
Blood and Shadow; My F-rank Shadow Ability Has An Unlimited Skill Set

Following the world's greatest catastrophe, which nearly led to the apocalypse, the revelation of the ability to utilize magic was brought to light. With the globe entering a new era, an Academy specializing and entirely for ability users was established. At the academy, abilities are evaluated and ranked based on how they influence the world. Gleren, an F-rank student, covertly works for an organization that preserves global harmony and balance. A peace lover who would rather watch anime and play games than to do anything bothersome. But one day, with the arrival of Maria, the vampire princess, his peaceful life came crashing down. Maria the Last Vampire is a special existence for which she was constantly sought after. With danger always lurking about the Vampire Princess, Gleren Stasis—the F-ranked student at Saint Stella Academy—was tasked with protecting her at all costs without disclosing the truth about himself.

Minazuki_Keizo · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 32: Shinra's Punishment

Lately, a certain woman has been acting all cheeky. It has been already a week since Maria was admitted here in the Academy and all has been strangely peaceful. Except from all the confessions from the guys (which have been all coldly shut down) and all the idolism from the girls (apparently, they made a club that mainly composed of Maria's fanbase) nothing significant happened. However! A certain woman has been driving me on the edge as of late. She makes me do all the troublesome chores that my classmates refuse to do. She has been ordering me with unreasonable demands. And she makes me stay at the campus late before finally letting go home. I can't retaliate because inside the campus, I am no one but a mere student.

I guess it's time to finally show her who her master is—this arrogant servant of mine—that Shinra.

Today is Friday and its already dusk. Yet here I am, still at the classroom, sorting some documents that I don't even know what for. She has me doing all this work since she made me a class representative. That Elisha had already gone home, too. Varvara said she'd love to help but I just can't make her do things which would only add to her loads. She said she's studying how to make use of her ability more efficiently, so I just can't rob her off her time.

"Ahh, I wanna go home."

"So? How does it feel to be exploited until dawn? Please do tell."

Here she comes. Is she done with her own matters though? She stands there at the entrance of the classroom looking at me with a smug look on her pretty face. She makes a beautiful mature aura, but for some reason she really pisses me off this time.

"I'm surprised, though. I never would have thought that you'd actually do it."

"You made me do this!"

I'm not the type who runs away from his responsibilities. I may be lazy but I won't want my work to be compromised. That's one of my good points, if I say so myself. She went inside and sat at the desk where the papers were placed, she smiled impishly.

"My, how serious."

"Hey, Shinra… aren't you acting very prickly as of late?"

"I'm not! And call me instructor Tokugawa. Were still at school."

"We're alone, you know."

Oh-ho? What's this she's blushing. I guess, she already knew that from the very start, huh?

"Well, then that's it. I'm done with the papers here."

I filed the papers and arrange it neatly before clipping it with paper fastener. I shifted my gaze from my work to the flushing adult at my side.

"So? Care to tell me why have you been so prickly lately? Did I do something that would have annoyed you?"

"I told you I'm not prickly!"

"Oh, you are."

"I'm not!"

"Is that so? Oh, well whatever. I guess it's time for you to know your place."


I covered the whole room with shadow using my ability, {Shadow Castle}. Seeing this, Shinra panicked and tried to use her ability, but before she could, I grabbed her by the hand and yanked her towards me. Then stumbling at my chest, I leaned before her and whispered in her ear,

"Try to be permeable or even think of escaping from me and I'll double your punishment."

Well, I doubt that she'd even try to so. The moment I grabbed her arm, she felt weak and her will to scape was gone with her face as red as tomato—it even reached her ears. And with teary eyes, she glanced at me then nodded meekly. She was as if a little girl who was caught doing something bad. Honestly, looking at her like this seemed already a punishment. She's so cute.

But if I try to be soft at her, she'll never learn and her smug behavior will continue. So, the only way is to properly show her where she stands.

"Wh-what are you going to do with me…?"

Ugh… seeing her act so timid hurts my conscience. Darn. And she chooses to act like that in times like this, eh? But sorry to tell you, it won't change a thing.


I bind her legs and her hands with my shadow imbued with mana. Even if she tries to break it, she won't be able to.

"W-What are you doing?!"

"Punishing a cheeky subordinate!"


I grabbed her bound body and carried her like a princess then placed her on the table at the front of the class where she usually stands as she teaches—she's lying on her belly. With her position, it was inevitable that her butt would be sticking out. Her nice, shapely butt.

Now, everything is set for her punishment!

"So? will you tell me the reason why have you been acting all touchy as of late?"

"I told you; I'm not!"

"I see. Time for punishment then!"

"Hya! Hyau! Kyaa!"

I spanked her butt. Not so hard that it would actually hurt, yet not so gentle—if I do so then it would not be a punishment.

"So, will you spill it out now?!"

"Hyaa! Auuu! I-I told you, I'm n-not! —Hyaan!"

