
Blood Kingdom

A Long time ago when the earth was a single gigantic supercontinent, (Pangea) there were four blood kingdoms, Onisia, Abalonia, Botswania and Adonisia. Abalonians possessed greatest magical powers that ran deep in their blood type AB. Botswania possessed blood type B and Adonis blood type A. Onisia possessed the toxic blood type O. It was extremely toxic that just a drop into the blood stream of any of the other blood types guaranteed death in about two minutes. This led to Onisia being isolated. Magic is everything in all the kingdoms. Kids are born into magic. They practice before they even learn how to walk. There is a saying in Abalon,‘Learn magic, then talking and walking will soon come naturally.’ There are seven ranks of magic called the spectra. The first and basic level is violet rank, followed by indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and the highest rank being red. In the old earth, before the world flood that destroyed the nephilims(half men, half demons) there were more powerful spectras beyond red. They were called intermediate spectra. Black spectra was the most evil and sinister magical power, that was possessed by the nephilims and white was the most powerful ever possessed by a human being. The earth enjoyed peace and prosperity for centuries until Onis, out of desperation and politics, waged war on Adonis. Abalon’s fall quickly followed at the hands of the invading Onisian empire. However two twin princes,(Daniel and Raphael) of Abalon fled the city as it was being engulfed like fire on a dry and thirsty grass. There was a prophecy made before the fall of Abalon that forty years after the invasion, they will take back their lands from the hands of the Onisians. Now forty years have passed and the descendants of the two twins, possess great mystical powers. They are called the seven swords of Yoshino. They are the only hope to fulfill the prophecy and restore their kingdom.

Regi_Nald · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


Intense, bloody battles were raging on across the whole city when Flavia stumbled upon Daiki and Haru. The two warriors were also members of the 12 guardians, wearing the maroon cloaks.

Daiki had jet black eyes, bald hair and a goatee while Haru had arctic blue eyes, long titan hair and an extended goatee. He used to have a full beard but after losing a bet to Daiki, he made him do a goatee, however he settled for an extended goatee.

Flavia had the highest kill rate when the sun faded in the horizon. He had massacred over 300 Abalonians, including helpless women and children. He even violently slaughtered a pregnant woman by piercing her tummy with his reinforced fingers and the pregnant woman bled to death.

In one other incident, he bumped into a hiding 4 year old boy. The sun had already set and the boy was trembling with hypothermia so he decided to warm him up with a fire ball and the poor boy burned to ashes. To Flavia, he was doing the boy a huge favor for warming him up. That's just how sick a man he was.

Daiki and Haru caught his eye on the 26th and 27th street. The two were on a killing spree, valiantly and violently defending the two streets.

'Now someone worthy to fight.' Flavia thought as he was leaping from roof to roof towards the 26th street, his blood lust rising to new heights.

'Maybe they might get me to use my sword. It's been a while since it tasted worthy blood.'

Haru was engaging eight allied warriors, cremating them alive with scorching dark flames. These are not just any ordinary flame. They burn a target from the inside out. They are target locked flames, making them almost impossible to dodge. And their corrosive effects eat away any magical armor. Flavia watched as Haru unleashed the flames on the eight men and to his surprise the flames vanished when they came in contact with their bodies. And out of the blue, they screamed in agony and fell dead to the ground.

Five more allied warriors together with Flavia lunged at Haru to swiftly avenge their fallen comrades. Haru unleashed more dark flames at them and the five hurled their yellow fire balls at the incoming dark flames. They had hoped the flames would negate each other but to their surprise, the dark flames swallowed their flames and grew larger. The astounded men were stupefied and without any chance to dodge they were engulfed by the flames.

"They thought they could stop my dark flames with their yellow flames?" Haru turned and boasted to Daiki.

"Nothing is safe from my dark flames, not even their flames." He added and immediately saw a look of horror in Daiki's face.

"Look, look, look." Daiki muttered in shock.

Haru slowly turned to see what got Daiki so opened-mouthed and he backed up in horror and bewilderment.

It was Flavia, strutting out of the fading flames with no burns whatsoever.

"Who is this man?" Daiki inquired but Haru was deaf to the question. After Daiki gave him a violent shrug, he came back to life. Yet he was still evidently shocked.

"You were asking for my name?"

"I'm Flavia, short for Flaviathan." He said arrogantly.

The secret behind his armor that successfully negated the dark flames lies on his name.

