
The rightful justice

R-18 CHAPTER torture - medium

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''In the end the Teutonic never reached Tumbleton, the city became the base of operations of the Finns, so much was the control of Aleksanteri in the city that there was a gold cup adorned with sapphires that the poor used to drink water and no one dared to steal it, when a traveler tried to steal it the citizens beat him to death for fear of the punishment that the Finns could give them.''

-Helmuth talking about tumbleton with lord Tarly


Third person(I preferred that Aleksanteri's inner thoughts were not known so that it would be more difficult for you to determine his personality.)

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly, the birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming, it was a typical and beautiful day in the north of the reach the only difference being that in the fertile fields that happened to be uninhabited there were several camps displaying the flag of the Finnish auxiliaries

Were moved a hundred of the best Finnish soldiers who served their master directly and awaited orders on how to proceed against the rebels who disturbed their king.

Inside the camp, there were several knights who had been captured leading the local rebellion supported by the septons, who were being interrogated by Aleksanteri himself.

Who was slapping his hands together while laughing and observing his prey.

''He, he, he, he, let's play a game, which you will love as much as I do...., since you are so tight-lipped, let's do something to build trust between us.... a friendly game''said the Finn while observing a dozen knights who were just watching him without saying a word.

''He, he, he, he, well, I'll take your silence as acceptance.... well and you will serve'' said the Finn while pointing at still knight

''I told you what you have to do my friend, I will free you and you will run and run until you get tired and escape from my yoke, but that would be too easy for the best men there are in the reach, the most trained and disciplined knights there are in the kingdom, no, no that would be unworthy of you, that's why I will make it a little harder, you will have the advantage, but you will be chased by these puppies here'' said the Finn pointing at almost thirty dogs that were sitting obediently waiting for their master's command.

The knight's face that was staring defiantly at his captor began to weaken as he looked at the huge dogs that were obediently seated.

Aleksanteri cut the ropes that kept the knight tied up and pointed a crossbow at his back.

''Come on, run, you are free, you can go'' said Aleksanteri as he held his crossbow against the knight who didn't know what to do.

Seeing the knight's hesitation Aleksanteri increased his threats

''If you don't go, I'll throw you to the dog and use this and that would be no fun .... it's only fun when they run'' said Aleksanteri showing his crossbow.

Seeing the Finn's finger on the crossbow mechanism, the knight decided to run as fast as he could to the safety of a nearby forest.

The Finn lowered his crossbow and watched as the knight ran desperately to reach the forest.

''Attention'' said the Finn and all the dogs got up on their four legs.

the Finn was watching the knight's position at all times as he gave the command

''Attack'' said the Finn and all the dogs took off in pursuit of the knight.

The Finn was left watching as his pets ran across the open field in pursuit of the knight and in no time at all they cut the distance.

The next thing that happened was the knight's desperate cries of pain, how he was being torn apart by the dogs who, without the slightest hesitation, Mauled the knight to pieces, biting him all over, separating him from his limbs so that before long he was just a mass of flesh torn to pieces by the Finn's animals.

The Finn began to applaud and laugh at the beautiful spectacle of what had just happened.

''Well, who's next?'', said the Finn as he made some sounds to call back his animals.

The knights were pale as they watched the death of their companion.

''You are a heartless monster'' said a knight.

''Too late for compliments my friend'' replied the Finn.

The Finn picked out two other knights who were chosen for the Finn's game, both of whom ran desperately only to be overtaken again by the dogs who obeyed their master's orders in attacking the racers

''What a good show, I hope you liked it..... well, I will give you the opportunity to one of you to have a quick and painless death and with the privilege of being cremated, and your ashes delivered to your relatives, you only have to tell me which septon was the one who financed your useless rebellion and that's it'' said the Finn observing the surviving knights.

Having no response from his prisoners he decided to continue speaking.

''Oh well they can choose death, slow and painful, which does not include their remains being buried, they will just lie there to be food for the crows, which are already feasting on the flesh of your friends''' said the Finn while stroking the neck of one of his dogs which was covered with the blood of his previous victim.

The knights looked at each other, but it seemed that none of them was going to talk

''Septon Donnel'' said one of the knights looking at the floor.

''You fucking traitor!'', shouted another knight.

''We swore not to tell!'', said another knight.

''Oh, we'll convince me, that it is real and you will earn this..... a trip of no return with your gods and no pain, it will only be a pleasant dream'' said the Finn showing a vial with a liquid inside.

The knight began to talk even with the shouts of his companions for him to stop, where he told everything he knew to Aleksanteri

''Very interesting, well, we already have four witnesses that point to the same septon, so it must be him'' said Aleksanteri to one of his soldiers while writing down everything in a diary

''Here, drink, you earned it'' said Aleksanteri handing the liquid from the vial to the knight who spoke.

over the next few minutes the knight began to fall asleep... slowly, until after almost half an hour he fell asleep and his heart stopped.

One of the Finnish soldiers approached Aleksanteri who was making sure that the knight was dead by taking his pulse.

''Commander, information is coming from the north, we have permission to operate against the septons and the rebel leaders'' said the soldier handing Aleksanteri a piece of paper and a papyrus.

Who quickly began to read them

''Right, call the men, have them cremate this knight and get ready, we are going to tumbleton to finish with the root of the problems'' said Aleksanteri taking the knight's body.

''Attack'' said Aleksanteri and his dogs began to tear apart the rest of the knights who were tied up.

