
The unexpected Fiance

as I walked down the hallway I see bryan from a distance I hide myself in the shadows and what I saw was something that I would never expected to see bryan was trying to feed cade but cade refused him.


(bryan)"whose there "

★shit I messed up★

(mia)"it it's just me am sorry to disturb you"

(bryan)"oh its just you"

(mia)"am sorry to ask you this but what are you trying to feed cade"

(bryan)"cade? how do you know his name?"

★shit I messed up again ★

(mia)"I'm a witch I can talk to animals you know"

(bryan)"whatever stupid woman what do you want "

(mia)"💢what are you trying to feed cade?"

(bryan)"none of your business go and finish cleaning"

(mia)"ummm that's not what cats eat"

(bryan)"huh what do you mean?"

(mia)"cats don't eat candy"

(bryan)"then what do they eat?"

(mia)"well they eat cat food and drink milk"


(mia)"well since cade won't eat the cady I will"

(bryan) " but I don't want you to eat it"

(mia)" hum whatever bye then "

(bryan)" haha"

(mia)" what's so funny"

(bryan) "nothing keep the candy"

(mia)" I don't want it anymore hum"

with that bryan pushed me against the wall and said...

(bryan) " oh do you want me instead "smirk"

(mia)"you know what I'll keep the candy instead "

(bryan)"why is your face so red and hot "

(mia)"its not red or hot"

bryan put his forehead against mine again and for a moment I was about to kiss him but he removed his head from mine and asked

(bryan)" are you sure your ok you look even more red than before"

(mia)"am fine"

(bryan)"since your fine let me suck your blood "

he pushed me against the wall again and I was already prepared to endure the pain but then when he was about to sink his fangs in to my neck a little girl from behind bryan interrupted and I was safe.

(???)" bryan what are you doing to this slave"

(daniel)"my my brother you really don't waste time do you"

(bryan)"shut up "

(???)"hey slave what were you doing to my fiance just now"

me what was i doing? fiance? the fuck. I looked confused at bryan and daniel and bryan just ignore me and daniel smirked and then said ...

(daniel)"mia this is miss serafal and also my brother's fiance"chukle"

(bryan)" Daniel thats none of this stupid woman business lets go"

(serafal)"your pretty but not as pretty as me hum"

the little girl just looked at me with disgust in her eyes which irritated me like who the hell does she think she is? huh she is just some short ass little girl whose just a kid and knows nothing about life hum .

(daniel)"my lady serafal would like to go to the study room with me "

(serafal)"no am going to the study room with bryan and am not your lady daniel"

(daniel)"lady serafal that hurts my feelings"

★your feelings? you don't even have fellings★


(bryan)"lady serafal please lets go to the study room"

(serafal)"my bryan you should call me "my lady " not just serafal after all I am your fiance"


(daniel) " mia you can go back to your room I'll call you out later ok"

(mia)" sure thank you daniel"

(serafal)"you slave don't even call daniel or bryan master you called them by their name thats disrespectful for a slave like you to do that "

(serafal)"kneel down before your masters you disgusting slave"

I bit my tongue and knelt down with out a word

(serafal)" hum thats more like it now am going to change your name to thrashy

which means thrash ok slave "


(serafal)"damn slave am am talking to you answer me or do you need me to beat you to death for you to answer me huh"

(bryan)"💢💢that's about enough of this show your putting on serafal 💢💢"

(serafal)"hubby what show am just teaching this slave what she deserves"

(bryan)"serafal she has a name and she is not a slave she is ....

(daniel)"she is our guests but she gets bored in the mansion thats why she was cleaning and thats also why she didn't call us master "

(serafal)"hum whatever to me she is just a slave I'll head to the study room now I'll wait for you guys over there "

(daniel)"mia go to your room for now I'll explain what'sgoing to you later ok "

(mia)"daniel there no need to tell me what's going on like bryan said that's none of my business so there's no to tell me anything as long as I don't get involved. well then if youll excuse me I'll head to my room.



(mia)"oh by the way bryan please keep a distance away from me from now on I don't want your FIANCE to get the wrong Idea I'll head to my room now have a nice night.


(Daniel)"let her be brother she is went through alot because of you today let her go rest"

○am sorry mia○