The name Flaviathan is derived from Leviathan(crocodile). His parents were spiritists and when he was born they sacrificed a leviathan and put its spirit inside Flavia. And they named him Flaviathan. The spirit of the leviathan is a spiritually plated armor around him capable of withstanding any magic attack.

The leviathan was one of the three spirits in him. As a teenager he fought against Omiros and he was badly injured. He decided to go on a perilous journey to the dead forest to search for the giant salamander. After months of combing the forest, he discovered it and sacrificed it with their family's secret arts. He then gained the regenerative abilities of the salamander.

The last but not least was the wild dog spirit. It manifests in his sword, biting huge chunks of people's flesh. It bit off a huge chunk of Tommy's neck at the ball and that was the last time it had a taste of blood. He had been killing with just his bare hands since then.

The wild dog spirit is not used for offensive purposes only, it also gives him super human endurance. Wild dogs are widely known to tire down prey and this ability made Flavia one of the most feared warriors of Onis.

He had an impenetrable armor, regenerative abilities and a marathon endurance. And his hands were tough and rough as his armor. He had been using his bare hands to fight since his early years. The animals they sacrificed are killed with bare hands. No iron tool is used on this kind of sacrifice so he developed the love to use bare hands there.

"I haven't met anyone outside Onis who could make me use my sword." He exclaimed.

"If you can make me use it, I will give you a quick, painless death."

"We will give you a quick death." Daiki said unconvincingly. He sounded as if he was trying to sound confident but his voice was faltering in fear. Haru was mute, if you didn't know how talkative he was, you'd think he was deaf and mute. He had never seen a red rank before. And based on his aura, he was upper red.

"If we work together, we might have a chance to defeat him." Daiki said but Haru was still frozen. The words were meant to encourage him but it was like trying to warm a dead body. There was no way he could be encouraged. No words could make him feel confident enough to fight such a man. All he wanted to do was to run for dear his life. The boasting and showing off was now a distant memory.

Daiki unearthed huge chunks of rocks from the ground with his earth magic and catapulted them into Flavia. However Flavia didn't block or try to evade them. He stood still as they all crushed on him and crumbled on impact. Daiki unearthed two more and cannoned them at him again. Since there were only two, the speed behind the rock was tremendously high. He thought, 'surely he will feel this attack' but Flavia showboated. He stretched out his hands and with his index fingers he blocked the large chunks and they disintegrated on impact.

'So this is the power of a red rank.' Haru thought to himself and faintly heard Daiki talking.

"Heat up the rocks with your dark flames Haru." Daiki said and immediately Haru did as commanded. He unleashed the flames and the rocks turned into lava.

Flavia was not impressed at all. He had hoped the two would give him a good fight. He was starting to get bored of them.

At Daiki's command Haru unleashed dark flames at Flavia.

'Flames again?' Flavia thought to himself.

'I think I was wrong about this guys.

He closed his eyes, opened his arms wide as if to receive a warm hug and the flames engulfed him. It seemed like he was enjoying the heat that cremated men to the ground.

As he was getting a thermotherapy, he immediately sensed someone rapidly approaching and as he opened his eyes, a sword pierced through the air aiming for his neck. He blocked the sharp blade with his elbow and a barrage of nails rained in on him, striking him all over his body. The nails were made of lava. Daiki forged the lava into nails with his magic and cooled them to solidify.

The blade that he blocked only scratched him and the wound quickly healed. The best that the hundreds of nails could do was tingle him. They all fell to the ground on impact. Only two nails were left buried in him. But by just the tip.

Haru could see that Daiki was contemplating about how to attack and he sighed.

"I have a plan."

"If we can use his strong armor against him then maybe we might have a chance to win."

"But I'm going to need you to distract him with something that won't drain much of your energy.

"Okay I'm on it." Daiki replied as he summoned his two swords.

The two engaged in a sword battle. However Flavia was only using his hands as swords. He used them to block all of Daiki's sword remises, parries and lunges. And the scratches on his hands and elbows regenerated as quickly as the blade retreated.

As Flavia was toying with Daiki, dark flames kindled and flared around them. Daiki retreated, carefully avoiding the dark flames and a barrage of longer nails rained down on Flavia. They struck him and as expected the didn't do any damage to speak of. But they were just a smoke screen for the real attack. The dark flames around him swiftly narrowed in and imploded on him at a devastating force.

The implosion was so massive that it crushed his internal organs. If it wasn't for his regenerative abilities, he could've died on the spot. Daiki saw the opportunity and he lunged to behead him. After all, Flavia was in a perfect position to be beheaded. He was on his knees and his neck was sticking out as he was trying to endure the pain, so he had to take the chance and shoot the moon.

