
Blood Like Rose

In the medieval kingdom of Avaloria, where societal norms dictate that only men can become knights, a determined and spirited young girl named Rose dares to defy convention. Inspired by tales of valor and heroism, Rose embarks on a courageous journey to chase her dreams of becoming a knight, breaking barriers and challenging the deeply ingrained beliefs of her society. Facing numerous obstacles and prejudices along the way, Rose trains tirelessly to develop her skills in swordsmanship, horse riding, and the art of combat. She seeks out the guidance of a wise and experienced retired knight, Sir Thomas, who recognizes her unwavering determination and reluctantly agrees to mentor her on her quest. Undeterred by the challenges thrown her way, Rose forms unlikely alliances with other outcasts and rebels who also yearn for a more inclusive society. Together, they rally against the oppressive regime, sparking a movement of change and equality that begins to ripple across the kingdom. As Rose's skills sharpen and her resolve strengthens, she becomes a symbol of hope and defiance for others who have been denied the pursuit of their dreams. Her journey to become a knight transcends personal ambition, transforming into a quest for justice and breaking down the barriers of gender discrimination.

Miebi_Tamara · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The Dreamer's Burden

Rose had always been a dreamer. From a young age, she had been captivated by the tales of valiant knights and epic battles. Her heart longed to be a part of those stories, to be a knight herself. But in a society that scoffed at the idea of a woman wielding a sword, Rose's dreams were met with ridicule and disdain.

Growing up in a small village, Rose was surrounded by traditional beliefs and expectations. The roles for women were limited to homemakers, wives, and mothers. The idea of a woman becoming a knight was seen as preposterous. Her parents, well-intentioned but bound by societal norms, discouraged Rose's aspirations, fearing the backlash she would face.

Despite the mockery and discouragement, Rose held onto her dream tightly. She spent countless hours reading about the legendary knights, studying their techniques, and daydreaming about her own adventures. Every night, she would pray for the strength and courage to pursue her dream, hoping that one day, her parents and society would understand.

But as the years passed, Rose's dream became a heavy burden to bear. The whispers and sneers from her peers grew louder, echoing in her ears. Her parents, desperate for her acceptance in society, urged her to abandon her foolish dreams and focus on finding a suitable husband. Rose felt isolated and misunderstood, her dreams becoming an ever-fading light in the face of societal pressure.

One fateful day, a traveling knight arrived in Rose's village. The sight of his armor glistening in the sun and the aura of confidence surrounding him reignited the fire within Rose's heart. She watched in awe as he performed daring feats of skill and bravery, captivating the entire village.