
Blood Like Rose

In the medieval kingdom of Avaloria, where societal norms dictate that only men can become knights, a determined and spirited young girl named Rose dares to defy convention. Inspired by tales of valor and heroism, Rose embarks on a courageous journey to chase her dreams of becoming a knight, breaking barriers and challenging the deeply ingrained beliefs of her society. Facing numerous obstacles and prejudices along the way, Rose trains tirelessly to develop her skills in swordsmanship, horse riding, and the art of combat. She seeks out the guidance of a wise and experienced retired knight, Sir Thomas, who recognizes her unwavering determination and reluctantly agrees to mentor her on her quest. Undeterred by the challenges thrown her way, Rose forms unlikely alliances with other outcasts and rebels who also yearn for a more inclusive society. Together, they rally against the oppressive regime, sparking a movement of change and equality that begins to ripple across the kingdom. As Rose's skills sharpen and her resolve strengthens, she becomes a symbol of hope and defiance for others who have been denied the pursuit of their dreams. Her journey to become a knight transcends personal ambition, transforming into a quest for justice and breaking down the barriers of gender discrimination.

Miebi_Tamara · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 5

As they sat down to eat their evening meal, the knight looked at Rose with a proud smile.

"You did well today, squire. You showed great determination and perseverance. I have no doubt that you will become a true knight, in time."

Rose smiled back, her heart swelling with pride.

"Thank you, my lord. I will continue to work hard and follow your teachings. I will not let you down."

The knight nodded, his eyes warm and understanding.

"You have already proven yourself, squire. I am proud to have you as my apprentice."

"I know this is not an easy path, but it is one that will lead to great things. You will have to face many challenges and make difficult choices, but I have faith that you will make the right ones. You are a strong and capable young woman, and you have a bright future ahead of you."

Rose's eyes shone as she listened to the knight's words. It was more praise than she had ever received before, and it meant more to her than she could say. She nodded, a determined look on her face.

"I will be the best knight I can be, my lord."

"Good," the knight said. "Now, there is one more thing we must discuss. As a squire, you must take an oath to uphold the code of chivalry. Do you understand what that entails?"

Rose thought for a moment, then spoke. "To be a knight is to be a servant and protector of the people, to fight for justice and to honor the weak. To be a knight is to put the needs of others before my own, to uphold truth and fairness. These are the principles I will follow, for they are the foundation of the order of chivalry."

"You speak with wisdom, squire," the knight said, his voice full of pride. "Repeat after me: I, Rose, do solemnly swear to uphold the code of chivalry. To be just and honorable. To defend the weak and the oppressed. To protect those who cannot protect themselves. I will defend the truth and fight against lies and injustice. I will serve the people, and the kingdom, with all my heart and all my strength. So help me, the gods above."

Rose repeated the words, her voice strong and clear.

As she spoke, a light began to glow around her, shining bright and pure. When she finished, the light faded, but a sense of calm and peace remained.

"You have spoken the words of the oath, and your soul has accepted them as your own. You are now a squire, truly and completely. You have taken your first step on the path of knighthood."

Rose's heart was filled with joy, and she felt a sense of purpose like never before.

"Thank you, my lord. I will not forget the trust you have placed in me."