The Finn made sure he kept his word and cremated the knight and sent his ashes to the knight's family and he started to head for tumbleton.

It was only an hour's ride, where the Finn had arrived at the walls of tumbleton

Where his men entered through the gates and began to spread out through the city.

''Will we receive help from the Teutonic Aleksanteri?'', asked one of the Finnish soldiers.

''No, we must act alone, we must attract all the fear, all the terror of these people in us, so that when the Teutonic's arrive with their mission to proselytize, they will be well received, since they will be different from us'' Aleksanteri answered while walking through some of the secondary streets of the city.

''Well, shall we start arresting right away?'', asked another Finnish soldier.

''No, we will wait for the leader of the rebellion to show himself, we will hit the brain and his whole structure should collapse under his weight, his arrest should be public so that they know that the faith of the seven and the king of the seven kingdoms supports us''Aleksanteri answered again.

Aleksanteri walked alone to one of the less crowded streets, in which one could observe the Sept that had become the neuralgic point of the last rebellions and attacks against the Prussians and anyone who collaborated with them.

Aleksanteri waited patiently until a sound from behind took him surprised.

A small puppy that was among some of the garbage in the streets was coming out holding a piece of moldy bread while wagging its little tail, smiling at the sight of the Finn.

The puppy approached the Finn with great difficulty and offered him his bread while continuing to wag his tail.

''*gasp, hi little buddy, how are you?.... oh you want to give me some of your bread, you are so cute... cutie you are a girl'' said Aleksanteri bringing his hands close to the puppy with a squeaky voice

''You are sick and weak... where's your family? .... ah, I see they left you behind too''said the Finn looking at the puppy and then checking the piles of garbage to see if he could find more puppies but she was all alone.

''You must be cold, you must be scared to be alone, come I have something for you to eat, that bread will hurt you'' said Aleksanteri taking the puppy in his hands and looking for some food in his clothes.

''I'm a lucky man of this color I didn't have, ha, ha, ha, ha''said Aleksanteri while petting the puppy and giving him something to eat.

''Pretty little thing... you are of friendly nature .... you are no use to me to training you, you are too kind, but as a companion dog you would be great, Helmuth might be interested in a doggy friend like you'' said Aleksanteri while stroking the puppy's tummy.

Aleksanteri had been caring for the puppy and checking his wounds for a moment when the Prussian plans began to act.

The garrison of the city had begun to leave the city and they made sure to make as much noise as possible to attract the rebels

Who seeing that their actions had germinated and that the Prussians decided to leave the city began to celebrate as the Prussians left the city.

The leader of the rebellion, the septon Donnel who had given funds and shelter inside the Sept to all who supported his rebellion, had come out to the square to give a speech about his victory over the pagans with his resistance

''Well little one, it's not nice, but you'll be safe here, no one will touch you without killing me first''Aleksanteri said as he moved some poisons from his neck pocket to place the puppy in.

Aleksanteri began to give hand signals and slowly the Finns moved towards the tumbleton square to begin their attack on the rebels.

There was a large crowd that was celebrating the escape of the Prussians and the septon Donnel was in the middle of it

''Today is a great day, we have shown that our gods are stronger, our gods protect us, now we must go on, we must drive out every last one of the pagans and we must wipe out those who collaborated with them!....'' shouted the septon Donnel.

''BUT NOW YOU ARE JUST A REBEL'' shouted Aleksanteri interrupting the septon's speech.

Everyone stared at them and Aleksanteri made another hand signal where several Finns who were on the roofs showed their crossbows and several more Finns began to come out of the houses armed with spears surrounding the septon and his followers.

The Finn who had the head of a puppy sticking out from under his chin began to approach the septon and his followers as he pulled out some papers

''Septon Donnel, you finally come out of your burrow, which is good, it saves me from having to search for you.... by order of the supreme septon you are considered an outlaw septon and traitor to the faith of the seven, for the crimes, of bribery, kidnapping, apostasy, sodomy and the acquisition of prostitution services''said Aleksanteri showing the paper to everyone.

Many people began to look at the septon with a face of disgust.

''That's false.... that's false'' said the septon

''Are you saying that the supreme septon your moral authority is lying, have you gone mad, the power made you crazy'', said Aleksanteri as the Finnish soldiers pushed the followers out of the way of their commander.

''Surrender to us peacefully, avoid bloodshed, you are all traitors and I have orders to give you a harsh punishment, save the deaths of innocents'' said Aleksanteri almost in front of the supreme septon because many of his followers were no longer protecting him.

Seeing that no one was protecting him, the Finns quickly handcuffed him and began to arrest the rest of the rebel leaders, although they did put up much more resistance

''By orders of the supreme septon and his majesty Robert Baratheon, all the leaders will be executed, today at sunset the attendance of all is MANDATORY'' said Aleksanteri.

The Finn had managed to apprehend numerous rebel leaders at the beginning of their operation, and at sunset they began to hang them all in the presence of all the inhabitants of the city and left them hanging as an example with the threat of death to anyone who tried to bring them down.

During the following days many minor rebels began to be hanged in all parts of the city, they were covered by a white cloth with the star of the faith of the seven, leaving them hanging from the houses of the citizens.

When most of the rebels were executed, the Finns began to persecute the thieves and then the smugglers and finally, anyone who went against the law.

Summary executions were carried out every day against those who broke the law.

The Finns were always watching, they were always there, they knew everything.

It was not uncommon to be eating and see the window and be watched by a Finn staring at you

People slowly began to panic at the crime.




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