew he wouldn't have wanted pity. After all the same soft of thing had happened to her as well.

" I was a 10 - year old when the government of Infirmi raided our house.. They needed me for opening the gates of hell.. My family refused to let me leave and were killed in the process" Levia confided.

"We're not so different after all.."

She nodded. A thought suddenly struck her. "You said something about my regenerative gate.. What did you mean.."

"You mean the time we were returning to the shack?" He asked. He didn't wait for a reply. "My gate is regeneration too.. The opening of hell's gates require you to sacrifice most of your body parts.. In the end you'll end up worse than what you were like at the beginning.. However a regenerative can always grow back his lost parts. So basically he loses nothing in return for the gate.."

The opening of hell's gate was a grotesque and painful process. Ice had witnessed it quite a few times when he was abducted and quite a few people had lost there lives in the process. The limbs and the senses were completely lost and depending on the will of the one whose gate was being opened other things were taken on the process, sometimes even lives. Just the thought of the ceremony brought back bad memories to Ice.

"We'll reach the house of the Oblito guy in half an hour or so.." He casually mentioned.


The North of Phaedra went by the name of Meridionalis which was populated by none other than scholars and nobles. This area was the reason Phaedra was nicknamed the city of Kings. The main feature of this prefecture was none other than Alba Porta, The school of gate abilities. Divided into 5 years, Alba Porta provided the best education for those. who wanted to use gates, be it for technical work or for military service this place had it all and the one who controlled it was a man named Harold Pelkin. Always busy and always steady were the words that best described him. He spent the majority of his day in his office room, filled with books, documents, papers and the kind, mostly scattered about.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Pelkin said as Aristo himself entered the room.

"We have someone." He began. "And he's causing quite a bit of problems to the plan at hand." He took a sip of water fr the desk. "In fact he can be considered to be the largest threat we face."

Pelkin rested his elbow on his desk and leaned towards Aristo. "And what do you want from me?"

"Currently we're mobilizing as many as possible. My brother will manage Nigra Forum and the area, I talked to Agarkar Mia from the West and now I'm here to tell you to keep your guard up." He leaned back onto the chair. "We need him dead."

"I see.." Pelkin leanes back from his previous posture to Mach that of Aristo. "Anything else?"

"We require someone from each part of Phaedra to act as an intermediary.. Of course some one you trust.."

Pelkin smirked and got up. "Follow me.." He said walking towards the door. "And you best wear a hood"


"So to summarize, Gate abilities are divided into two main divisions, namely Passive and Active. Those in active include anything from control abilities to beast to summon abilities. Furthermore, Active abilities or gates require the words 'Aperire Porta' to be said before usage. Passive abilities on the other hand include those the buff and, in layman terms, 'strengthen' by providing the user with 'power ups'. " generally buffs and.. well anything of that sort falls into this category. It also doesn't require 'Aperire Porta' to be said to activate it. A simple thought is enough" A teacher explained to a group of first year students at Alba Porta. All of the students present in the hall nodded their heads as if they understood. Most did but some didn't really care.

"This here is Carlos Gary" Pelkin showed pointing toward the teacher. "Honestly.. He's the best we have."

"He'll do fine" Aristo acknowledged.


"Morning Sire.." Gary said as he stood in front of Pelkin. He was short and stout with pitch black hair. It was well combed through and looked 'classy'. His face was amiable and his posture and body language seemed to point out that he followed orders well. In simple terms he was a 24 year old with the face of a Teenager.

"Follow me.." Pelkin said pulling him to the side. Once they reached an empty area, Aristo removed his hood to reveal his face.

"King Aristo!" Gary cried as he saw the face.

"Hush kid.." Pelkin said "We have a job for you"