
The cunning beast II

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POV of Captain of lys first moon 285 AC

My men reacted according to their training and unsheathed their swords and tried to surround the man.

''You know for a moment I thought you wouldn't fall for the trap'' said the knight as he positioned himself with the wall at his back to avoid being surrounded.

''What trap? there is no one within kilometers, I made sure my scouts kept me informed'' I said to the knight as I ordered more of my men to surround him.

''True...but let's just say that in this city there are many warehouses and tunnels that smugglers used to use'' said the knight with a slight smile.

Immediately after hearing what he said I looked around us for the possibilities of the ambush

But there was nothing that caught my attention, our rear was secure and our and many of the houses that were in our surroundings had been searched for survivors.

One of my men got close enough to try to make a slash with his sword aimed at the face which was the only area that was not protected by steel.

But the knight caught the sword with his free hand and practically crushed the sword he had caught leaving all of us who were watching what happened stunned.

 ''If you surrender now I promise you will be delivered to the city of tyrosh and you will not have to endure the punishment we have applied to all the others'' said the knight throwing the fragments of the sword he had in his hand.

''We will not surrender to your imaginary army, you crazy bastard, you will pay for everything you have done, I will make sure that you and your men receive the same treatment that you have given to the mercenaries'' I replied to the knight, finally ordering my men to charge at him.

As I watched a maniacal grin form on his face my nervousness returned.

''Much better...DEUS VULT'' shouted the knight so loud that it even frightened the horses.

The knight charged at my men who tried to stop him but in a single swing of his sword three of my men were cut in half

Their torsos fell to the ground and they immediately began to convulse and scream.

Sounds of combat could be heard in other areas of the city and the doors of the governor's mansion opened and several knights wearing the same type of armor came out with their weapons ready for combat.

''Quickly to your positions form a line protect the archers and crossbowmen'' I shouted giving orders to my men. 

The men who belonged to me, slaves bred for combat, responded quickly to my orders while the mercenaries were still surprised by the situation.

Before I could concentrate on the knights in front of us from the roofs of the houses that were still in good condition there were a great number of archers and crossbowmen that were hidden on the top of the houses.

We were optimally positioned to be the perfect targets for a rain of arrows and bolts.

A rain of arrows and crossbow bolts hit my forces and weakened our formation.

And before I could give new orders the monster in front of me was advancing, he was slaughtering my men with an ease that did not seem human, his sword was cutting through the plate armor of my men as if it was made of paper.

The battle had not begun long ago but we were already being reduced to small groups, where everyone was fighting for their lives.

Defending myself with my shield from several arrows that were directed against me, I was looking for a way to escape, if they captured me they could get vital information from me.

''I WANT HIM ALIVE'' shouted the knight in a strange language to the group of archers that were on the roofs as he made his way through my men. 

As I concentrated better on our position I realized that we were already surrounded, we had that group of knights in front of us, archers on the sides in the houses preventing us from escaping, the small streets were being held back by more of the men attacking us and the rear of our formation was fighting as well.

The knight's sword skill was good but I have seen better the problem was the monstrous force he had, every time he swung his sword it cut through the plate armor of my men, Valyrian steel does that with ease the problem was that this demon could cut three or four men with a single slash.

I kept giving orders trying to organize my men but every minute that passed I was losing many men and the situation was getting worse and worse.

There were almost no soldiers left to prevent the knight from advancing, when I saw that the monster smashed the skull of one of my men using only one hand

Nothing seemed to stop him, the man was tall which made it difficult to hit him hard in the face, without considering that my men did not even reach his shoulders, and the few blows that were aimed at his unprotected face... bounced off as if his face were made of steel.

I tried to use my horse to stop the demon that was slaughtering my men for good.

I made my horse stand on his legs and hit him with his hooves praying that a good blow on the unprotected head of the knight could end his life... to my surprise the knight did not try to kill me.

To my surprise the knight did not try to dodge or protect himself but kept moving forward stopping my horse from the chest and even lifting him up

Only to use his sword and cut the horse's abdomen that moved violently while its guts fell to the ground.

Before I lost control of the horse and fell I saw the monster's hand grab me by my armor and felt my plate armor being destroyed by his hand, leaving me suspended in the air only held by him.

The knight quickly led me to the safety of his men.

Almost without difficulty he broke my helmet strap to look at my face.

"Ha, Valyrian features...violet eyes platinum blond hair...you should have surrendered when you could" said the knight as he crouched down and watched me carefully.

I reached for the dagger I had in my boot in the hope that I could hurt him, the knight did not react and with all my strength I thrust my dagger into the man's eye.

My dagger stopped halfway and I could not bury it any further.

What followed was a violent grip with his hand on my neck, his fingers were stuck like daggers in my throat and I could not even move them to breathe.