"Spill it out!"

This is bad… this is my first time doing this sort of thing. But it makes me a bit excited—just a bit, okay?! I…might become addicted to this.

Her face was redder than before and her breathing became heavy. She was huffing and puffing as she was gasping for air. She looks kinda—erotic? And when she was already out of breath, she turned her face to me—a droll on the corner of her mouth and tears filled her beautiful eyes. Just how much is she embarrassed about this?

"A-alright… I will tell you…"


Guh! I was so close of losing it. I know I acted tough about this, but my face is actually red, too. I was so damn nervous! This kind of thing… is dangerous. In ways more than one. Doing this in a classroom, though it was empty makes me think how despicable I was to do this on an adult woman… wait, could it be that I was actually a pervert?!

I released her off her bind and sat back to my seat. I waited for her to recover a little so she can sort all her thought and relay it. When she got of the desk, she fixed her clothes and hair, she held her butt and glared intently at me tears still visible on the corner of her eyes… Uwaaah, if stares could kill.

I… I feel a bit sorry now…

I wonder what's on her mind right now. After what feels like a moment had gone, she went her way to where I was sitting. Then without any hesitation, she sat on my lap! Yes, not on any other seat. Not on the desk where she smugly sat when she first came in or to another open chair—but on my lap!

What the heck is she thinking? And why does she smell so good? A perfume, maybe? Or her natural scent? What was it?! She feels so soft and she's unexpectedly light and her body was smaller than how I expected it to be… I'm feeling something inside of me awakening.

She's definitely sitting on my lap with her back against me. Her hair sometimes hit my face and its smell lingers on my nose… I just realized it—but how much of a perverseness could be hidden inside me…?

Anyway, act normal, me! We must not lose to the wonderful sensation of her butt! Keep your cool!

"So, what is it?"

I—don't think I can keep my cool. She glanced at me from where she was sitting and it tuned to be an upside glance because I was sitting higher than her in our current position.

"You really are terrible. You're so mean!"


"You saved me. You help me get away with the crime I committed and what's more you secured the safety of my little sister. Then, why?! Why have you been acting as if nothing happened?! Why is it that you have been neglecting me?! Aren't you supposed to be my master? Before I knew it, you have been acting all chummy with other girls again! You even get close with miss Valentine and miss Asmodeus, too!"

Eh? So, she was not angry but jealous? What should I say at time like this? Argh! Just perfect timing to hit a blank idea! Just what the heck?!

"So, you were acting all prickly because you felt jealous? How childish of you to do so."

"You really are terrible."

I… have no idea what we are. Are we a master-servant only who benefits from each other? Or a confident relationship that transcends that? I don't know. But the way she's acting tells me that it would be the latter.

She shifts her body towards mine, held my face gently—and with eyes as tender as a light rain she stared at me before finally meeting her luscious lips to mine—passionately that I felt like as if I would drown from her feelings. Is this her way of serving me? Or her feeling of loneliness that had been accumulating? I don't have any idea. I could shake her off, but I realize this; I was also a man. I returned her feelings and responded to her kiss.


She said with a bewitched expression on her face—completely lost in the moment. Just what do I do with you?

It lasted for a while before she finally released me—but for me it felt as if it was forever. Her eyes, her breath, and even the way she licked her lips as she parted mine—was nothing but seductive. Her expression as she left my lips alone was as if entranced. I know I should not say this, but it would be bad if I just went with the flow. And really bad: I mean it! After all, I am a healthy young man in his adolescence. I don't know what I could do if this continued. I might awaken some slumbering beast inside of me, so, I abruptly change the topic.

Call me coward all you want, but it's just too early for this sort of things. If Sofy would hear a word of this, I'll be literally dead. It's not like I'm afraid of her, okay?! Absolutely not! I just don't want her to know. Yep, that's all!

—As if drowning in the moment, we stayed close to each other. Feeling the warmth of each existence. We were filling the gap that both of us were not together. When was it that her feelings changed? How did it turn to this? Whatever the reason is I respect her feelings and I am not the kind of person who would reject a girl in her advances, especially when it was from an adult woman! No. If it were another person I doubt I'd be in this situation. I just feel comfortable with her—that's all. Ahh, no matter what excuses I throw, I can tell that I am just a pervert...

I was hugging her from behind, while she was telling me all sorts of her feelings. Her insecurities and worries. Her anxiety towards the safety of her sister. It's the first time I saw her this weak looking. It makes me want to protect her... This felt as if romantic rendezvous rather than a punishment.

The dusk had ended and it was already night and the day ended up being more hectic than I expected. I went home straight after this and Shinra's prickly attitude was completely gone as we parted ways…

I hope she won't do something troublesome again in the future. Nonetheless;

"I—can't believe I'm experiencing something like this at this age."

The dawn swallowed the whole Saint Isle as I was pondering with that thought. With the flickering lights of the dim-dressed night, I went home to where my little sister was waiting.