
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 42: Counter!

After running a little—chasing before those guys who hurt Varvara, I Gleren Stasis, finally caught up to them. I'm probably heading towards the hideout of the enemies so let's do the "thing."

As they got onto the church the guys wearing robes entered the building without even worrying if they were seen or not. Are they that confident because we cannot use any of our abilities? Well, anyway, let's do this.

I run after them as fast as I could and when I finally entered the building, I catches my breath and leaned at the door frame. They seemed to be busy discussing with something, so they have not noticed me entered. I lowered my presence, too. And when I finally found the right timing, I spoke.

"Hmm… so, you really as here, eh? Just like what Varvara said."

Nailed it!

They turned to the door in surprise. Hnhg!!! Kuh! This feels amazing! I kind of understand why that idiotic Jin is fixated to this, "let's try to act cool whenever we had the chance!" I might get hooked with this.

They did not notice that I was catching my breath, right? I made my entrance cool and natural, right?! Hehehe. Take that you slimy bastards! This is one of the techniques that I have been training hard! Skill: Impression making!

"Who might you be? I do not remember inviting anyone here."

The one who stood next to Maria said. Considering the garments he was wearing, the complex embroidery, the rich decorations—he must be that. Yes, the boss of this gang. The gentle way he speaks also reeks of danger, too. As expected of the boss.

Let's give it to them. Honestly, I'm quite pissed, but my master always told me not to let my emotions get in the way in my battles. I raise three fingers in the air.

"I came here for three reasons."

He narrowed his sight. The other people here also did the same—except for the guy who has his eyes closed even in the beginning.

"First is to get that girl, Maria, back. I promised someone that I'd send her back safe and sound, after all. Second; a payback for someone. And lastly—to mop the floor out of you, stupid shits!"

I threw my thumb down!

"I wish you would refrain from using vulgar words, for we are inside the church."

"Ah—I'm sorry."

I put my hands together as if praying—in hurry!

Now that I think about it, I'm indeed inside one… If Sofy heard me say all that, she might be the one to smack the hell out of me, not these guys. I'm really sorry. I think my redeeming points in heaven just got a 500 points deduction.

"Whatever the case, what you just said is impossible. You are clearly outnumbered and even if you aren't you cannot use your ability. Putting the first two aside reasons, the last thing you came here for is something you cannot achieve."

He said with a solemn tone. Honestly, the way this guy speaks makes me think that he's not a bad guy. It was as if he was holding a mass ceremony and doing a homily. But you know what? I—don't—care!

"Hm? That would be pretty easy, though?"

I twitched my neck appearing genuinely puzzled. Ah, haha. Seems effective. After all, the one who was drawing a magic circle who was not even looking at me earlier is now glaring. And I can see vein bulging from these guys faces. The one who was on his knee since earlier stood up. Is he already tired of playing the loyal servant act?

"You seemed pretty arrogant for a person who came alone. I see. You must be that, eh? The master of that girl whom I beat to pulp! KAHAHAHA!"

I see. I stared at him intently. So, this bastard was the one who hurt my precious Varvara, huh? I cracked my knuckle and fixed the position of my feet, then all of the sudden—


My fist hit solidly on the guys' face without mercy—that he was sent towards the altar by the sheer force, tumbling on the ground.


He looked so surprised as he held his mouth, blood dripping from there along with three of his teeth. All of them stared at me, who suddenly disappeared and went past four of their people directly towards that person who hurt Varvara—without them being able to react!


"Sir Malcov!"

The two out of the four followers cried in surprise.

"Consider that a greeting—and an installment for hurting Varvara!"


He spat with veins visible on his cheeks and forehead. His pure white clothes were now dyed red with the blood from his nose and mouth. Oh, you're angry?

Cry in anger all you want, but the fact that you got my ire directed towards you will not change.

"I see. You are indeed formidable."

Said the man standing at the altar.

"But, as I said, you will not succeed."

He shifted his gaze from me toward the guy who seemed to be meditating.

"Saffir, change location and continue the plan. Continue the second phase."