Flavia had underestimated them. His cockiness and pride could cost him his life. A good riddance if you would ask me. Daiki closed in and swung at his neck at his full spectra. The blade whizzed in the air and plunged deep into his neck and as he was brandishing it again for one last strike, Flavia blocked the blade with his left hand. His internal organs had regenerated and as he was clasping the blade, his neck too regenerated at an unimaginable speed. His veins, vessels, nerves and muscles weaved back together as Haru's celebrations were cut short. The fight was just getting started.

Daiki's blade succumbed to the pressure from the clasp of Flavia and it broke to pieces. He leapt back in panic and consternation.

"There is no way we can defeat this guy." Daiki muttered as he landed near Haru.

"We have been fighting him and he doesn't get tired."

"He has regenerative abilities and he has an armor around him."

"There is just no way we can beat him."

"That's what I have been trying to say." Haru responded.

"Should we retreat?"

"No we are not backing down." Said Daiki vehemently.

"Let me siphon your energy and magic."

"I will fight him alone while you retreat."

"Okay go for it." Haru replied. He knew he wouldn't have the energy to fight after his magic was siphoned but he agreed to it because it meant going as far away from Flavia as possible.

Daiki uttered words and a beam of light shone in his hand. He touched haru's right hand and immediately absorbed his magic. Haru disappeared with the light and Daiki was left all alone with Flavia.

"I guess I wasn't wrong about you." Flavia said.

"Maybe you're worth my sword after all."

"Your friend nearly got me there, I give him that."

"Where is he going by the way?"

"To kill more of your kind." Daiki replied.

"If it wasn't for my regeneration, he could have killed me." Flavia admitted.

"After I have killed you, I will go after him and give him the taste of his medicine."

"I am coming at you with my full strength. If you can handle it then you would have passed the sword test."

"Here I come." He said wickedly.

He lunged swiftly at Daiki and engaged him in close combat. He unleashed hell on Daiki with combinations, throwing one power punch after the other. The whole while, Daiki was running around trying to avoid those hands of steel at all cost. The one sided fight carried on until Daiki was exhausted. His agility became slower and his speed drastically reduced. Flavia landed an iron punch and it clobbered his face. Blood poured out his nose and it was ironic because his nose was working overtime. He was breathing heavily and the bleeding nose somehow signified that his nose was over working. It was just too overwhelming for him fighting against a man who doesn't get tired.

Flavia realized that Daiki was sluggish and he set him up with a combination of a jab followed by a hook and a high knee. Daiki had observed the very same combination earlier and suddenly his speed skyrocketed. The sluggishness turned into lighting speed real fast. And his agility and movement became more swift. With the last of his strength he struck Flavia in the abdomen with his remaining sword. He channeled all his power into the sword and as he screamed, his muscles grew out of proportion and his veins grew thicker. Adrenaline pumped into his muscles and the tip of the sword pierced right through Flavia's armor and the rest of the sword followed suit.

It puntured a hole in his abdomen and when he pulled the sword out, he conjured the dark flames he had absorbed from Haru and puntured the gaping hole made by the sword just before it closed up. The flames exploded inside his abdomen and blood and guts splattered the entire street as he was torn in two. His lower body going one direction while his upper body going the opposite.

Daiki tricked Flavia into believing he was getting more tired but infact he was trying to get Flavia to let his guard down and it worked like charm.

Well it could have worked like a charm. It just that before the last attack, Flavia realized his grave mistake and he unsheathed his sword just as the flames were about to rock him. And this sword became the difference.

Daiki watched as Flavia's upper body was regenerating and he swiftly went for the kill. The sword however had other plans. It charged to meet Daiki and after just one parry, a huge chunk of flesh was devoured from Daiki's chest. He was already stunned that the sword had some kind of consciousness but after he successfully blocked the sword attack and still got injured, he was dumbfounded. And it wasn't an injury you would expect from a sword. It was as if a canine had ripped the flesh out him.

In split second, Flavia had regenerated back to his full body and he never felt more alive. It was like he was reborn into a new form. A new form of carnage and wrath. He wielded the sword and swiftly closed in on Daiki and with just one strike, Daiki fell dead to the ground. Chunks of flesh were bit off his neck and swallowed by the sword.

"You were a worthy opponent."

"Now I'm going to hunt down your friend." Flavia said coldly.