
We are leaving

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''It will be my ambition to have no rest or repose until the last heathen has been converted or eliminated from essos.''

-Lothar von Ruppin


POV of Wilhelm

We left immediately for the castle

But now it seemed that destiny was against us, when we arrived back at the castle we could already hear whispers and conversations about what had happened in the south.

Lord Stark's sister had died of a fever in Dorne, apparently Lord Eddard Stark's friends kept quiet about the lineage of their lord's new son, but they did not keep quiet about the death because they went to inform Robert immediately.

And the other topic of conversation that spread like wildfire was the combat of Charles against Arthur Dayne, when it appeared it was a long combat where they fought for several minutes looking for each other's weak points until finally Charles killed him with a powerful blow with his axe that practically decapitated him with the blow.

The information was already known by almost everyone, since this city was a nest of vipers that only knew the art of subterfuge and it is very likely that Lord Tywin already knew this information.

I was directed to the rooms where the Lannister family was staying, but apparently Lord Tywin was not there and I decided to go to look for the king's hand.

On my way to the tower of the hand, I found lord Tywin coming down the stairs of the tower.

''Lord Hohenzollern .... well, this makes things easier... our engagement is over, house Lannister can choose a better match for marriage and now that king Robert is single it makes him the most desired eligible match in the seven kingdoms.... I hope you a mercenary don't try to equal one of the noblest bloodlines in the seven kingdoms''lord Tywin said staring at me while using his low tone

''We have a contract.... I hope you remembered that you signed clauses....and they were confirmed by the crown, it is not something you can unilaterally break''I replied to lord Lannister who was followed by some of his knights.

''The king's hand I consider our offer.... and as you would know someone so knowledgeable of the law of the seven kingdoms, the king can break the engagements between his subjects, as it is one of his powers to avoid... powerful alliances''said lord Tywin

''The king's hand would not be so..... clumsy, to insult two of the most powerful lords in the seven kingdoms by breaking their voluntary agreement...'''I said, returning the staring match.

''Ha... well, Hohenzollern you wanted the lion's friendship...the marriage is not necessary, neither your help with my son Jaime, that was another point we talked about with lord Arryn, I will pay you the dowry I promised you and you will keep the agreement for the sword of the house Roxton'' lord Tywin said without showing any emotion.

''You will pay me more for the term of the betrothal and you should pay me more for the Valyrian steel sword because it was all in special consideration that we would be family,'' I replied using the same tone of voice as Tywin.

There was a long and awkward silence between us until lord Tywin seemed to grow bored with his best tool, silence.

''Done, consider the deal broken and..... well, let there be no talk of it, only we and the crown know about the deal..... well, we have nothing more to talk about''said lord Tywin as he started walking towards his chambers accompanied by his knights

I gave a long sigh as Lord Tywin disappeared into the castle corridors.

'I get nothing out of picking a fight with him, to keep the engagement he's already made his choice.'

We returned to our goal of talking to the king's hand

The royal guard guarding the door of the king's hand did not prevent us from entering to meet Lord Arryn.

Arryn was at his desk with a contented face, but the moment we entered his chambers, his face turned pale.

''ARRYN, I suppose you have very good reasons to screw up my marriage,'' I said, looking at the king's hand that was trying to hide some papers.

''Ha, ha, ha.... lord Hohenzollern, our good friend how can I help you''said lord Arryn laughing very nervously

''Don't try to make a fool of yourself Arryn, you've already proved you're smarter than most, so you don't have to play dumb. ... why?''I said staring at the nervous Jon Arryn.

''It was a great opportunity for the crown.... and it was necessary to guarantee the stability of the realm by uniting house Lannister to our alliance against the Targaryens'' replied Jon Arryn trying to put a smile on his face.

''Oh, so I am not part of that alliance, or am I just not good for it?'', I asked the king's hand showing an emotionless face

''No, no, lord Hohenzollern, it's just that ..... we need the money .... lord Tywin offered us a considerable sum of gold if we used Robert's authority to break his engagement and marry Cersei and the crown is not in good monetary terms you know that very well''said lord Arryn with a little fear.

''You could have borrowed the gold from me, it wouldn't have been a problem, since I lent the crown three million golden dragons without interest'' I said with a serious tone without taking my eyes off my opponent.

''We didn't want to abuse your ''generosity'' Lord Hohenzollern any further, but well .... Lord Tywin pointed out that you could marry a Lannister from the houses of lannisport if you considered your union with House Lannister so necessary'' Lord Arryn said wiping his sweat as he laughed from nervousness

''I would get the same benefit by marrying into a lesser house, as I would by marrying a... with a lowborn woman''I said as I restrained myself from insulting the lesser Lannister houses.