Plan? What is he talking about? Now that I think about it, I heard something explode from the school building. Is it related to that? Well, Reina's there along with Sofy and Shinra—along with that cheeky girl Elisha (I can see her pouting face in my head saying; "What do you mean by that?!"), everything will be fine. So, that meditation guy is called Saffir.

"Krueger, hasten the teleportation circle. I will fight him."

"You will?! No, sir St. That kind of guy is not worth your attention."

What do you mean by that?!

"It's okay. It will be his reward for going this far."

I did not pass through any hardship before getting here, though? Oh well, let's leave it at that. The guy called Saffir went inside the Sacristy which was past the altar. From then, he disappeared from my sight.

"You will not chase after him, I see."

He said as she turned his body to look at where Saffir had disappeared too.

"That would be pointless."

I said.

"Since you, who stands the top of them all is there, I doubt you would just let me go through, as if walking in the park."

"Ahaha. True enough. I suppose that you are not someone who's just got muscles in his brain."

He laughed lightly. Even his laughing sounded solemn.

He was about to step down the stairs of the altar when that guy called Malcov—or whatever, stood from where he flew via my punch and bowed to him once again. He looks desperate, really. You need to rest dude, I will still beat the shit out of you later—ah, sorry Lord. I'm still in the church.

"Sir St. Matthias the Twelfth apostle, I beg of you. Let me handle this guy!"

The guy pled. St. Matthias the twelfth apostle? Ain't that name in the bible? Sofy had mentioned him one or twice—the Patron of Perseverance, or so I remember. Also, if he was the twelfth, does that mean that there are 11 more like him? This is going to be a pain in the ass.

The Molcov guy continued,

"I let my guard down, yes. But that will not happen again. Let me show that man where he stands."

After hearing these, the man called St. Matthias, flapped his clothes and sat once again, this time at the stairs. Without saying a word—Maria behind him.

"I thank you for your understanding, sir saint."

He stood and turned around after this and smirked, the place where he lost his teeth was visible— 'twas almost funny, I tell you. Nah, let me correct, it was funny! Who could have done something so terrible? —oh, it was me, tehee!

"Let us begin with the appetizers. You four, attack him! Don't show any mercy!"

"Yes, sir!"

All four answered altogether and prepared for combat. Not bragging, but it's going to be easy if this was going to be a hand to hand combat, but with their ability on the loose, this is going to be troublesome for me; so, before they can, let's take them down!

I assumed a hand-to-hand combat stance. Huff! I started springing on the spot, then after three counts, I disappeared from sight—suddenly, I was already at the front of the robed guy on the right and threw a right punch straight to his stomach. This might have caught him off-guard as he fell on his knees vomiting blood and saliva, unable to guard himself. One down. After that, I saw the other man trying to cast something like magic as his palm which was directed to me started to glow—so, hurriedly closed my distance to that man on the right and threw a spin-kick which was meant to snap something on hit. This landed on his shoulder next to his neck and caused him to abruptly fall on the floor with his irises turning white, bubbles coming out of his mouth.

What's left was the two who seemed to be women by the frames of their bodies. I can tell clearly since there was something on their chest parts that're bulging—uhm, yep they both pass the boob measurement test.

Women or not, it will be bad if I let them be. So, with the power of my legs, I dashed and before they knew it, I was already behind both of them. I slam both of them with karate chop enough to make both of them fall unconscious. Both of them lost their control on their body and fell—without them having been able to do something, I assisted them, grabbing their chest part. Ah, this sensation! So sof—I mean, I must hold them as to not fall hard on the ground! Yep, that's it! I did not hold back because they were girls, okay?! Not at all, okay?

"Tsk! Sexist."

Complained the man called Krueger. Shut it, you! Just do your freaking job and complete that circle for all I care!

Seeing how easily I defeated his lackeys, the guy called Malcov applauded—it was as if he didn't care at all. Don't act cool when you are missing three teeth, stupid!

"That was wonderful. Amusing really. The best way to win against ability user is to prevent them from using their abilities. You are good!"

He laughed as if he found it amusing—showing the place where he lost his—pfftt—teeth.

"But that kind of tricks won't work on me."

"Nope. You'll be next to kiss the ground."

Round 2—start!