
Summary so far

I'll be watching if anyone has questions or would like me to add to this summary.


Situation in the seven kingdoms

The crown lands and the capital

The crown lands have begun to recover from the damage of the civil war.

The population of the capital has increased considerably due to the large number of migrants in search of work, which has led to declines in health and public order

The Prussian presence has begun to be tolerated by the Prussian propaganda campaign, but the attempts of the faith of the seven to continue to increase the disturbances continues

There are great differences between the Prussians in the enclave and the citizens of the city, as the Prussians have plenty of time for leisure and gold for luxuries, while the Westerosis mostly struggle to live on ends meet.

The north

Although short the period of banditry in the north is coming to an end because with the frequent Prussian patrols the roads are safer than ever before

The coexistence of North men and Prussians is extremely positive, as they share similar cultural traits

The Prussian trade conflict with the Manderlys continues to increase, but the influence of the noble house has been affected due to Prussian investments in buying land and building ports along the coast, reducing the trade flow with white harbor

The conflict of the nobles with the Prussians has slowly begun to increase due to the large numbers of villages that have become vacant due to migration to Prussian lands and Prussian compensations are not enough due to the long term damage

The vale:

Is going through one of extreme tranquility with the purged savages, the attacks have stopped, which has led to a great increase in the trade flow with the rest of the kingdom

Due to this the arryn's position has increased, giving them much more control over their territories.

A new branch of the Prussian bank is being built in gulltown.

The river lands:

The river lands continue to suffer from instability due to shortages of food and laborers

The lords are regaining control of their lands by eliminating bandits who continue to harass the merchants and other peasants who are migrating

Storm lands:

The lords were able to quickly regain control of their territories, helping to bring stability to the chaos that followed the violent looting that affected the land.

Some marriages have taken place between Prussians and members of the local lords' families to obtain extraction privileges from the forests of the area


The Dornish have had to get used to rising food costs due to the loss of their most fertile lands

Animosity with the Prussians continues to increase due to the huge cultural differences.

The wester lands

The wester lands have begun to prosper as never before due to the enormous quantities of materials being shipped to their southern neighbor, generating a steady expansion of their extractive industries

The reach

The fertile breadbasket of the seven kingdoms has prospered, with the most bountiful harvests ever seen, food security is complete and the price of food in the reach is extremely low.

Prussian construction projects have led to a complete change of the landscape, raising cities in a matter of months and ensuring many services that are necessary for city life, has resulted in almost half of the population of the reach residing in cities along the mander.

Ashford is the Prussian industrial center where tons of ores are processed into materials for further construction.

The state religion continues to gain adherents

Law and order in the territory remains stable, although there is a new wave of unrest by religious fanatics who are becoming more radical.

Even with the huge profit margins on Prussian product sales, Prussian finances are constantly in the red due to the import of huge quantities of raw materials, the use of the Prussian banking system to obtain loans at very low interest rates is an integral part of Prussian long-term plans.

The iron isles

Status quo



small summary:the free cities follow an oligarchic republic regime, except norvos, which is a theocracy with a subservient oligarchic republican body.

the military system of the cities is similar with an elite corps operating within the areas of influence of the politicians, slaves trained from birth, unsullied, religious orders of Norvos, water dancers of bravos

most of the armies of the free cities are composed of mercenaries from all parts of the known world who travel in the hope of becoming wealthy.

the Dothraki are a frequent threat but constantly varying in danger as the power of the horse lords frequently changes or large groups prefer to attack other areas.

the Prussian mercenaries:

A group composed of all cultures and subcultures of the kingdom of Prussia.

 Including the knights of the house of Ruppin who due to constant attempts to spread their blessing among their subjects have become the group with the strongest knights almost comparable to the Teutonic order.

New and old Finns, a small group of Finns from Europe and their new group of recruits drawn from the vale and skagos who seek to take advantage of the bloodshed of essos to train and desensitize their new brethren.

A young group of Prussian officers who were chosen by Friedrich von Roon to train Lothar's forces when he needed to obtain more soldiers and charged with overseeing the use of experimental weapons. 

Old Herzog Helmuth's gift to his former friend and protégé, a group of his best horsemen from the east to support Lothar in his hard battle.

The entire mercenary company has access to horses.

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Chill_ean_GUYcreators' thoughts