''I'm going to forget this ever happened Arryn, it's best for both of us.... Robert rebelled over something similar to this, but I am not as volatile as him, but my patience has a limit, I hope this never happens again''I said as I walked over to jon Arryn's worktable and stood watching him as he sat there

Jon Arryn just nodded, and then could be heard swallowing saliva.

''How is Robert?, his beloved's death must have been a hard blow for him?'' I asked Jon Arryn.

''Shattered, I've never seen Robert so melancholy about anything, it really got to him'' said lord Arryn with a sad face.

''He fought against half the kingdom for a woman so that in the end she ended up dying in a prison in Dorne, we'll lord Arryn you already know Maximilian he will be my representative in the city while I am gone, anything that needs to be discussed with me, you will have to discuss it with him'' I said looking at lord Arryn.

''Won't you stay for Robert's marriage ceremony? Robert would love to hear Charles' fight against Ser Arthur Dayne, it must have been a spectacle to see the best warriors of the seven kingdoms fight each other and Charles always tells his stories with such skill that one can become part of the tale'' Lord Arryn asked with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow and stared at Lord Arryn.

''No lord Arryn, for somewhat obvious reasons, although the marriage to the Lannisters was secret, I do not wish to humiliate myself by being at the ceremony where they forgot I existed'' I said looking at lord Arryn with a raised eyebrow.

''Oh, right'' said lord Arryn pursing his lips.

''Besides, I must return to the south, work must be done to re-secure the food supply of the kingdom's granary, especially with the loss of hands from the war, although not many died in the battles, there will be a considerable reduction in production each season that must be considered for the following years'' I said while handing a paper to lord Arryn

Lord Arryn began to read the paper

''Yes, well, I charge you lord Hohenzollern to establish the king's peace, in the territories of the reach, you may punish with all the harshness you consider the lords who did not obey the judgment and decided to turn against the kingdom'' said lord Arryn signing the decree and placing the wax seal of the house Baratheon on it.

''What about the septon, who calls to prevent the rule of the Prussian heathens, who endanger the food production area near Tumbleton and its surroundings?'', ask lord Arryn.

''I have spoken with the supreme septon and after praying for three days and three nights without rest, the seven have enlightened his judgment with wisdom, the septons who support the uprising of arms is in breach of the treaty signed with the crown and therefore are violating the king's peace and should be executed and in a show of magnanimity the supreme septon gives you the right to judge such ungodly members of the faith of the seven, but the septs shall be pardoned,'' said Lord Arryn, handing me a papyrus with a seal of the seven-pointed star of the faith of the seven.

''Well with this I would have all I need Lord Arryn, enjoy the tournament and the feast, I will make sure the food keeps getting to your barns, just remember that the peace treaty with Dorne will adjust the reach's border with Dorne at the torentine river'' I said as I said goodbye to Lord Arryn.

As I left the room I heard a loud sigh coming from Lord Arryn's chamber.

I went back to my chambers and spoke to Maximilian about his job of negotiating the Lannisters over the sword and indemnification because it would be negotiations that would be done without my presence because I must begin to rule the south.

Losing a Valyrian steel sword would have been painful for most lords, but I have a smith who can do more and I already have another replacement, only it has no history in the seven kingdoms.... though I believe it belonged to a Royce in the dragon dance.

''ROON, have all the men ready to march south, we are leaving'' I said to Roon who was working with a stack of papers.

''At your orders your majesty'' said Roon getting up from his chair and saluting me.

I left the castle and went to our camp to ride as soon as possible to watch the first construction works in the area.

Duke Helmuth looked at me with an intrigued face.

''Are we leaving?'', asked Helmuth as he adjusted his eye patch.

''Yes, the Lannisters broke off the engagement, the stark's sister is dead and Robert is single,'' I said to duke Helmuth.

''Ahhh, damn politics, a pain in the ass, I don't know how the hell those westerosi like to whisper so much'' said Helmuth covering his eye with his hand

''Nothing we can do, let's just forget about the marriage, we have to establish the foundations of the cities and put an end to these rebellions that are getting more and more violent'' I said a bit annoyed.

''I understand my king, I will prepare my men, shall we take with us your new banner men?'', asked Helmuth.

''Yes, if we let them free, they might support the rebellions that are already active in the north, it is better they have to travel from the south to the north, to join them'' I answered the duke.

I handed the two papers to Helmuth

''Have them delivered to Aleksanteri, we have the permission to start the hunt, we will show no mercy against the rebel leaders and force them to hide like the rats they are'' I told the duke

Helmuth quickly handed him over to one of his horsemen, who galloped off to the south as fast as his horse could run.

I waited for the army to enlist and we slowly began to leave the city heading south.




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