

Orion swiftly navigated through the remnants of the shattered building, his senses attuned to even faintest whispers of movements, he knew that his adversary was not far behind. The eerie shadows cast by the surrounding structures seemed to stretch and coil around him, concealing the true extent of the devastation that had unfolded.

The blue moon's gentle radiance provided little solace in shadowy realm of shattered building, leaving Orion to rely on the flickering flames that danced upon his fingertips. But even amidst the chaos and destruction, his keen mana sense remained his most reliable guide, a beacon of clarity amidst the swirling maelstrom of uncertainty.

It was with this unwavering sense of anticipation that Orion braced himself for the suprise attack, knowing full well that his enemy lurked within the shadows, biding his time until the perfect moment to strike.