The knight did not scream or anything he seemed disappointed and with his free hand he removed the dagger from his eye pulling it out completely without any sound of pain or discomfort.

His eye bled for a few seconds but finally stopped abruptly.

The knight stood up while he was still holding me by the neck and I was struggling to free myself and breath

''Oh...well...it will grow back'' said the knight in his unfamiliar tongue as he touched the area where his eye was missing and choked me with more force.

I was still struggling but it was getting harder and harder, no matter how hard I struggled his hand was still firmly on my throat choking me, I was seeing blurry when the knight dropped me.

I only caught a glimpse of the knight returning to the fight as if nothing had happened to him

Until I lost consciousness as several of the enemy knights dragged me towards the governor's mansion.

A sudden jump brought me back to consciousness, when I appeared we were in a chariot.

''You finally awake, captain,'' said one of my subordinates.

''What...happened?...where...are we?'' I said stopping because of the pain I felt in my throat.

My subordinate just lifted his hands showing his shackles to answer my question

''We lost, the rest of our force collapsed when you were captured, we were completely surrounded, the few that managed to escape the enemy encirclement were captured by their cavalry, no one escaped, we are all here'' the man answered while pointing to other wagons with prisoners.

''What the hell was that thing...nothing stopped it'' I said while remembering the monster.

''It killed many...its very presence generated fear among our men after he captured you...I would like to say that we fought hard but without leadership we surrendered quickly'' said the man with some embarrassment.

''How long...I was unconscious'' I asked as I looked around but it was just bushes and thick grass and it was not a frequently used path.

''Several hours, if it wasn't that you were breathing I would have thought you were dead'' said the soldier after sighing and showing a worried smile.

''What is it?'' I asked the man.

''Now they are going to gouge our eyes out like the rest of us...'' said the soldier with fear in his voice.

''We just have to accept our fate with the little pride we have left in this situation'' I said with discomfort remembering the fate of hundreds of men.

Several minutes passed where no one said anything, the rest of the prisoners were either too wounded or too focused on praying to their gods for what would happen next.

Finally in the distance I noticed that there was smoke on the horizon.

As we approached we observed a war camp, nothing like what I had become accustomed to seeing with lazy and arrogant mercenaries pitching their tents poorly.

This camp stretched for a long stretch, it had a palisade and a ditch, several watchtowers at the entrances and tents that were evenly pitched throughout the camp.

Our enemies were very disciplined, which was understandable as they were so careful with their ambushes.

As we got closer we noticed that there were several hundred...children and young men training, doing all kinds of training, from practicing with swords and crossbows to exercising with chain mail on and some learning to ride.

'Great, they are training more men to continue their slaughter in our lands'.

The training stopped for a moment when several wagons pulled up and began handing out much of the armor that had been captured from us.

Our journey continued with the sounds of hundreds of people lining up to receive equipment.

We entered the camp and arrived at an area that was filled with cages and shackles.

Our captors began to take us off the wagons and move us to the cages.

The only ones they took were the red priests who were made to kneel before a throne made of wood, where shortly after a figure appeared that made me tremble with fear.

The monster this time wearing a helmet with wings, I knew it was him as he was still wearing his clothes soaked with the blood of my men.

He sat on the throne and stared at the red priests.

The red priests' mouths were open in...amazement and their hands were shaking.

"R'hllor who gave us breath, we thank you. R'hllor who gave us day, we thank you...you... the fire in your eyes shines with the strength of the lord of light...Azor Ahai...reborn...'''said the priest filled with emotion. 

''ENOUGH OF YOUR STUPID PROPHECY, PAGAN SCUM, CONFESS YOUR SINS AND RECEIVE THE ALL MIGHTY JUDGMENT '' shouted the knight after striking with incredible force at the wooden throne which splintered.

''My lord, you have been chosen as one of R'hllor's tools, you must do your duty'' said another priest almost pleadingly.

''THE LIES OF YOUR FALSE GOD WILL NOT AFFECT ME...I will give you one chance deny your false god and proclaim my god as the one true god and you will live'' the knight shouted only to then resume a normal tone.

''How can we deny...'' the priest tried to say.

''You have rejected the kindness of god, I sentence you to death for the crimes of divination, sorcery and witchcraft...which are not tolerated by the representative of god on earth...prepare the pyre we will give you a death according to your beliefs'' said the knight getting up and leaving the area.

The red priests were tied to a stick by their necks with a tight strap and bathed in a substance. 

Before I saw how it all ended, some men in wolf skins dragged me to a tent.

Where they removed my shackles and sat me in a chair.

A few minutes later another wolf-skinned man arrived with a leather bag which he slowly opened to reveal a huge number of torture tools.

When finally the bright green eyes of the torturer fixed on me, I heard the screams of agony of the red priests as they were burned alive.


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Chill_ean_GUYcreators' thoughts